Title: High School Exit Exam
1High School Exit Exam
2At the beginning
- of the first semester or quarter of the regular
school term (starting with the 2000-01 school
year, and each year thereafter), the governing
board of each school district shall notify the
parents or guardians of its minor pupils that - By the 2003-04 school year, each child completing
12th grade will be required to pass the high
school exit exam.
3Common HSEE Questions
4Who must take the HSEE
- Spring 2001 9th grade students may take the test
- 2000 - 2001 all 10th grade students will take the
HSEE - 2004 all graduating students must pass all
portions of the HSEE
5What subject areas will the HSEE cover
- There are two sections to the HSEE
- One section that students must pass is reading
and writing - Another section that students must pass is math
6What happens if 10th graders dont pass the test
- Students will have opportunities during the 11th
and 12th grade years to receive additional
instruction - Students will have opportunities during the 11th
and 12th grade years to retake the entire test or
either part they failed
7What about students who do not speak English
- They must pass the HSEE
- Testing may be delayed for 24 calendar months
from enrollment until the student has completed
six months of instruction
8Will special education students have to take the
- Special Education students must pass the HSEE
- The test may be administered with accommodations
if they are in the IEP
9What if Parents do not want their children to
take the test
- All students will be required to pass the HSEE to
get a diploma from a California public school
10What can students do to prepare for the HSEE
- It is important that students take classes that
include instruction in state content standards
for English/Language Arts and Math
11How can parents help their students pass the HSEE
- Parents should ask their students teachers if
the school curriculum is aligned to state content
12Mathematics Test Design
- 100 Multiple choice Items
1370 of the math test content is aligned to 7th
grade standards
- Number sense 21 items
- Pre-algebra and functions 20 items
- Measurement and geometry 21 items
- Statistics, data analysis, and probability 8
1430 of the math test content is aligned to
Algebra 1
- Algebra standards 2-6, 8-10, 12-16, 21 and 23
24 items - The remaining algebra standards 6 items
15Item mix on Math portion of HSEE
- Foundations 50 items
- Pre-algebra/algebra 50 items
16Language Arts Test Design
- 100 multiple choice items
- Two 30 minute essays
1770 of the Language Arts test is aligned to
reading standards
- Word analysis 10 items
- Reading comprehension 30 items
- Literary response and analysis 30 items
1830 of the Language Arts test is aligned to
writing standards
- Writing strategies 12 items
- Written English Language conventions 18 items
19Essay items
- 1 item from standards 2.2 or 2.3
- Response to literature or analytic essay
(expository) - Scored for both reading and writing
- 1 item from standards 2.1, 2.4, and 2.5
- Biography or autobiography, persuasion, business
letter - Scored for writing only