Title: Testing Alignment
1Testing Alignment
Proposing Persuading
- Style Workshop 2
- Testing Alignment
- Alignment Problem
- Unsolicited Proposals
3Style Workshop 2
- In recent years, the appearance of new
interpretations about the meaning of the
discovery of America has led to a reassessment of
Columbuss place in Western history.
5Original Analyzed
- In recent years,
- the appearance of new interpretations about the
meaning of the discovery of America - has led to
- a reassessment of Columbuss place in Western
6Original Diagrammed
New interpretations of discovery
7Who done it, Part I
The appearance of
8Who done it, Part II
a reassessment of
- In recent years, historians have considered new
interpretations of the discovery of America and
as a result reevaluated the impact Christopher
Columbus had on Western history.
- In recent years, historians have reinterpreted
the discovery of America, and consequently have
reassessed Columbuss place in Western history.
- Historians recently adopted a new theory
regarding the discovery of America, which has led
them to reassess Columbuss place in Western
- Historians have reassessed Columbuss place in
Western History following recent revelations on
the meaning of Americas discovery.
- Columbus's role in Western history has recently
been reassessed due to newly released
interpretations about the discovery of America.
14Testing Alignment
15Proper Alignment
16Alignment of Current Desired Situation
Desired Situation
Current Situation
Benefits a b c
Effects a b c
17Stage 1
- Current Designing a compelling and engaging user
experience is increasingly challenging as more
and more people access the Internet through a
wireless device. - Desired Participants in this tutorial will gain
an overall understanding of the basic principles
of multi-channel information design.
18Testing Alignment
- Design challenge
- reversed by
- understanding basic principles?
Not Really!
19Exploring the FixExamine the Method
- Participants will
- learn the major issues impacting wireless
design - analyze web designs .
- create user scenarios
- diagram interactions
- storyboard ideas
20Solution Rearticulate the desired
- Designing a compelling and engaging user
experience is increasingly challenging as more
and more people access the Internet through a
wireless device. - Participants in this tutorial will walk through
the process of multi-channel information design.
- Design challenge
- reversed by
- walk-thru of process?
22Alignment Fixes
- Design Challenge
- A problem requiring a plan
- Learn principles
- an insight solution
- Walk-thru process
- A plan solution
23Alignment of Effects Benefits
Desired Situation
Current Situation
Benefits a b c
Effects a b c
24Stage 2
- Effects To an information designer, this means
identifying the unique needs of the wireless user
and scaling a web site to be useful and usable
from a wireless device - Benefits After attending this tutorial,
participants will be able to transform a web
information design to a wireless information
25Testing Alignment
- Effect A unique needs
- Effect B scale a web site
- aligned with
- Transformed web design?
Not Really!
26Solution Break down benefits
- To an information designer, this means
identifying the unique needs of the wireless user
and scaling a web site to be useful and usable
from a wireless device - In this tutorial, participants will learn to
produce an information design that responds to
the unique needs of wireless users and is
appropriately scaled for wireless devices.
- Effect A unique needs
- Effect B scale
- aligned with
- Benefit A responds to the unique needs of
wireless users - Benefit B is appropriately scaled for wireless
28Alignment of Deliverables with Transformation
Desired Situation
Current Situation
Benefits a b c
Effects a b c
29Stage 3
- 1. learn the major design and usability issues
impacting wireless design - 2. analyze web information designs for potential
wireless solutions - 3. create user scenarios to identify
channel-specific user needs and content - 4. diagram channel-specific interactions
- 5. storyboard ideas as a means of rapid
30Testing Alignment
- Method 1 learn the major design and usability
issues impacting wireless design - lead to
- Benefit In this tutorial, participants will
learn to produce an information design that
responds to the unique needs of wireless users
and is appropriately scaled for wireless devices?
Not Really!
31Re- Alignment
learn the major design and usability issues
impacting wireless design
- Deliverable 1 learn the major scalabity issues
impacting wireless design - aligned with
- Benefit In this tutorial, participants will
learn to produce an information design that
responds to the unique needs of wireless users
and is appropriately scaled for wireless devices.
32Testing Alignment
- Method 2 analyze web information designs for
potential wireless solutions - lead to
- Benefit In this tutorial, participants will
learn to produce an information design that
responds to the unique needs of wireless users
and is appropriately scaled for wireless devices?
Not Really!
33Re- Alignment
analyze web information designs for potential
wireless solutions
- Deliverable 2 analyze web information designs
for appropriately scaled wireless solutions - aligned with
- Benefit In this tutorial, participants will
learn to produce an information design that
responds to the unique needs of wireless users
and is appropriately scaled for wireless devices.
34Testing Alignment
- Method 3 create user scenarios to identify
channel-specific user needs and content - lead to
- Benefit In this tutorial, participants will
learn to produce an information design that
responds to the unique needs of wireless users
and is appropriately scaled for wireless devices?
35Re- Alignment
create user scenarios to identify
channel-specific user needs content
- Deliverable 3 create user scenarios to identify
wireless user needs and content - aligned with
- Benefit In this tutorial, participants will
learn to produce an information design that
responds to the unique needs of wireless users
and is appropriately scaled for wireless devices.
36Testing Alignment
- Method 4 diagram channel-specific interactions
- lead to
- Benefit In this tutorial, participants will
learn to produce an information design that
responds to the unique needs of wireless users
and is appropriately scaled for wireless devices?
37Re- Alignment
diagram channel-specific interactions
- Deliverable 4 design wireless interactions
- aligned with
- Benefit In this tutorial, participants will
learn to produce an information design that
responds to the unique needs of wireless users
and is appropriately scaled for wireless devices.
38Testing Alignment
- Method 5 storyboard ideas as a means of rapid
prototyping - lead to
- Benefit In this tutorial, participants will
learn to produce an information design that
responds to the unique needs of wireless users
and is appropriately scaled for wireless devices.
Not at all!
39Re- Alignment
storyboard ideas as a means of rapid prototyping
- Deliverable 5 storyboard wireless interactions
- aligned with
- Benefit In this tutorial, participants will
learn to produce an information design that
responds to the unique needs of wireless users
and is appropriately scaled for wireless devices.
40Overall Points
- Realignments Cascade
- Get Current Desired aligned
- Get Effects Benefits aligned
- Get Methods and Benefits aligned
- Realignments have real consequences
41Alignment Problem
- Read your partners conference proposal draft and
test the alignment of - Current Desired
- Effects Benefits
- Methods and Benefits
- Discuss possible realignments