Title: Professional Development
1 Professional Development African Institute for
Mathematical SciencesSchools Enrichment
Centre http//aimssec.aims.ac.za NEW SKILLS NEW
2AIMSSEC works with teachers and learners
Teachers on AIMSSEC course
Video-conference at AIMS 2003
Video-conference MTN Sciencentre 2005
3African Institute for Mathematical Sciences
Schools Enrichment Centre AIMSSEC
- AIMSSEC promotes
- enquiry based learning
- mathematical thinking
- problem solving and
- use of computers
- AIMSSEC distributes free learning resources
4AIMSSEC - part of a community of trainers,
teachers and learners in all provinces
5All belong to
6Learning about
- Mathematics
- Learning mathematics
- Teaching mathematics
7To Empower Teachers
- AIMSSEC is building
- a network
- of mutually supportive groups
- in all the provinces.
8Network of groups of teachers
- Network across S. Africa
- for teachers to support
- and help each other
- To learn together
- askAIMS gives mathematical
- help to teachers learners
- AIMSSEC website, mathematics
- problems, discussion forum, news
- of events
9Reality today A vision for tomorrow
- Today many rural schools in South Africa do not
have electricity and there is a critical
shortage of mathematically qualified teachers.
Our project uses satellite and cellphone
technology to reach rural areas making them part
of the Stellenbosch University E-campus - One day the internet could give all schools the
same excellent library of learning resources and
opportunities for E-learning.
10Empowering teachersTraining the trainers
- A Cascade Effect
- To serve teachers in more remote rural
communities - Accredited professional development courses
- Training teachers to be subject leaders
- Teachers run workshops for other teachers
- New ACE is a partnership between
- IMSTUS (University of Stellenbosch) and
11AIMSSEC trains mathematics teachers
- To help to break the vicious circle AIMSSEC
trains and supports teachers so they become
confident lifelong learners and enjoy the
- AIMSSEC offers three months distance
learning courses involving ten day residential
programmes for teachers subject advisers field
trainers from all the SA provinces.
12AIMSSEC preliminary course
13AIMSSEC preliminary course
- Preliminary Course Mathematical Thinking,
Problem Solving and Technology in Teaching and
Learning Mathematics. -
- Selection Instrument
- Fifty educators and field trainers are
selected each year for the two year Advanced
Certificate course to train Subject Leaders in
- Three month distance learning courses
incorporating an intensive 10 day residential
programme. - This course has been run 10 times
14ACE to Train Mathematics Subject Leaders
- Partnership between AIMSSEC, IMSTUS MCPT
- To serve educators in rural areas far from other
universities - 50-60 educators and field trainers selected each
year for Advanced Certificate Course to train
Mathematics Subject Leaders. New cohorts each
year in new centres - Two year blended learning NQF level 6
qualification accredited by Stellenbosch
University - Residential component, online learning, classroom
visits - Sessions in US Interactive Telematic classrooms
all over S.Africa linking groups in 2009 in - EAST LONDON, POLOKWANE, DURBAN and BELLVILLE
- MCPT IMSTUS coordinators
- Training in Action Research can lead to Masters
and PhD
15Blended Learning
- Webstudies links teachers online for discussions,
accessing information, submitting assignments,
practice tests etc. - CDs and hardcopies provided to save internet
time - Training in Action Research, and writing research
reports. - School visits
- Residential courses
- Use of satellite classrooms (dish, decoder TV)
- Cellphone technology
- Students run workshops
16AIMSSEC VISION A Community of Learners
- Lecturers, advisers, teachers and children
alike we are a community of learners with AIMSSEC
and its partners IMSTUS and MCPT at the centre.
Our network extends across South Africa and we
meet in local groups. We aim ultimately to offer
a forum for all mathematics teachers and learners
in South African Schools connected by modern
technology. The beauty and power of mathematics
challenge our intellects, inspire our imagination
and motivate our learning. We are striving
together to improve the teaching and learning of
17AIMSSEC Global links
- Videoconference lessons
- School partnerships
- Lecturers from all over the
- world work as unpaid
- volunteers in South Africa
- to train teachers
18Peer Assisted Learning (PAL)Lifelong Learning
- Teacher with teacher
- AIMS students and graduates work as
- volunteer mentors and tutors e.g. maths classes
- on Saturday mornings at AIMS, maths and
- science clubs in schools, mentors for individual
- children.
- Popular lectures for the general public and
- hands on maths
19AIMSSEC Summary of current activities and future
20A Vision for Africa
- AIMS students come from all over Africa.
- AIMS is building a network of similar institutes
in other African countries. - AIMSSEC could offer a model of teacher
development to other countries.
- Thank you
- Toni Beardon
- toni_at_aims.ac.za