Title: Single Particle Motion
1Single Particle Motion
Reading Chaps 3 5
Want to be great athletes? Study aerosol science
engineering because you surely need to know how
to control particle movement in the air!
2- Newtons Resistance Law The force is proportional
to the gas pushed away and the relative velocity
between the sphere and the gas (negligible
viscous force)
CD 0.44 (sphere) for 103 lt Rep lt 2105
Delivery van 0.04 Sports car 1.0 Airplane 0.
- Reynolds Number ratio of inertial forces to
frictional forces (Chap.2.5)
For a spherical particle, L dp,
Q Choose a combination of dp and V when the
Newtons Law can be applied.
3- Stokes Law negligible inertial force compared
to viscous force (Rep lt 1) in a laminar flow for
a spherical particle
Q How does FD change wrt V and dp in the laminar
regime? Q Under what scenario will you expect to
apply Newtons law instead of Stokes Law?
Q How does CD change wrt Re from 10-3 to 105?
4Transition Regime
5Settling Velocity
- When the drag force is equal and opposite to the
gravitational force - Particle Mechanical Mobility
- Settling Velocity
Q What is the physical meaning of B? Q Does a
smaller or a larger particle have larger
6Terminal Settling Velocity of unit-density spheres
- Cunningham Slip Correction Factor gas velocity
at the surface of small particles is not zero --gt
? mean free path (Chap 2.3) 0.066 mm for air
(Re lt 1)
Q So is the corrected VTS larger or smaller?
Appendix A11
Q How long do you have to wait for 0.1 mm
particles to completely settle in this classroom
(4 m high)?
7Knudson Number
Kn 2?/dp
- A dimensionless number for the relative size of a
particle in the system - Continuum regime Kn ltlt 1. Gas molecules
striking the particle surface are strongly
affected by those leaving. - Free Molecular regime Kn gtgt 1. The gas molecule
movement is rarely affected by the presence of
the particle.
Q Kn for a 10 mm particle? In which regime?
8Nonspherical Particles
- Dynamic shape factor the ratio of the actual
resistance force of the nonspherical particle to
the resistance force of a sphere having the same
volume and velocity - Drag force
- Settling velocity
de equivalent volume diameter
Q Does an irregular particle experience a larger
or smaller force (compared to a particle with the
same volume)?
9(No Transcript)
10Aerodynamic Diameter
- The Stokes diameter, ds, is the diameter of the
sphere that has the same density and settling
velocity as the particle. - The aerodynamic diameter, da, is the diameter of
the unit density (?0 1 g/cm3) sphere that has
the same settling velocity as the particle.
Cunningham factor should be included if dp lt 1 mm
Q Can we design an instrument by applying
settling velocity?
11Horizontal Elutriator (settling chamber,
Q Can it be vertical? Q Can we make the
acceleration gt g?
12Centrifuge Separator
Cheng et al., 1988
13Particle Acceleration
Q What is the physical meaning of relaxation
? mB relaxation time
t0 V(t)0
t? V(t)VTS
tgt3? V(t)VTS
14Non-zero Initial velocity
Stopping Distance
Time for unit density particles to reach their
terminal velocity
- An aerosol can adjust itself very quickly to a
new environment!!!
15Inertial Impaction
- Stokes number the ratio of the stopping distance
of a particle to a characteristic dimension of
the obstacle - For an impactor
Q Stk ltlt 1? Stk gtgt 1?
Q Criteria to determine the impaction/collection
16Assumptions of Simplified Theory Uniform
streamlines in the jet Streamlines are arcs of a
circle with the centers at A
17Stk50 for 2 impactors
18Determine dp50
Q How to collect smaller particles using
an impactor?
Downstream pressure
(Chap 3.4, Pd in kPa, dp in um)
Q (low pressure impactor) Advantages?
Q Again, how to collect smaller particles using
an impactor?
19Cascade Impactor
Aerosol flow In
Clean air out
20Q Advantages? Disadvantages?
21Virtual Impactor
Collection efficiency internal loss curves for
a virtual impactor
Aerosol concentrator? Cyclone?
Vortex Finder
Cyclone body
Dust Discharger
23Time of Flight
Q Comparison with an impactor?
24Aerodynamic Focusing Lens
Time of Flight (TOF) vs Time in Beam (TIB)
TSI Operating Manual, 2004
25Quick Reflection