Title: Dr' Gus Koehler
1Dr. Gus Koehler
- Dr. Gus Koehler (Principal Consultant) Time
Structures - Adjunct Faculty (Regional and Economic
Development) at the University of Southern
California. - Time Structures Focuses on Temporal (Time) Issues
Associated with Business and Policy Development
and Implementation. - Consulting Areas
- Planning for Transport Systems to the European
Union - Computer Public Policy Simulations to RAND
- California Legislatures Joint Committee for
Preparing California for the 21st Century. - NSF grant to Develop a Computer Simulation on the
Timing of Public Policy Interventions and the
Affects on Industry Clusters.
- California Redevelopment Association provides
policy research and legislative advocacy support. - Former Director of Community Colleges Economic
Development Program - led a successful statewide legislative effort to
reauthorize the program, receiving unanimous
approval from both Houses and the Governor. - Created ten initiatives to directly address
workforce and economic development training
concerns, the transferring of technology to
business, business development services, and
international trade. - Developed and Implemented a performance reporting
system, including ROI and C/B analysis of
- Senior Policy Analyst with the California
Research Bureau - Conducted Policy Research for the California
State Legislature - The Governor and other elected officials.
- His research responsibilities included
identifying and evaluating state economic
development issues and recommending strategies to
address them. - 27 years in government service in such as areas
as disaster response and management, consumer
protection, and health services.
4Technical Advisor and Author
- Provided Technical Advice
- California Economic Development Strategy Panel,
- Senate Select Committee on Economic Development
- California Council on Science and Technology
- The Workforce Investment Boards Small Business
Advisory Committee - The Legislative Internet Caucus
- The Assembly Standing Committee on Jobs, Economic
Development and the Economy - Member of the Council of Economic Advisors to the
Workforce Investment Board. - Prepared public policy reports on
- Biotechnology, Californias foreign trade policy,
bio-industry, small manufacturing, business
networks, and California economic development. - Received a Small Business Administration Vision
2000 award for his research on early-stage
venture capital investment. - Written over 100 Academic Articles and Studies
- Presented Papers and Speeches to various
government, academic and private sector
organizations. - Ph.D. in Political Science and Sociology,
University of California at Davis.
5Connections Make All The Difference
- Gus Koehler
- Time Structures
- Sacramento, CA
- 916-564-8683
- rhythm3_at_earthlink.net
6- The Problem
- A disconnect between the velocity of government
and its capacity to envision and manage complex
regulatory and programmatic interventions, and
the velocity of the regulated sector, producing
unexpected future outcomes. - The Solution
- Ideally, adaptive Governance permits government
to pattern an intervention to match the velocity
of a regulated sector thereby achieving a desired
future goal.
7Global Competition Factors Affecting Firms and
- Trained, productive labor
- Faster technology churn
- Rapid product development
- Price and quality competition
- Protection or invasion of markets
- Information technology
- Flexible strategies
- Global alliances and networks
- Global availability of talent
- Increased innovation globally
- Converging competitive advantage of high-tech
regions - Global adoption of Information and Communications
technology - Regional independence conditioned multinational
corporations, new forms of business networking
and associated global distribution systems.
8 Californias Six-Surge Economy
Vietnam Warend
Civil War
9Velocity of Government Policy Time
- 6 months to 2 years for an issue to become
politically visible - 10-20 minutes to advocate concept to Legislator
or staff - 1-2 years to complete legislative process
- Urgency bill 9 months
- 10 days to 6 months for emergency regulations
- 1-2 years for non-emergency regulations
- 1-2 years to design and staff or seriously change
existing government programs - 6 months to 1 year to make and refine policy
initiatives based on field experience - Litigation of various time (years)
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11Nodes, Hubs, And Links
Hub a point with multiple links to many nodes
(airport hub).
Node a pointperson at a party for
examplehaving about The same number of links to
another (road map)
Links The higher the Connectivity The less the
distance, the faster the Dispersion of
information, ideas, products
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14Government Nodes and Links
15Government Hub
16Percolation And Links
50 Connectivity makes Networks grow like a
Forest fire. Think ideas, information, and
17SE Bakersfield Enterprise Zone
19Connections Summary
- Government is a hierarchy of nodes. It is rigid,
suitable for mass production - Economic Development services are resources,
ideas and information nodes connected by hubs.
They are rhizomic like industry - New industry clusters are new connections and
rapidly disseminated information, resources,
products (percolating) - Interlocking policy and management networks
create hubs that keep the network productive and
reduces vulnerability to failure particularly if
percolation is encouraged.