Title: NISO Circulation Interchange Protocol
1NISO Circulation Interchange Protocol
- A Standard in Development
- Pat Stevens, OCLC
- July 13, 2000
- Background
- Work to date
- Approach
- Progress
- Challenges
3What Do Users Want?
- Simple access
- Reliable, fast delivery
- I.e., services like Amazon.com
4More Specifically...
- Easy, powerful, one-stop search and find
- Request requiring minimal keying
- Ability to track request (e.g. UPS)
- Guaranteed, fast delivery
- Integrated management of their loans (from local
collection and outside)
5Make it Easy! (example)
- John Smith - items charged
- British Art in the 20th Century Due
8/15/00 - borrowed from local collection
- Bradshaw, T. Bloomsbury Artists Due 7/30/00
- requested and borrowed directly from
consortial partner - Holroyd, M. The Art of Dora Carrington Due
7/15/00 - not in local collection or consortium
borrowed from - unaffiliated library via traditional ILL
- Gombrich, E. History of Art Due 7/10/00 1000
pm - E-book, charged for use online
6New Supply Models
Local Library
7Vendors Systems - potential uses of protocol
ILS/ Circ Sys
ILS/ Circ Sys
ILS/ Circ Sys
ILS/ Circ Sys
Self Service
8The Standard and Scope
- A repertoire of messages associated rules of
syntax and semantics - Between and among computer-based applications
- to effect circulation
- to support controlled access to certain
electronic resources or other library services - Not to define circulation functions
9Supports 3 application areas
- Direct consortial borrowing
- Circulation/Interlibrary Loan Interaction
- Self-service Circulation
- The standards test bed
- It must support these, may support others
10Standards environment
- 3M Standard Interchange Protocol
- ISO 8459-41997 Bibliographic Data Element
Directory Part 4 Circulation Application - ISO 10160/61 Interlibrary Loan Application
Service Definition Protocol Specification - ANSI/NISO Z39.50-1995 Information Retrieval
Application Service Definition and Protocol (ISO
113M SIP
- De facto standard for self checkout
- Extended to support other functions
- Allows the committee to build from a base of
practical applications - 3M and other vendors experienced with the SIP are
active participants
12A Goal -- as possible
- Use existing definitions and terminology
- Permit developers to meld standards into a single
13Technical Assumptions and Design Principles
- Keep it simple and within purpose
- Confirmed Service -- Pairs of messages
- Initiation -- response pairs
- Each message carries full context necessary for
processing - Requires connection-oriented transport
- Simple State Table
- governs messaging not circulation
14Message Syntax, Transport Protocol and Encoding
- Message Syntax and Encoding
- Syntax -- XML DTD
- Message encoding -- XML following DTD
- Transport
- To be decided at August, 2000 meeting
- Directly on top of TCP/IP
- Wrapped in another protocol
153 Service Types
- Lookup tell me something about
- Update please take an action
- Notification I have taken an action
- about 3 things (objects)
- Users
- Items
- Agencies (Libraries)
17Lookup Services
- Lookup
- Lookup Agency
- Lookup Item
- Lookup User
- Authenticate User
- Not Authorize User
- Authorization request implicit in an update
- Lookups require a Unique ID
18Lookup Response
- Did not Understand Message
- Understood Message
- Cannot Supply Information and Reason
- Can Supply and the Information
19Unique IDs
- Agency IDs
- Registration scheme
- Value in Scheme
- Example OCLC and OCLC Symbol
- User ID and Item ID are compound
- Include the Agency ID
20Update Services
- CheckOut Item and Undo Checkout Item
- CheckIn Item
- Recall Item and Cancel Recall Item
- Renew Item and Cancel Renew Item
- Request Item and Request Item
- Send User Notice
- Typical Circulation Transactions
21Update Services continued
- Create Agency and Update Agency
- Create Item and Update Item
- Create User and Update User
- Update User Fiscal Account
- Create Services used for new objects
- Update Services include modify and delete
22Update Responses
- Did Not Understand Message
- Understood Message
- Cannot take Action Requested with Reason
- Did Take Action
- Response includes information on action taken,
- Examples Due Date, Item or User ID
23Notification Services
- Item CheckedOut
- Item Checked In
- Item Recalled and Item Recalled Cancelled
- Item Renewed and Item Renewed Cancelled
- Item Requested
- User Fiscal Account Updated
- User Notice Sent
24Notification Service ...
- Agency Created and Agency Updated
- Item Created and Item Updated
- User Created and User Updated
25Notification Service Response
- Did not understand message
- Understood message
26Messages defined in a DTD
- Each service has 2 messages
- Initiation and Response
- All messages have
- Header and Body
- Header provides identifying information
- Body provides details
- Extensibility a goal
27Checkout Message
ltNCIPMessagesgt ltCheckOutItemgt
ltInitiationHeadergt ltFromSystemIDgtdatalt/FromSys
temIDgt ltFromSystemAuthenticationgtdatalt/
FromSystemAuthenticationgt ltFromAgencyIDgtdatalt/
FromAgencyIDgt ltFromAgencyAuthenticationgtdatalt/
FromAgencyAuthenticationgt ltToSystemIDgtdatalt/To
SystemIDgt ltToAgencyIDgtdatalt/ToAgencyIDgt
lt/InitiationHeadergt ltAuthenticationValuegt
ltOrdinalgtdatalt/Ordinalgt ltAuthenticationInputgt
datalt/AuthenticationInputgt lt/AuthenticationValue
28Checkout Message continued
ltUniqueUserIDgt ltUniqueAgencyIDgt
ltSchemegtdatalt/Schemegt ltValuegtdatalt/Valuegt
lt/UniqueAgencyIDgt ltValuegtdatalt/Valuegt lt/UniqueUs
erIDgt ltUniqueItemIDgt ltUniqueAgencyIDgt
ltSchemegtdatalt/Schemegt ltValuegtdatalt/Valuegt lt/U
niqueAgencyIDgt ltValuegtdatalt/Valuegt lt/UniqueItemI
29Checkout Message continued
ltUserElementIdgt ltUserElementNamegtdatalt/UserElem
entNamegt ltUserLookUpTypegtdataltUserLookUpTypegt lt
/UserElementIDgt ltItemElementIdgt
ltUserLookUpTypegtdataltUserLookUpTypegt lt/ItemElement
30Checkout Message continued
ltFeeAmountAcknowledgedgt ltCurrencyCodegt
ltValuegtdatalt/Valuegt lt/CurrencyCodegt
lt/FeeAmountAcknowledgedgt lt/CheckOutItemgt lt/NCIPM
- GOAL -- Draft Standard for Trial Use
- Allow for implementations prior to ballot
- Identify early implementers
- Implementers invited to August meeting
- Develop tests
- Message level testing
- Application level testing
- DSFTU - August 2000
32Structure of standard
- Protocol services, high-level objects, message
state - Cross Application profile specifies encoding
via XML schema for - messages, data objects, transport
- 3 Application-specific profiles
- Self-Service, Direct Consortial Borrowing, ILL to
- Allowing for local practice
- Within libraries and consortia
- Allowing for international use
- Moving target
- Technology
- Library practice
- Allowing for new applications