Designing Intelligent Agents - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Designing Intelligent Agents


CPSC 420 Artificial Intelligence (Summer 2004) An Agent and its Environment ... Embodied AI approach: in some domains, the required reaction table can be ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Designing Intelligent Agents

Designing Intelligent Agents
A wholistic approach of AI
CPSC 420 Artificial Intelligence (Summer 2004)

What is an Intelligent Agent?
  • Definition An agent perceives its environment
    via sensors and acts in that environment with its
  • Hence, an agent gets percepts one at a time, and
    maps this percept sequence to actions (one action
    at a time)
  • Examples
  • A robot
  • A web shopping program
  • A factory
  • A traffic control system

CPSC 420 Artificial Intelligence (Summer 2004)

An Agent and its Environment
An example of the agent and environment
dichotomy. This figure illustrates a robot taking
actions that affect the state of the environment
then receiving percepts with new information on
the environment. (Image courtesy of Beryl Simon.)
CPSC 420 Artificial Intelligence (Summer 2004)

How do we design an intelligent agent?
CPSC 420 Artificial Intelligence (Summer 2004)

World Model
  • A the action space
  • P the percept space
  • E the environment A ? P
  • S the internal state of E
  • Perception function S ? P
  • World dynamics S ? A ? P

CPSC 420 Artificial Intelligence (Summer 2004)

The Concept of Rationality
What is rational at any given time depends on
four things
  • Performance measurement the criterion for
    success of an agents behavior
  • Agents prior knowledge of the environment
  • The actions that the agent can perform
  • Agents percept sequence to date

Ideal rational agent
For each possible percept sequence, a rational
agent should select an action that is expected to
maximize its performance measure, given the
evidence provided by the percept sequence and
whatever built-in knowledge the agent has.
CPSC 420 Artificial Intelligence (Summer 2004)


The Concept of Rationality
  • Rational ? Omniscience
  • Rational ? Success
  • Information gathering modifying future percepts
  • Learning modifying and augmenting prior
  • Autonomy an agent relies on the prior knowledge
    of its designer rather than its own percepts, we
    say that it lacks autonomy

CPSC 420 Artificial Intelligence (Summer 2004)

Agent Design Problem
  • U utility function S ? ? (or S ? ?)
  • The agent design problem find P ? A (agent
  • Mapping of sequences (history) of percepts to
  • Maximizes the utility of the resulting sequence
    of states (each action maps from one state to
    next state)

Three periods of the task of computing agent
  • when the agent is being designed, some of the
    computation is done by its designer
  • when it is deliberating on its next action, the
    agent does more
  • the agent learns from experience.

CPSC 420 Artificial Intelligence (Summer 2004)

Limited Rationality
  • The agent might not be able to compute the best
    action (subject to its beliefs and goals)
  • Limited rationality acting in the best way you
    can subject to the computational constraints that
    you have
  • The (limited rational) agent design problem
    finding P ? A (agent function)
  • Mapping of sequences (history) of percepts to
  • Maximizes the utility of the resulting sequence
    of states (each action maps from one state to
    next state)
  • subject to the computational constraints

CPSC 420 Artificial Intelligence (Summer 2004)

Agent Architecture Program
Agent program is a concrete implementation of
agent function, running on the agent architecture.
Issues of Agent Program
  • How to specify completely the domain where the
    agent is going to work in?
  • If you expect a problem to be solved, you have
    to say what is the problem
  • Specification is usually iterative build agent,
    test, modify specification
  • Why isnt this just software engineering?
  • There is a huge gap between specification and
    the program
  • Is automatic programming possible?
  • It could be, but it is so hard and most people
    have give up
  • We do not construct programs automatically
  • We need to map classes of environments and
    utilities to structures of agent programs that
    solve that class of problem.

CPSC 420 Artificial Intelligence (Summer 2004)

Encoding Thinking
  • Arent agents supposed to think?
  • If you can be endowed with an optimal table of
    reactions/reflexes (P A ), why do you need
  • How big is the table? How many world states and
    sequences of percepts?
  • Embodied AI approach in some domains, the
    required reaction table can be specified
    compactly in a program (written by a human)
  • In some domain, we can take advantage of the
    fact that most things that could happen but dont.

CPSC 420 Artificial Intelligence (Summer 2004)

How the agent function can be implemented ?
CPSC 420 Artificial Intelligence (Summer 2004)

Structures of Agents
Reflex (reactive) agent without memorizing the
historical perceptions
What can you solve this way?
  • Accessible environments
  • Playing chess
  • Navigating down a hallway

CPSC 420 Artificial Intelligence (Summer 2004)

Structures of Agents
Agent with memorizing the historical perceptions
Mental state
State Estimator
State estimator/Memory
  • What the agent has chosen to remember from the
    history of percepts
  • Maps what it knew before, what it just perceived
    and what it just did, into what it knows now.

CPSC 420 Artificial Intelligence (Summer 2004)

Planning Agent Policy
Planning is explicitly considering future
consequences of actions in order to choose the
best one.
Current State
ai that leads to max U
CPSC 420 Artificial Intelligence (Summer 2004)

Different Agent Programs
  • Table-driven agent
  • Simple reflex agent
  • Reflex agent with internal state
  • Agent with explicit goals
  • Utility-based agent
  • Learning agent

More sophisticated
CPSC 420 Artificial Intelligence (Summer 2004)

Table-Driven Agent
function TABLE-DRIVEN-AGENT (percept) returns
action static percepts, a sequence, initially
empty table, a table, indexed by
percept sequences, initially fully specified
append percept to the end of percepts action ?
LOOKUP(percepts, table) return action
An agent based on a prespecified lookup table.
It keeps track of percept sequence and just looks
up the best action
  • Problems
  • Huge number of possible percepts (consider an
    automated taxi with a camera as the sensor) gt
    lookup table would be huge
  • Takes long time to build the table
  • Not adaptive to changes in the environment
    requires entire table to be updated if changes

CPSC 420 Artificial Intelligence (Summer 2004)

Simple Reflex Agent
function SIMPLE-REFLEX-AGENT(percept) returns
action static rules, a set of condition-action
rules state ? INTERPRET-INPUT (percept) rule
? RULE-MATCH (state,rules) (one level
deduction) action ? RULE-ACTION rule return
A simple reflex agent works by finding a rule
whose condition matches the current situation (as
defined by the percept) and then doing the action
associated with that rule.
CPSC 420 Artificial Intelligence (Summer 2004)

Reflex Agent with Internal State
CPSC 420 Artificial Intelligence (Summer 2004)

Reflex Agent with Internal State
function REFLEX-AGENT-WITH-STATE (percept)
returns action static state, a description
of the current world state rules, a
set of condition-action rules state ?
UPDATE-STATE (state, percept) rule ?
RULE-MATCH (state, rules) action ?
(state, action) return action
A reflex agent with internal state works by
finding a rule whose condition matches the
current situation (as defined by the percept and
the stored internal state) and then doing the
action associated with that rule.
CPSC 420 Artificial Intelligence (Summer 2004)

Reflex Agent with Internal State
  • Encode internal state of the world to remember
    the past as contained in earlier percepts
  • Needed because sensors do no usually give the
    entire state of the world at each input, so
    perception of the environment is captured over
    time. State used to encode different world
    states that generate the same immediate percept
  • Requires ability to represent change in the
    world with/without the agent
  • One possibility is to represent just the latest
    state, but then cannot reason about hypothetical
    courses of action

Agent with Explicit Goals
CPSC 420 Artificial Intelligence (Summer 2004)

Agent with Explicit Goals
  • Choose actions so as to achieve a (given or
    computed) goal a description of desirable
    situations. e.g. where the taxi wants to go
  • Keeping track of the current state is often not
    enough need to add goals to decide which
    situations are good
  • Deliberative instead of reactive
  • May have to consider long sequences of possible
    actions before deciding if goal is achieved
    involves considerations of the future, what will
    happen if I do? (search and planning)
  • More flexible than reflex agent. In the reflex
    agent, the entire database of rules would have to
    be rewritten

CPSC 420 Artificial Intelligence (Summer 2004)

Utility-Based Agent
CPSC 420 Artificial Intelligence (Summer 2004)

Utility-Based Agent
  • When there are multiple possible alternatives,
    how to decide which one is best?
  • A goal specifies a crude destination between a
    happy and unhappy state, but often need a more
    general performance measure that describes
    degree of happiness
  • Utility function U S ? ? indicating a measure
    of success when at a given state
  • Allows decisions comparing choice between
    conflicting goals, and choice between likelihood
    of success and importance of goal (if achievement
    is uncertain)

CPSC 420 Artificial Intelligence (Summer 2004)

  • What if the agent dont know much about the
    environment when you start or if the environment
  • Learning!
  • Part of the agents job is to use sequences of
    percepts to estimate the missing details in the
    world dynamics
  • Learning is not very different from perception,
    they both find out about the world based on
  • Perception short time scale
  • Learning long time scale

CPSC 420 Artificial Intelligence (Summer 2004)

Learning Agent
CPSC 420 Artificial Intelligence (Summer 2004)

Classes of Environments
CPSC 420 Artificial Intelligence (Summer 2004)

Classes of Environments
Accessible (observable) The agents sensory
apparatus gives it access to the complete state
of the environment Deterministic The next
state of the environment is completely determined
by the current state and the actions selected by
the agent Subjective non-determinism -
Limited memory (poker) - Too complex
environment to model directly (weather, dice)
- Inaccessibility Episodic The agents
experience is divided into independent
episodes, each episode consisting of agent
perceiving and then acting. Quality of action
depends just on the episode itself, because
subsequent episodes do not depend on what actions
occur in previous episodes. ? Do not need to
think ahead
CPSC 420 Artificial Intelligence (Summer 2004)

Classes of Environments
Static If the environment can change while the
agent is deliberating, then the environment is
dynamic otherwise its static. Discrete
There are a limited number of distinct, clearly
defined percepts and actions we say that
environment is discrete. Multi-agent
Need to worry about time
Need to observe while deliberating
The hardest case is partially observable,
stochastic, sequential, dynamic, continuous, and
CPSC 420 Artificial Intelligence (Summer 2004)

CPSC 420 Artificial Intelligence (Summer 2004)

Running the agents and the environment
procedure RUN-ENVIRONMENT (state, UPDATE-FN,
agents, termination) inputs state, the
initial state of the environment
UPDATE-FN, function to modify the environment
agents, a set of agents
termination, a predicate to test when we are
done repeat for each agent in agents
do PERCEPTagent ?
GET-PERCEPT(agent,state) end
for each agent in agents do
ACTIONagent ? PROGRAMagent (PERCEPTagent)
end state ? UPDATE-FN(actions,
agents, state) until termination (state)
CPSC 420 Artificial Intelligence (Summer 2004)
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