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CS696 Talk


Today: an abstraction for decomposing a program that provides a set of operations ... What abstraction mechanisms should languages provide? ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: CS696 Talk

Lecture 15 Data Abstraction
It is better to have 100 functions operate on one
data structure than 10 functions on 10 data
Alan Perlis
  • Data Abstraction before CLU
  • Data Abstraction in CLU
  • Reasoning about Data Abstractions
  • Abstraction Functions
  • Rep Invariants

What is a type?
  • Last time a set of values
  • Today an abstraction for decomposing a program
    that provides a set of operations
  • Sets of values dont work because you are tied to
    the representation

Data Abstraction in C/Pascal?
  • User-defined types
  • typedef enum red 0, green, blue color
  • typedef struct int locx int locy location
  • Type checking either
  • By structure (e.g., color dumb 23)
  • By name (maybe in Pascal, ambiguous)
  • Only way to use type, is to access its
    representation no restrictions on where you can
    do this.

Data Abstraction in BLISS?
  • User specifies accessing algorithm for structure
  • May modify either structure definition or
    algorithms without affecting the other
  • structure arrayi, j (.array .i 10 .j)
  • May define memory allocation routines
  • But only arrays, no typed elements

Data Abstraction in Simula67
  • Define a class with hidden attributes (visible
    only in the class implementation) and protected
    attributes (visible in subclass implementations
  • Unfortunately, not widely known
  • From Sweden
  • Few Publications (mostly in Swedish), no language
    Report, no decent textbook until 1986
  • Alan Kay learned about Simula by reading the
    source code, thinking it was an Algol compiler!
  • Big influence on Smalltalk and C small
    influence on CLU

Providing Data Abstraction
  • Type check by name
  • Restrict what code can access the representation
    of a data type
  • CLU, Alphard only operations of the type
  • Other (possibly) reasonable answers
  • C allow functions outside the type that are
    declared friends to access representation
  • C with LCLint in files and functions according
    to a naming convention, elsewhere when explicitly
  • Stata97 operations can access the only some of
    the representation

Data Abstraction in CLU
Rest of program sees black box described by
intmap data type is create, insert,
lookup Operations create proc () returns
(intset) effects Returns a new, empty intmap.
insert proc (s intmap, k string, val
int) requires s does not have a key k.
modifies s effects spost maps k to val.
lookup proc (s intmap, k string) returns
(int) requires There is a key k in s. effects
Returns value associated with key in s.
Black-box Interface
down (intmap) returns (rep)
up (rep) returns (intmap)
rep representation of intmap
Only code in the cluster implementing intmap can
call intmapup or intmapdown.
There is nothing else special about code in the
Parameterized Data Abstractions
  • Dont want to implement stringintmap,
    stringrealmap, intintmap, etc.
  • Value Parameters
  • Dont want to implement Factorial2 (), Factorial3
    (), Factorial4 (), ...
  • Implement Factorial (n int)
  • Type Parameters
  • Implement maptkey type, tval type
  • Problem how will we implement lookup if we dont
    know anything about tkey?

  • map data type tkey type, tval type is
    create, insert, lookup
  • Requires tkey has an operation
  • equal proctype (t, t) returns (bool)
  • that is an equivalence relation on t.
  • Operations
  • create proc () returns (map) effects
    Returns a new, empty map.
  • insert proc (s map, k tkey, val tval)
  • requires s has no key k such that tkeyequal
    (k, k).
  • modifies s
  • effects lookup (spost. k) val.
  • lookup proc (s map, k tkey) returns (tval)
  • requires s has a key k in s such that
    tkeyequal (k, k).
  • effects Returns value associated with k in s.

Where Clauses
  • map cluster tkey type, tval type is create,
    insert, lookup
  • where tkey has

equal proctype (tkey, tkey) returns bool
Used in implementation, not specification. Checked
by compiler.
Implementing Data Abstractions
  • Need a concrete representation

map cluster tkey type, tval type is create,
insert, lookup where tkey has equal
proctype (tkey, tkey) returns (bool) pair
record key tkey, value tval rep array
pair create proc () returns (map)
return end create
repnew ()
Implementing map
  • insert proc (m map, k tkey, v tval)
  • Better spec would remove requires
  • clause and signal exception if key
  • is already in the map.
  • down (m).addh (pairkey k, value v)
  • end insert

Printing maps
  • map cluster tkey type, tval is ... unparse
  • ...
  • unparse proc (m map) returns (string)
  • where
  • tkey has unparse proctype (tkey) returns
  • tval has unparse proctype (tval) returns

Why put the where clause about equal on the
cluster instead of member operation?
CLU Special Types
  • bool
  • Language control structures (if, while) depend on
    type bool
  • int, char, real, string, null
  • Built-in language support for literals
  • record, struct, variant, oneof, array, sequence
  • Special constructor syntax T
  • any
  • Union of all possible types, use force to convert
    (with checking) to actual type

CLU Operators
  • Assignment ()
  • Always means sharing (recall immutable types)
  • Types by name must match
  • Everything else is syntactic sugar, all types can
  • 3 2 ? intadd (3, 2)
  • m1,m2 mapstring,int m1 m2 ?
    mapstring,intadd (m1, m2)
  • ai arrayint ain ain-1 ?
  • arrayintstore (ai, n, arrayintfetch (ai,
  • Four exceptions up, down, cand, cor

  • Next Reasoning About Data Abstractions

Reasoning about Data Abstractions
  • They are abstractions need to invent a formal
    notation (A) for describing them
  • They have representations need to define a
    mapping from concrete representation to that
    formal notation
  • Abstraction Function
  • A rep ? A

Describing maps
  • A map can be described by a sequence of (key,
    value) pairs with unique keys
  • (key0, value0), (key1, value1),
  • such that if key keyi the value associated
    with key is valuei .

A rep ? (key0, value0), (key1, value1),
Abstraction Function
  • A array record key tkey, value tval
  • ? (key0, value0), (key1, value1),
  • A(r) (rreplow(r).key, rreplow(r).value),
  • (rreplow(r) 1.key, rreplow(r)1.value),
  • ...
  • (rrephigh(r).key, rrephigh(r).value)

Problem What if r contains duplicate keys?
Rep Invariant
  • It better not!
  • I rep ? Boolean

I(r) (ri.key rk.key implies i k)
Reasoning with Rep Invariants
  • Prove by induction, for a datatype t
  • For each operation that creates new t prove that
    returned reps r of returned t satisfies I(r)
  • For each cluster operation assume all t objects
    passed as parameters satisfy have reps r that
    satisfy I(r), prove they do at all cluster exit
  • Argue that only cluster operations can alter the
    rep, so if you can prove invariant holds for all
    cluster operations, it must always hold.

What can go wrong?
  • map cluster tkey type, tval type is ...
  • choose proc (m map)
  • returns (record key tkey, value tval)
  • requires m is not empty.
  • effects Returns a (key, value) pair in m.
  • return (down (m)replow (down(m))
  • end choose

p proc (m mapstring, int)
mapstring,intinsert (m, duplicate, 3)
pair p mapstring,intchoose (m) p.key
duplicate end p
Rep Exposure
  • Cant share mutable objects in data
  • Sharing immutable objects is okay
  • Could compiler prevent this?
  • Yes, pretty easy
  • Why doesnt CLU compiler prevent this?
  • Sometimes efficiency requires rep exposure
  • e.g., create a map by passing in an array of pairs

  • The programming community must soon come to
    terms with the topics that they address,
    including What are the qualitative and
    quantitave effects of strong type-checking? How
    do verification considerations affect language
    design? What abstraction mechanisms should
    languages provide? How can security of high-level
    languages be extended to real-time applications?
  • Jim Horning, 1977 (from 6 March manifest)

  • Read Stroustrup and Smalltalk papers before class
  • Think about what Object-Oriented Programming
    really means could Stroustrup and Ingalls
    really be writing about the same thing?
  • Is CLU Object-Oriented? If not, would adding
    syntactic sugar make CLU object-oriented?
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