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Seminar presented by


... Box Renzulli's Enrichment Triad Paper Bag Shuffle Celebrity Heads on Tour ... church that features the work of an individual or group that works for justice. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Seminar presented by

Using Religious Education Modules in the
Seminar presented by Trudy Walsh BCEC RE
Support Team May 2004
Purposes of the Workshop
  • Familiarity with the RE Outcomes
  • Navigating a Module
  • Big Messages
  • Scaffolding a Planning Process

Religious Education in the Catholic School
Religious Education two distinct yet
complementary dimensions
Teaching Religion Currently schools are
choosing one of 3 options
  • Continue to use the R.E. units
  • Look at the Outcomes and design own units of work
  • Use the Modules to create units of work

The OutcomesBook
Using Outcomes for Planning and Assessment
The Key Learning Area Religious Education
The Learning Framework
Interpreting an Outcome
Design a prayer space in the school grounds 5 Ws
H Chart for a religious order Use a digital
camera to create a virtual gallery
C3.3 Celebration and Prayer Students identify a
variety of expressions of spirituality in the
Christian tradition.
School Charisms Spirituality of Service (St
Vinnies, Mercy) Religious art and music
Explore textual features to make meaning    
Retell a scriptural narrative from the point of
view of one of the characters (e.g. the story of
Jonah, the Emmaus story Lk 24)     Highlight
and explain words and images in a parable that
help to convey the message and purpose of the
parable (e.g. parable of the lost sheep Lk
153-8, Mt 1810-14)     Create a three-column
chart to examine the words and actions of Jesus
in miracle stories (e.g. words and actions,
effects, meaning/message)     Collaboratively
construct a psalm for a contemporary purpose,
using the textual features of the psalm text type
(e.g. poetic/lyric structure, repetition, use of
imagery, musical setting)     Compose a new
creation myth that conveys elements of one of the
Genesis creation accounts     Complete a three
level guide strategy (literal, inferential and
evaluative) using a familiar biblical symbol to
establish different levels of meaning (e.g.
water water for thirst living water - for the
soul or spirit evaluative comment use of water
as symbol)  
Text types and their textual features    
Narratives textual features (e.g. orientation,
complication and resolution), point of view,
voice, theme, characters and events     Parables
language (e.g. allegory, metaphor, simile,
symbolism), purpose and messages, fictional
stories, unnamed characters     Miracle stories
three-fold structure (i.e. problem or need,
action, reaction), types (e.g. healing, exorcism,
nature, restoration), symbolic action,
combination of conventional and unconventional /
ordinary and extraordinary     Psalms types of
psalms (e.g. praise, petition, faith, songs of
trust, penitential), poetic structure,
repetition, liturgical, intended to be sung,
imagery     Mythological stories - metaphor,
imagery, transformations, narrative structure,
describe interaction between natural and
supernatural worlds, seek to convey a truth,
non-historical, describe origins, purpose and
Know and Do Game
Elaborations are examples
  • They are not prescriptive
  • They are not exhaustive
  • They provide good ideas for

Six Great Gripes of Kids
  • The stuff we learn is too easy and boring.
  • We do the same stuff all the time.
  • The things we learn are not relevant.
  • The lessons are always predictable.
  • Its different from all the other stuff.
  • We hear the same stories over and over.

The Modules
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Christian Morality is grounded in Scripture,
Church teachings and human wisdom.
? Purpose (Bible Tools Level 3) This module
provides students with opportunities to
demonstrate the core learning outcome by
exploring a variety of biblical tools used in
interpreting biblical texts. Students develop
skills in the effective use of the bible for real
world purposes. They learn about the development
of the bible and become familiar with some
different translations. Students critically
engage with biblical texts using a range of tools
including concordances, maps, biblical atlases,
dictionaries and concordances. Students
understand how the bible is used by believers in
a range of contexts that includes prayer and
Whats it got to do with the outcome/s?
What will students learn? What will they learn to
Module Activities Map
Teachings of Jesus
Ways Jesus Lived
Ways Christians Live
Saying of Jesus
Friends and Family
Ways Christians Act
Jesus said p.8 Search for Hidden Treasures
p.10 Let Your Light Shine p.10
Jesus as a Child p.24 Jesus chooses Disciples
p.26 Jesus included People p.27
Jesus taught about Gods love p.37 Acting for a
Better World p.39 Jesus challenges p.40 Jesus
Connections to Syllabus Content
Religious Literacy The Religious Literacy Model
The Learning Framework Roles for Lifelong
Roles for Lifelong Learning Winwheel Mark
Elliott RE Support Team 2002
Discuss thinkingRecord thoughts Consider
alternatives Maintain a diary Establish a work
plan Set deadlines Reflect on actionsAsk for
feedback Offer suggestions Analyse
thinking Become aware of feelings Think about my
thinking Review judgements Brainstorm
Plan Collect materials Consider audience Examine
viability Adapt Seek solutions Substitute
List Construct models
Manipulate Materials Produce displays
Compose Think laterally Consider
alternatives Investigate methods Judge value
of ideas Record process Consult Apply
processes and principles Combine ideas
Evaluate periodically Seek
excellence Set timeframes
Seek advice Celebrate
Consider others
views Seek reasons
Empathise Assess
needs Discuss ideas Seek
points of view Relate
Analyse positions
Clarify perspectives Imagine Envision
Explore underlying values Respond to
problems Act ethically Investigate
Take risks Generate ideas Collaborate
Share skills Support
Reflective, Self Directed Learner
Quality Producer
Community Contributor
Generate ideas Plan a design
process Create presentations
Construct models Illustrate Perform
Improvise Make plans Create
tables Compiling charts Model an idea
Compose songs, poetry, stories Invent new uses
Role-play Map causes/effects Prepare murals
Simulate Photograph Create a
sculpture Paint
Reflective, Self Directed Learner
Collaborate Negotiate options Cooperate Commit
to group decisions Undertake team role
Effectively Assume leadership of Encourage
Participate in Interact positively
Reciprocate Use eye contact Plan Work
interdependently Challenge Accept
individual accountability
Listen with a view to understanding
Assist others Provide feedback
Justify Take responsibility
Designer Creator
Leader Collaborator
Active Investigator
Effective Communicator
Access resources
Collect information
Perform experiments Forecast
Explore phenomena Observe
events Interview Compare/Contrast
Look for patterns Identify Locate
sources Construct prototypes
Summarise Take notes in an orderly way
Classify Dissect parts Hypothesise
Examine key data Draw links
Argue a case Clarify
concepts/ideas Retell Recount
Illustrate Question Summarise Present
Describe Report orally Elaborate a
process speak Debate Advertise Label
key parts Respond to decisions Editorialise
Explain Represent scenarios Interpret
data Create analogies
Construct meaning Generalise
diagrammatically Produce
Capture Create
Roles for Lifelong Learning Strategy Spiral   Mark
Elliott RE Support Team 2002
  KWHL Chart Debonos Action Shoes Nine Lives
PMI Chart SWOT Analysis Three Cs Krathwohls
Taxonomy Challenge Corner ARM Strategy
Independent Learning Contracts Shadow Boxes De
Bonos Hats Philosophical Questioning Y Chart
Step in My Shoes
Model Hyperstudio Tic Tac Toe Tasks Multiple
Intelligences Famous Forgeries Evening of the
Eminents Process Designing a Webquest Rich
Tasks PowerPoint Presentations Sage on the
Stage Evening of the Eminents Challenge
Contract Renzulli Triad  
Class Parliament Cooperative
Learning Sage on the Stage Challenge Corners
Parallel Program Mentoring Peer Tutoring
Think-Pair-Share Taylors Multiple Talents
SCAMPER CoRT Thinking Skills
Inductive/Deductive Thinking 10 Pathways to
Problem Solving Four Corners Burning Issue
Perspective Glasses
Reflective, Self Directed, Learner
Quality Producer
Community Contributor
Grab Bag Concept Spiral Giant Puppets Miracle
Masks Blooms Taxonomy Circle Curiosity Boxes
Peoplescape Taylors Multiple Talent
Model Theatre Sports MI Smart of What Three Cs
Parnes Process Blooms Taxonomy
Circle Renzullis Enrichment Triad Postcards
Tic Tac Toe Tasks Making a Model Trail
Sensory Table Orienteering

Reflective, Self Directed Learner
Dictionary Search Hot Potato Biblical Pursuit
Cards Jigsaw Strategy Context Pizza
Jumble Unjumble Diamonte Literary Sociogram
Artefact Box Renzullis Enrichment
Triad Paper Bag Shuffle Celebrity Heads on
Tour Think-Pair-Share Parnes Creative Problem
Solving Burning Issue Fantail
Strategy Literary Sociogram
Designer Creator
Leader Collaborator
Active Investigator
Effective Communicator
Read and Retell Academic Controversy Inspiration
Concept Maps Fishbone Map Hot Seat Interview
Burning Issue Strategy Postcards Top Level
Structure Four Corners Philosophical
Questions Diamonte Mantle of the Expert
Three Step Interview Concept
Web Flow Chart Social Ladder
Interpretative Art
Social Ladder Archaeological Dig Graphic Outline
Eight Thinking Hats Questioning the text
Seven Strip Questions Three Level Lighthouse
Three Reading Rooms Top Ten Problem Solvers
Webquests SCAMPER Technique Before/After
Chart Compare/Contrast Chart 5Ws H Retrieval
Chart Context Pizza Curiosity Boxes

The Assessment Icon ? is located throughout a
module. Name of Activity ? 3.1 Name of
Activity ? 3.1 4.1 These activities are suitable
for assessment when used in part or in
conjunction with other learning activities.
  • What is the intent of the outcome?
  • What will it look like? How will I gather
    evidence? How will I record the evidence? Where
    will I record the evidence?
  • How will students know what a demonstration

(No Transcript)
Appropriate Assessment
  • Reflects the outcome and its elaborations
  • Is part of teaching/learning
  • Is cumulative
  • Involves providing students with opportunities to
    perform successful demonstration/s of an outcome
  • Uses practices that generate more learning than
    they measure

Learning Strategies
Learning Strategies Icon ? Explanatory notes at
the end of the module Learning Strategies
contributing to Roles for Lifelong Learners
Placemat Round Robin ?
Frayer Concept Model ?
A year two class group decided that God wanted a
world which was a peaceful place. They used the
Frayer Concept model to expand their thoughts on
what a peaceful place would be like. Responses
were recorded in both words and pictures. Other
groups worked on the world as a caring place, a
just place, a respectful place and a loving
Characteristics   No fighting No hurting Lots
of smiles, lots of hugs and cuddles No nasty
Definition   A place where people dont fight and
every one is happy          
A peaceful place
Examples     A happy family A classroom where we
work together Helping your friends at school    
Non-examples       Fighting in the
playground Making fun of other people Not doing
what mum says at home
Classroom Snapshots
Brief descriptor of classroom practice
Connections with other Key Learning Areas
Suggested outcomes from other KLAs that connect
well with the focus RE outcome/s.
What are some of the major messages that impact
on creating a unit?
Roles for Lifelong Learners
Transformational Outcomes
Triangle of Abstraction
Core Learning Outcomes
Transitional Outcomes
Discrete Skills
Traditional Outcomes
There needs to be clear alignment between the
outcomes and the learning activities and
Five points to ponder
  • Content is not the outcome
  • Verbs are powerful
  • Modules are not units of work
  • Not everything has to be connected
  • Assessment is part of the learning process

The Secret is in the Verbs
  • Mental Processing
  • Doing/Performing

Know Understand Think Appreciate
Explain Design Produce Negotiate
The outcome is where you want students to get,
not where they are before you start !
What I do in my classroom is everyones business.
The only way youll know if a student has
achieved an outcome is when you see it.
Creating a unit from a Module
A module is not a unit. The levelness is not in
the activity - its in the demonstration of the
outcome. The outcome/s is the starting place.
One process for creating a unit from a RE module
Big Idea
Multiculturalism in our Community
The OutcomesBook
Outcome/s Strand/s
Beliefs 4.3 Students describe how the structures
and practices of different Church Communities
reflect their culture and history.
Celebration and Prayer 4.3 Students examine how
the spirituality of significant people within and
beyond the Christian tradition influences
individuals and communities.
The Modules
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Possible Support Module/s  
Begin with the end in mind (Record in note form
a significant task or several important learning
activities that will provide students with
opportunities to successfully demonstrate the
outcome. The task/s should incorporate the
chosen Role/s for Lifelong learner and the
In the role of active investigator and designer
and creator, students understand that their
community is diverse and influenced by ideas,
practices and people from many cultures. Learning
Activities marked by ? in the learning sequence
will provide evidence of students demonstration
of the outcome/s.
Who are the learners in my class?
Learning activities and sequence
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Church Design ? 4.3
Students in small learning teams match the
interior with the exterior photo of each church
provided. Students complete a Think Pair Share
Strategy ? by examining the church design and
brainstorming and recording answers to the
following questions q       For whom was the
church designed? q       Who worships there
now? q       When was it built (approximately)?  
Students in learning teams discuss one of the
church buildings using Six Thinking Hats
Strategy?.   Red How would you feel if you
worshipped in this church? Yellow What appeals
to you about the building? Black What does not
appeal to you about this building? Green How
would you make this church a more appealing
place? White List the items that make this
building a church.   Students share their
understandings with the class.
Learning Sequence
What do I need to do before, during and after
this activity?
Design ? 4.3
?Take students into a nearby church look at
design ?Will need to talk about different types
of architecture? ? Have I used Six Thinking
Hats Strategy before? Do I need to find out more
about it?
Spirituality in the Christian Tradition
Significant People within and beyond Christianity
Expressions of Spirituality p.8
Spirituality Activities p.8
People of the Church Activities p.24
The Way to Love p.24 Open the Windows
p.28 Changing the World One Heart at a Time
p.29 Thomas Merton p.30
Whats in a Word? p.9 Contemplative Places
p.10 Spiritual Lights p.11
Christian Spirituality Activities p.13
Australian Context Activities p.31
Charisms of the Early Church p.14 Desert
Fathers and Mothers p.15
Indigenous Spiritualities p.32 Australian
Catholics p.32 True Believers p.33
Catholic Spirituality Activities p.17
Writers, Artists, Dreamers Visionaries Activities
Marian Spirituality p.18 Litany of Mary of
Nazareth p.20 Religious Orders
p.21 Spirituality of Saints p.23
Spirituality of Leunig p.36 Starry, Starry
Night p.38 Commitment to the Australian
Community p.38 A New Generation Gathers p.39
For students who are operating above or below the
levels targeted in this sequence, .
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