Title: The Sustainable State2009
1The Sustainable State-2009
Ken Perdue-Staples
Waste Less Spend Less
2Late 60s Early 70sEarly National
Anti-Pollution Campaigns
Iron Eyes Cody Pollution hurts all of us
Woodsy Owl Give a hoot dont pollute
3Consequences of Cradle to Grave
Love Canal
EPA Superfund
Three Mile Island
Fox River Valley
4Late 70s Early 80sCradle to Grave Approach
Landfill, incineration
Manufacturing, production, distribution, use
5Executive Order Environmentally Preferable
- Environmentally preferred products and services
that have a lesser or reduced effect on human
health and the environment when compared with
competing products or services that serve the
same purpose. - Executive Order 12873 of 1993, Federal
Acquisition, Recycling and Waste Prevention
6Our Obligation
- Understand sustainability and the intent of the
green movement - Define sustainability in universally accepted
terms - Operate within those sustainable standards
- Promote clarity of products and the process of
sustainability - Sustainable Audits
7Our Obligation
- Understand sustainability and the intent of the
green movement - Define sustainability in universally accepted
terms - Operate within those sustainable standards
- Promote clarity of products and the process of
sustainability - Sustainable Audits
8Sustainable FormulaWate Le/pend Le
- Sustainability
- Green
- Fiscal Responsibility
- OR
- Sustainability
- (People Planet)
- (Performance, Price Process)
9Sustainable FormulaWaste Less/pend Less
- Sustainability
- Green
- Fiscal Responsibility
- OR
- Sustainability
- (People Planet)
- (Performance, Price Process)
10ustainable Drivers of Change-Economic
- Copy Paper
- Toner
- Hewlett Packard
- Cartridge King of KS
- Writing Instruments
- Envision Liners
- Ordering Process
- Deliveries
- Staples EcoEasy
11ustainable Drivers of Change-Economic
- Copy Paper
- Duplex
- Recycled
- Toner
- Hewlett Packard
- Recycled Story
- Energy Efficient Equipment
- Cartridge King of KS
12ustainable Drivers of Change-Economic
- Writing Instruments
- Refills
- Reduce Petroleum
- Envision Liners-Right Size
13ustainable Drivers of Change-Economic
- Staples EcoEasy
- Ordering Process
- Vendor Consolidation
- Internet Ordering
- Average Order Size
- Deliveries
- Eco Breakroom Supplies
- Sustainable Chemicals
14State Use PartnersWaste Less/Spend Less
- Cartridge King of KS
- Remanufactured Inkjet Cartridges
- Remanufactured Laser Cartridges
- Hewlett Packard
- Ketch
- Recycled Binders
- Envision
- Eco Degradable Liners
- Totally Recycled Liners
15Cradle to Cradle or Sustainable Approach
16Late 70s Early 80sCradle to Grave Approach
Landfill, incineration
Manufacturing, production, distribution, use
17Cradle to Cradle or Sustainable Approach
18Sustainable Formula
- Sustainability
- Green
- Fiscal Responsibility
- OR
- Sustainability
- (People Planet)
- (Performance, Price Process)