Title: Eighth Grade Registration
1Eighth Grade Registration
2Lets Look at Course Choices!
3Graduation Requirements
- English 4.0 Credits
- Social Studies. 3.0 Credits
- Science... 2.0 Credits
- Biology... 1.0 Credit
- Mathematics... 4.0 Credits
- Computer 0.5 Credit
- Health. 0.5 Credits
- Fitness. 2.0 Credits
- Electives. 6.0 Credits
- Total 23.0
4What is a Credit?
- A credit is the point value of a course
- A subject that meets every day for the entire
school year is worth 1 credit - A subject that meets every day for half of the
school year is worth 0.5 credit
5How many credits do I need to schedule?
- You need to schedule between 6.5 and 7.0 credits.
- If you schedule 6.5 credits, you will have a
study hall every day for half of the year.
6Do not make definite course selections today!!!!!
Think about your choices and take notes.
7Required Courses
- See column one on your paper
- Required courses are courses that are required
for graduation - Everyone will take English, American Cultures,
Math, Science, Health and PE
8Required Courses--CTC
- See column one on your paper
- If there is ANY chance that you will be going to
the CTC in 10th grade, place a check in the box
under required courses. - If you change your mind and decide not to go,
this will NOT penalize you.
9Course Name Credits
- English 9
9101 English 9-I -
English 9-II -
English 9-III -
English 9-IV - American Cultures
9231 American Cultures A -
American Cultures B -
American Cultures C - Mathematics
9450 Ad. Algebra II -
Algebra II -
Algebra I -
Integrated Math - Science
0330 Biology I -
Science 1A -
Science I -
- Health
10English 9
- Level I
- Level II
- Level III
- Level IV
- Your teachers will recommend you for a level.
- (1.0 credit)
11American Cultures
- Cultures A
- Cultures B
- Cultures C
- Your teachers will recommend you for a
level. - (1.0 credit)
- Advanced Algebra II..1.0 Credit
- Algebra II1.0 Credit
- Algebra I.1.0 Credit
- Integrated Math I1.0 Credit
- (Your teachers will recommend you for a
13Science Choices
- Biology I (Should have completed Algebra I)1.0
credit - Science I A.1.0 credit
- Science I..1.0 credit
- Your teachers will recommend you for a
14Physical Education
- Developing Fitness.0.5 credit
- Electives are courses that are not required for
graduation - Choose courses that will help you along your
career path - Choose courses that are of personal interest to
you - You may choose between 1.5 and 2.0 credits OR
between 0.5 and 1.0 to go to Career and
Technology Center in tenth grade -
17Your Registration PaperElectives
- Look at your registration paper carefully.
- If there is a chance that you will attend the CTC
in 10th grade, look at the second column of the
form. - If you definitely do not plan on attending the
CTC, look at the third column of the form.
18Elective Courses Credit
Elective Courses Credit
- __9600 Art I 1.0
- __0610 Survey of Design
0.5 __9740 Life 101 0.5 - __0620 Survey of Drawing and Painting 0.5
Child Development I 0.5 -
- __9170 French I
1.0 - __2710 Concert Band
__9180 Spanish I
1.0 - __2610 Concert Choir
0.5 - __9561 Computer Literacy
0.5 - __9562 Microsoft Office Applications I 0.5
Drafting Technology I 0.5 - __9563 Microsoft Office Applications II 0.5
__0792 Drafting
Technology II 0.5 - __9581 Introduction to Business
__9770 Intro to Technology I 0.5 - __9530 Workforce Preparation
0.5 __9780 Into. To Technology II 0.5 -
__9710 Visual
Communications I 1.0 -
- __0490 Programming I
0.5 __STDY Study Hall
19Art Electives
- Art I ..1.0 Credit
- Survey of Design0.5 Credit
- Survey of Drawing Painting...0.5 Credit
20Art I
- This is a comprehensive, introductory level
high school art class. Topics covered include
visual arts, art history, criticism, aesthetics,
and production of two and three dimensional art
forms. The course also familiarizes students
with artistic career opportunities and field trip
experiences. - (1.0 credit)
21Survey of Design
- This is an introduction and exposure to
elements in, but not limited to graphic, fashion,
product, and architectural design. Students will
work with various media, including printmaking,
scratchboard, drawing and painting materials, pen
and ink, etc. (0.5 credit)
22Survey of Drawing and Painting
- This is an introduction and exposure to
various types of painting and drawing techniques
and art media. This course will provide
beginning studio experiences in, but not limited
to, portraits, still lifes, landscapes, and
computer-generated art work. This will be a
brief introduction to artists and movements of
historical impact. - (0.5 credit)
23Computer/Business Electives
- Computer Literacy.....0.5 Credit
- Microsoft Office Applications I.....0.5 Credit
- Microsoft Office Applications II....0.5 Credit
24Computer Literacy
- This basic course will provide students with
the opportunity to develop the skills needed to
utilize the technology available at the high
school. Students will review how to use the
computer network, application software available
on the computers, and saving documents. Students
will develop a working knowledge of career
software, word processing, spreadsheets,
graphics, and Internet browsers. (0.5 credit)
25Microsoft Applications I
- Microsoft Office Applications I teaches
proper alphabetic and numeric touch-typing
skills. Document formatting will include
personal and business letters, centering
exercises, term papers, research papers and
tables. Introduction to Choices computer software
is also included. This course is recommended for
all students desiring computer-keyboarding
skills. (0.5 credit)
26Microsoft Applications II
- Microsoft Office Applications II expands
previous computer training such as typing and
information processing skills. Students will
create documents with detailed formatting, data
base files, spreadsheets and presentation
projects using current application software.
Microsoft Office Applications II will prepare
students for entry-level jobs and entry-level
college courses. (Must complete Level I first
--0.5 Credits)
27More Business Electives
- Introduction to Business0.5 Credit
- Workforce Preparation...0.5Credit
28Introduction to Business
- In this beginning level class, students learn
money management skills, how to use credit
wisely, and consumer shopping skills. They also
study the economy, national and local business
activity, future career trends, insurance,
communications, and the role of government in
business. (0.5 credit)
29Workforce Preparation
- Explore personal interests and abilities to
start preparing for the world of work. Units
studied include Employment trends, specific
career research, training and education
requirements, job application processes,
employment interview techniques, work ethics, and
being a total quality worker. Students will also
explore individual career interests and talents.
Job shadowing may be available. (0.5 credit)
30Computer Science Electives
- Visual Basic I..0.5 Credit
- Programming I....0.5 Credit
- (Algebra I Prerequisite for both
31Programming I
- This course focuses on all aspects of a
project life cycle for a typical programming
assignment including analysis, design, coding,
and testing. The primary programming language
will be Visual C. The concept of variables and
the use of logical thinking skills developed in
Algebra I provide a foundation for writing
computer programs. (0.5 credits)
32Visual Basic I
- Students will be working with and designing
windows using color, buttons, entry text boxes
and other features. Instructions will be entered
into a project and the results will be seen when
the program executes. Students will develop
better problem solving and logical thinking
skills by using decision and looping structures.
Projects are designed to help the student gain
confidence in the programming environment. (0.5
33Family and Consumer ScienceElectives
- Life 101...0.5 Credit
- Child Development I0.5 Credit
34Life 101
- Life 101 will emphasize the importance of
positive human relationships in todays changing
society. It will suggest means for individuals
as well as family members to meet daily living
requirements including personal, financial, and
time management. Topic include relationships,
family interactions, management skills, and
living on your own. The course is recommended
for any student who wishes to be in control of
their life decisions. (0.5 credit)
35Child Development I
- Child Development I is a course designed to
explore the basic principles of development for
understanding infants, toddlers, and pre-school
age children. This course includes the five
areas of development within the various stages,
health and safety issues, guidance and positive
discipline, and evaluating the impact of
parenting on individuals, families and society.
This course is recommended for any student
interested in children who may seek a career
working with children or become a future parent.
This course is a prerequisite for the Child Care
program at the CTC. (0.5 credit)
36Language Electives
- French I..1.0 Credit
- Spanish I.1.0 Credit
37Level One French and Spanish
- Experience another culture through new
sounds, new sights, and new tastes. Use basic
French or Spanish to talk about yourself, your
family and friends, your surroundings, and your
activities. In additional to listening and
speaking, you will begin to read and write in
your new language. Commitment to daily homework
and a command of grammar is essential to success.
(1.0 credit)
38Music Electives
- Concert Band 0.5 Credit
- Concert Choir.....0.5 Credit
39Concert Band
- All styles of concert band music are studied
and publicly performed with emphasis on form and
style, as it is related to classic and modern
wind band literature. Members participate in
group lessons, sectionals, and full ensemble
rehearsal. Many special ensembles are available.
(0.5 credit)
40Concert Choir
- Choir is available to any student who
expresses the desire and certain level of musical
ability to create vocal music. Special emphasis
is stressed upon each section to be able to sing
independently of the other voices, and to insure
proper balance throughout the entire choir.
Special ensembles are also available. (0.5
41Technology Education Electives
- Drafting Technology I..0.5 Credit
- Drafting Technology II.....0.5 Credit
- Introduction to Technology I0.5 Credit
- Introduction to Technology II.......0.5 Credit
- Visual Communications Tech I.1.0 Credit
42Drafting Technology I
- This course is a fundamental course to
acquaint the student with the various aspects of
drafting technology. The major objective will be
to present the student with the skills required
to represent an object with an acceptable degree
of accuracy., The student must have a good
mathematics background and be able to follow
written and oral directions. (0.5 credit)
43Drafting Technology II
- This class is meant to further enhance the
drawing skills developed in Drafting I. Areas of
study include pictorials, dimensioning,
tolerances, pattern development, solid modeling,
and working drawings. Students will continue to
enhance skills by creating detailed working
drawings using manual, freehand, and
computed-aided drafting techniques. Career
opportunities will also be explored. (0.5 credits)
44Introduction to Technology I
- This is an introductory course which
introduces students to a wide variety of
materials, basic shop skills and techniques
necessary for all the technology courses offered.
It is the recommended course to be taken first
by new tech ed students. Areas of study include
structural engineering, plastics, sheet metal,
sketching and project planning. All students
will be making required projects and will be
responsible for expenses. (0.5 credit)
45Introduction to Technology II
- Students expand their experiences with a more
advanced study of technology systems. The main
emphasis is the study of transportation systems
and their past and present impact on technology.
The areas of study will be steam power technology
systems, aerodynamics, space technology, water
and land transportation systems along with hot
metal technologies. Students will develop and
design prototypes. Students are responsible for
project expenses. (0.5 credit)
46Visual Communications Tech I
- Visual communications dominate our world.
This course will give the student an opportunity
to explore some of the means by which man
communicates through the sense of sight. Some of
the areas of study are history and fundamentals
of graphic arts, layout and design, basic
printing processes, process photography and
darkroom procedures, platemaking, binding and
finishing. (1.0 credit)
47Next weekwe will be having aregistration
meeting with Mrs. Foor, your ninth grade
counselorat IVHS.
48You can ask additional questions and then will
be able to complete your registration form.
49Be sure to talk this over with your parents and
have them sign off on the registration.
50Take what you want, not what your friends are
51Complete the form in pencil, in case you change
your mind!!!!!!
52Return Course Selectionsto your Social Studies
Teacherby Friday, April 4
Or we pick your courses for you!!!