Title: Emerging Issues in Special Education 1204
1Emerging Issues in Special Education (12/04)
- Stefan Rosenzweig, Scholar in Residence,
CLMER,CSULB srosenzw_at_csulb.edu
2Misclassification Retarded
- Diana v. California Bd. Of Education (U.S.Dist.
Ct. N.D. of Ca. 1970) Linguistic Bias
Mexican-American Spanish Speaking students
diagnosed with English IQ tests over represented
in classes for the educable mentally retarded
(EMR) throughout California. Tests and EMR
curriculum not reflective of students culture or
language. Suit settled by state It is the
intent of the State Board of Education that all
children who came from homes in which the primary
spoken language is other than English shall be
interviewed, and examined, both in English and in
the primary language used in his home. The
examiner should take cognizance of the childs
differential language facility. Any assessment of
the childs intellectual functioning should be
made on the basis of the spoken language most
familiar to the child. In determining the
intellectual functioning of a child whose primary
language is other than English, it is recommended
that the examiner utilize more than one
instrument and include, tests with performance
3Misclassification Retarded
- Larry P. v. Riles,495 F. Supp.926 (U.S. Dist. Ct.
N.D., Ca 1979), Racial and Cultural Bias Judge
Robert Peckham reviews history of IQ testing and
finds its historical linkage to genetic notions
of racial differences in intelligence. Holds that
standardized intelligence tests are racially and
culturally biased, have a discriminatory impact
against black children, and have not been
validated for the purpose of essentially
permanent placements of black children into
educationally dead-end classes for the so-called
educable mentally retarded. - Prohibition on IQ testing on African-American
school children still enforced by CA Dept of
Education. -
4High Stakes Testing
Stereotype threat and test performance. My
research, and that of my colleagues, has isolated
a factor that can depress the standardized test
performance of minority students--a factor we
call stereotype threat. This refers to the
experience of being in a situation where one
recognizes that a negative stereotype about one's
group is applicable to oneself. When this
happens, one knows that one could be judged or
treated in terms of that stereotype, or that one
could inadvertently do something that would
confirm it. In situations where one cares very
much about one's performance or related
outcomes--as in the case of serious students
taking the SAT--this threat of being negatively
stereotyped can be upsetting and distracting. Our
research confirms that when this threat occurs in
the midst of taking a high stakes standardized
test, it directly interferes with performance.
- Current Research
- Claude M.Steele, Chair, Dept.of Psychology,
Stanford U.
5- William C. Kidder, Does the LSAT Mirror or
Magnify Racial and Ethnic Differences in
Educational Attainment? A Study of Equally
Achieving Elite College Students,89 Cal.
L.Rev.1095 (2001) - Racial gap of LSAT scores of white students,
compared to students of color, significantly
greater than GPAs for similarly situated college
6California High School Exit Examination (CAHSEE),
- The primary purpose of the California High
School Exit Examination (CAHSEE) is to
significantly improve pupil achievement in public
high schools and to ensure that pupils who
graduate from public high schools can demonstrate
grade level competency in reading, writing, and
mathematics. The CAHSEE helps identify students
who are not developing skills that are essential
for life after high school and encourages
districts to give these students the attention
and resources needed to help them achieve these
skills during their high school years. Beginning
in the 2005-2006 school year, no student will
receive a public high school diploma without
having passed the CAHSEE, as well as having met
the districts requirements for graduation - In addition,theCAHSEE will continue to be
used in calculating the Academic Performance
Index for state accountability purposes and
Adequate Yearly Progress to meet federal No Child
Left Behind requirements.
7Center on Education Policy, State High School
Exit Exams, A Baseline Report, (August
- Advocates say these exams will motivate students
to work harder and help teachers identify and
address student weaknesses. Critics contend,
however, that these tests lead to higher dropout
rates, place too much weight on a single
imperfect measure, and do nothing to ensure that
students have an opportunity to learn the
material being tested. - Federal and state laws now require students
with disabilities and English language learners
to have access to the general curriculum,
whenever appropriate and to be included in state
assessmentsStates and school districts must also
offer testing accommodations, where necessary ,
to such students. For some of these students
a conventional exit exam may not be a valid
measure of what they know and can do. It is
particularly critical that these students have
alternate routes for demonstrating mastery in
other words, multiple measures for high-stakes
graduation decisions.
8Proving Discrimination
- Statutory (Title VI)
- Different Treatment
- Disparate Impact (? Unclear whether is still good
law and are questions as to who can raise
argument?) - Statistically significant disproportionate
adverse effect - Educationally necessity or justification
- Equally effective alternative practice.
9Proving Discrimination (cont.)
- Constitution (Due Process/Equal Protection)
- Procedural Notice and an opportunity to be heard
before the state deprives citizens of a protected
interest. - Substantive Some rights are so profoundly
inherent in American justice that they cannot be
limited or deprived arbitrarily. - Property Interest in Diploma both procedural and
substantive Due Process implicated. - Notice and an opportunity to learn
- Three issues
- Purpose of program legitimate?
- Have students received adequate notice?
- Is test aligned with instruction?
10GI Forum v. Texas Education Agency, 87 F.Supp.667
(W.D.Tex. 2000)
- ,the Court has been required to apply a body of
law that has not always provided clear guidance,
It is clear that the law requires courts to give
deference to state legislative policy,in the
educational context such deference is even more
warranted, see San Antonio Indep. Sch,. Dist. v.
Rodriquez, 411 U.S. 1 (1973). Education is the
particular responsibility of state governments.
Moreover, courts do not have the expertise, or
the mandate of the electorate, that would justify
unwarranted intrusion in curricular decisions. - Court distinguishes leading case, Debra P. v.
Turlington, 664 F.2d 397 (5th Cir. 1981)
11GI Forum holdings
- Title VI regulations not violated
- While the TAAS test does adversely affect
minority students in significant numbers, the TEA
has demonstrated an educational necessity for the
test, and the Plaintiffs have failed to offer
equally effective alternativesthat could
sufficiently motivate students to perform
students to perform to their highest ability.In
addition, and perhaps more importantly, the
present use of the TAAS test motivates schools
and teachers to provide an adequate and fair
education, at least of the minimum skills
required by the State,to all students. - Constitution not violated
- In addition, the Court concludes that the TAAS
test violates neither the procedural nor the
substantive due process rights of the Plaintiffs.
The TEA has provided adequate notice of the
consequences of the exam and has ensured that the
exam is strongly correlated to material actually
taught in the classroom. In addition, the test is
valid and in keeping with current educational
norms. Finally, the test does not perpetuate
prior educational discrimination or unfairly hold
Texas minority students accountable for the
failures of the States educational system.
Instead, the test seeks to identify inequities
and to address them. It is not for this Court to
determine whether Texas has chosen the best of
all possible means for achieving these goals. The
system is not perfect, but the Court cannot say
that it is unconstitutional.
12Special Populations
- Students with Disabilities
- Chapman v. CDE (U.S. Dist Ct, N.D.CA)
- Challenge by learning disabled students to CAHSEE
- Holding that First, it appears that the IDEA
requires school districts to permit students to
take the CAHSEE with appropriate accommodations.
Second, under the IDEA it appears that the State
must provide an alternate assessment to the
CAHSEE to students who are unable to access the
test due to a learning disability.
13Special Populations (cont.)
- Limited English Proficient/English Language
Learners - No legal precedents to date.
- Big issue Is the test valid is it measuring
academic knowledge and skills or English skills?
- Tests in primary language are rare. Translations
questionable. - Testing accommodations may not be allowed and
even if allowed may be ineffective. - Accommodations might include
- Extra time, timing/scheduling, setting,
presentation or response, use of dictionaries,
14Alexander v. Sandoval, 532 U.S.275
(2001),S.2088 The Fairness Act,Civil Rights Act
of 2004
- Sandoval Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of
1964 prohibits federally funded programs (most
schools, districts,colleges) from discriminating
on the basis of race,color or national origin. In
Sandoval the U.S. Supreme Court held that Title
VI does not permit individuals to sue to stop
practices that appear neutral on their face but
have the effect of discriminating. (disparate
impact). Only the U.S. Government can file such
suits. Individual suits will only be entertained
if the plaintiffs can prove intentional
discrimination. - The ruling has been extended to gender
discrimination under Title IX - The Fairness Act has been introduced into
Congress to overrule Sandoval and to remedy
several other issues of concern regarding civil
rights. See http//www.civilrights.org.