Title: National Association of State Veterans Homes Leadership Summit
1National Association of State Veterans Homes
Leadership Summit
- March 2. 2009
- D.N. Lombardi, Ph.D.
2Five Major Change Dynamics
- Life and Death Outcome Perceptions
- Higher/Escalating Expectations
- Media Targeting
- Public Trust
- People-Intensive
3 Life and Death Outcome Perceptions
- Pride
- Accountability
- Commitment
- Trust
4Higher, Ever-Escalating Expectations
- Costs
- Technology
- Promise of Miracles
- Informed, Educated (?) Patients
- Theory of Choice and Competition
5Media Target
- Journalistic
- Advertising
- Popular
6Public Trust
- Taxes
- Like Public Schools
- Politicians
- Largest Employers
- Partnerships
- Where do You spend most of your time?
8The Performance Matrix
- Superstars/Action Agents
- Thrive on Change and Challenge
- Upper 10-20 of the Organization
- Exemplars of Positive Action
- Steadies/Advocates
- Majority 60-70 of the Organization
- Strive with Leadership
- Support Positive Action
- Non-Players/Antagonists
- Lower 10-15
- Self-Survival Mode
- Undermine Positive Action
9Action Agents
- An unfortunate reality of the change process is
that certain non-players the Antagonists will
do every thing possible to create havoc and
hamper positive results. This behavior is called
derailment and should be anticipated and dealt
with immediately and resolutely.
- The documentation of critical incidents and
significant non-performance is extremely
important during times of change it provides
you with the evidence and chronological date
needed to effect employee counseling and needed
corrective action.
12Progressive Action Leadership vs.Administrivia
- Mastering The PACT System
13The PACT Factors
- Regenerating Group Pride
- Encouraging Accountability
- Garnering Commitment
- Establishing Trust
14Pride I Progress
- Contribution vs. Criticism
- Take a stake vs. Have a committee
- Telling vs. selling
- Controllable vs. Uncontrollable
- Working towards vs. running from
- Celebrate wins vs. lamenting losses
15Pride II Participation
- Action vs. Discussion
- Practical vs. Conceptual
- Solution Formulation vs. Problem Reiteration
- Specific vs. General
- Perspective vs. Perception
16Pride III Planning
- Rivers vs. Ponds
- Pro-Active vs. Reactive
- Plan vs. Pontification
- Product vs. Process
- Attribution vs. Retribution
17The Meeting 8 for weekly updates
18Accountability I Action
- Coaching vs. coaxing
- Assurance vs. Apprehension
- We vs. They
- Closure vs. Re-visiting
- Known vs. Unknown
- Leaders vs. Leaners
- Energy vs. Inertia
- Positions vs. Postures
19Accountability II Adaptability
- How vs. If
- Senses vs. Census
- Results vs. Remorse
- Need vs. Want
- Impacting vs. Annoying
- "Gimmies" vs. Gotchas
20Accountability III Added-Value
- Needed vs. Needy
- A Calling vs. A Cause
- Supportive vs. Spoiled
- Strong vs. Weak
- Innovative vs. Inventive
- Yes, and vs. Yes, but
21Setting Six Major Messages for the Total Change
22Maximizing Individual Communication, Calibration
and Coaching
23Commitment I Communication
- Commitment vs. Consensus
- Value-Driven vs. Ego-Driven
- Purposeful vs. Placating
- Backstage vs. On-Stage
- Community vs. Family
24Commitment II Communication
- Thriving vs. Surviving
- Participants vs. Spectators
- Reality vs. Vibes
- Accountability vs. Deniability
- Facts vs. Fiction
- Progressive Work vs.A work in progress
25Commitment III Communication
- Gregarious vs. Obnoxious
- Gracious vs. Grating
- Kindness vs. Weakness
- Class vs. Crass
- Grateful vs. Owed
26Plan Closure Elements
27Trust I Team Orientation
- Outcomes vs. Opinions
- Encouragement vs. Empowerment
- Compassion vs. Complaint
- Progress vs. Status Quo
- Clarity vs. Complex
28Trust II Teaching
- build up vs. tear down
- lets do it vs. we got done in!
- the human touch vs. the cold shoulder
- fortitude vs. facilitation
29Trust III Timing
- Patience/ perseverance vs. passive/pacifist
- Helpful vs. Helpless
- Dynamic vs. Stagnant
- Trusting vs. Doubting
- Explanations vs. Excuses
30Mistake Review Matrix
31Q1- Direct Action
- Begin MBC Approach
- Celebrate the Wins
- Over-Communicate
32Q2- Communication
- Utilize The Meeting 8
- Fan Mail Publicity
- Teach Current Events
- Address Non-Players with Pro-Active Documentation
- Highlight Encourage Steadies
- Heighten and Enhance Superstars
34(No Transcript)
35Q4- Three Overriding Principles
- www.magis-shu.org
- Donald.Lombardi_at_stevens.edu
- (201)216-5661
- Finish The Race
- Fight The Good Fight
- Keep The Faith