Title: Constraints on cosmological parameters from the 6dF Galaxy Survey
1Constraints on cosmological parameters from the
6dF Galaxy Survey
- Matthew Colless
- 6dFGS Workshop
- 11 July 2003
2What can the 6dFGS tell us?
- Strong constraints on cosmological parameters
result from combining the wide range of existing
datasets 2dFGRS/SDSS, WMAP, distant SNe, Lyman ?
forest, weak lensing - Given this plethora of data, what can the 6dFGS
add? - Specifically, what advantage does the combination
of redshift and peculiar velocity information
give? - The answers presented here are based on
- Prospects for galaxy-mass relations from the
6dF Galaxy Redshift Peculiar Velocity survey
Dan Burkey Andy Taylor
3z-surveys and v-surveys
- Galaxy redshift surveys simple, quick and easy
(ha!) so can be very large, but - unknown bias linking galaxies to the matter
distribution - z-space distortion mixes Hubble expansion and
peculiar velocities (both positive and negative
consequences). - Peculiar velocity surveys are the best way to map
the matter distribution, but - measuring vs is difficult and time-consuming
- only works nearby, so surveys must cover large
areas - hence v-surveys are generally small (1000
objects), or eclectic compilations of different
samples and methods.
4The 6dF Galaxy Survey
- The 6dFGS is designed to be the first of a new
generation of combined zv-surveys, combining - A NIR-selected redshift survey of the local
universe. - A peculiar velocity survey using Dn-?
distances. - Survey strategy
- survey whole southern sky with bgt10
- primary z-survey sample 2MASS galaxies to
Ktotlt12.75 - (secondary samples Hlt13, Jlt13.75, rlt15.7, blt17)
- (additional samples sources from radio, X-ray,
IRAS) - v-survey sample 15,000 brightest early-type
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7The Fisher information matrix
- The information in a survey of a random field
?(r) parameterised by ? if the field is
Gaussian, then - where the power spectrum P is defined by
- and the effective volume of the survey is
- The covariance of the discretely sampled field is
- For P(k) the uncertainty is
(Fisher matrix)
8Properties of the Fisher matrix
- The Fisher matrix, F,
- has the conditional error for a parameter on its
diagonal - gives the marginalized error for the ith
parameter as - gives the correlation between measured parameters
as - the variance in maximum likelihood (minimum
variance) parameter estimates is the marginalized
error from F. - for multiple fields, the covariance matrices of
each can be combined to give a joint Fisher
9Application to surveys
- Burkey Taylor use the Fisher matrix methods to
estimate the uncertainties in estimating
cosmological parameters from z- and v-surveys and
zv-surveys. - The fields are the z-space density perturbations
and the radial gradient of the radial peculiar
velocities. - The auto- and cross-power spectra of these fields
are specified by the matter power spectrum
Pmm(k), the bias parameter b?Pgg/PmmbL2??2/Pmm,
the linear redshift-space distortion parameter
???0.6/b, the Hubble constant H0.
10Parameters of model
- The cosmological parameters used to specify the
cosmological model are - the amplitude of the galaxy power spectrum, Ag
b Am - the power spectrum shape parameter, ? ?mh
- the redshift-space distortion parameter, ? ?
?0.6/b - the mass density in baryons, ?b (or ?b ?bh2)
- the correlation between luminous and dark matter,
rg - Parameters not considered are
- the index of the primordial mass spectrum, n (
-1) - the small-scale pairwise velocity dispersion, ?v
11Parameters of survey
- The parameters of the survey itself enter through
the noise terms - the level of shot noise is determined by the
number density of galaxies, ng(r), in the z- and
v-surveys - the fractional error in the Dn-s relation
determines the precision of the peculiar
velocities. - For the z-survey the operational parameters are
sky coverage, fsky sampling fraction, a median
depth rm - For the v-survey the operational parameters are
the equivalent set plus s0
12Optimal z-survey design
- BT first employ this machinery to determine the
depth of a redshift survey that minimizes the
error in Ag in fixed time.
- Other things being equal, want largest possible
fsky - If Klim? 5 log rm - 0.255 optimum hemisphere
survey has Klim11.8, a0.7, rm 255 Mpc/h - Compare with 6dFGS, which has Klim12.75, alt0.9,
rm150 Mpc/h
13Recovered power spectrum
Effective volume
Linear PS for optimal survey, ?lnk0.5 bands
shot noise/mode
14Parameter degeneracies
- Degeneracies can be seen by comparing derivatives
of the PS w.r.t. the various parameters. - Similar curves mean almost degenerate parameters.
- Ag, ?, and rg are all constant and so
degenerate. - ? and ?b are also similar (both relate to damping
of the PS) the effective shape is ?eff
15Density field parameters - 1
- Models with Ag, ?, ?
- At kmax0.2 h/Mpc (limit set by non-linear
clustering) the uncertainties are 2-3 on all
three parameters. - Correlations are
- very strong between ? and ? (a change in
amplitude can be mimicked by a change in scale) - moderate between Ag and ?, with Ag?Am?m0.6.
Fractional marginalized uncertainties
Maximum wavenumber (k/h Mpc-1)
16Density field parameters - 2
- Models with Ag, ?, ?, rg
- Ag, ? are unaffected (errors of 2-3), but
uncertainties on ?, rg are much larger (35) - This is due to the strong correlation between ?
and rg, which results because both parameters
affect the normalization of the galaxy PS
Fractional marginalized uncertainties
17Peculiar velocity power spectrum
- Expected 6dFGS 3D velocity PS, ?lnk0.5 bands
(effective volume) - Larger errors reflect smaller size of survey and
1D peculiar velocities - Effective volume for each mode is also shown
18Optimal v-survey design
- Optimal survey minimizes the error in Av in
given time - For various fixed fsky, the figure shows the
error in Av in terms of the single free
parameter, the degenerate variable ?0/?1/2.
fsky 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00
20 distances from Dn-?
- Distance errors dominate, and need to be
minimized. - Sampling should be as complete as possible.
- Large sky fractions help, but dont gain
linearly. - The 6dFGS v-survey should give Av to about 25.
19Velocity field parameters
- Models with Av, ?.
- At kmax0.2 h/Mpc (limit set by non-linear
clustering) the uncertainties are 25 on both
parameters. - Av and ? are strongly anti-correlated
(change in normalization can be mimicked by a
shift in scale).
Fractional marginalized uncertainties
20Joint zv-survey constraints - 1
- Combine z- and v-survey data and estimate joint
constraints from overall Fisher matrix. - For models with Ag, ?, ? the errors are still
2-3 in all three. - This is very similar to z-survey, as v-survey
does not break the main Ag-? degeneracy.
z-only zv
1? contours on pairs of parameters
21Joint zv-survey constraints - 2
- For models with Ag, ?, ?, rg the errors are still
2-3 in the first three, but lt2 in rg. - Ag, ? are unchanged by v-survey and ? has
degraded slightly (due to residual correlation
with rg). - The v-survey greatly improves the joint
constraint on ? and rg, which are now only
relatively weakly correlated.
z-only zv
1? contours on pairs of parameters
22Scale constraints on rg and b
- Do the bias or the galaxy/mass correlation vary
with scale? - Figure shows errors on band estimates of rg and b
(each assuming the other is fixed).
Errors in bands (bands shown by dots)
- If b is fixed, variations in rg can be measured
at 5-10 level. - If rg is fixed, variations in b can be measured
at the few level over a wide range of scales.
- In terms of constraining cosmological parameters,
the major advantage of the 6dFGS is combining the
redshift and peculiar velocity surveys to - Break the degeneracy between the redshift-space
distortion parameter ??0.6/b and the galaxy-mass
correlation parameter rg. - Measure the four parameters Ag, ?, ? and rg with
precisions of between 1 and 3. - Measure the variation of rg and b with scale to
within a few over a wide range of scales.