Title: Picture Travel Guidebook
1Picture Travel Guidebook
2digital-cameras screen
Seeing pictures
3from my research interests
Finding new from familiar one Giving a little
Random player
iPod Music player
4Meta Design
- Meta-Design Beyond User-Centered and
Participatory Design - -Gerhard Fischer
- http//l3d.cs.colorado.edu/gerhard/papers/hci2003
Meta-design Fischer Scharff, 2000 extends the
traditional notion of system design beyond the
original development of a system to include an
ongoing process in which stakeholders become
co-designers not only at design time, but
throughout the whole existence of the system.
Opportunities By users
First one purpose By developer
5Picture Travel GuidebookScenarios
- -For someone who can have problems to read normal
map to find someplace - -a website which provides photo map for traveler
to find sightseeing place easily - -users download the pictures from website to
their digital cameras
6Finding The Empire State Buiding
7After users use original map,they can add their
picture with their camera
8At the end, there is a very detailed picture map
made by developer and users
9Meta Design
- From Meta-Design Beyond User-Centered and
Participatory Design -Gerhard Fischer
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