A Metric Suite for Object Oriented Design by S' R' Chidamber and C' F' Kemerer 1994 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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A Metric Suite for Object Oriented Design by S' R' Chidamber and C' F' Kemerer 1994


Defining the implementation of a class with methods and data ... Depth of Inheritance = depth of class in the inheritance tree ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: A Metric Suite for Object Oriented Design by S' R' Chidamber and C' F' Kemerer 1994

A Metric Suite for Object Oriented Designby S.
R. Chidamber and C. F. Kemerer (1994)
  • 2 criticisms of metrics during the early phase of
  • Complexity metrics lacked solid theoretical bases
    ( e.g. E. Weyuker)
  • Traditional metrics do not include OO concepts
  • The goal of the paper
  • Propose metrics that have a firm basis in theory
  • Evaluate the metrics against established criteria
    (e.g. Weyuker)
  • Present empirical data to illustrate the
    characteristics of metrics

Boochs OO Design
  • Theory behind OO Design centers around CLASS
  • Identification of classes
  • Defining the meaning of classes
  • Defining the relationships between/among classes
  • Defining the implementation of a class with
    methods and data
  • Thus, metrics of OO design measure the complexity
    in designing CLASSES
  • The metrics outlined here mainly captures static
    behavior, not dynamic behavior.

Measurement Theory
  • OO design may be viewed more formally as a
    system, D, with 3 components
  • Design, D ( C, R, B) where
  • C set of classes
  • R is a set of empirical relations on the classes,
  • B is a set of binary operation on the elements of
  • An example of empirical relationship is gt, where
    a class is gt another class if it contains more
  • Note that a binary relationship may have
    properties such as transitivity or completeness
    (every element participates)
  • In order for the OO empirical system to be
    measured, it must be transformed into a formal
    system that has relations and operations. An
    example of such a formal system is the real
    number system, which is ordered. (Example with
    height of children)
  • Childrens height
    ? real number
  • Relation taller ?
    relation gt
  • Binary op standing on top ? binary
  • This is a transformation metric, M, where for d
    in Design, D (C,R,B), is mapped to a formal
    real system, Real (n, R, Op)
  • or M(d) ? Real

Some Important Concepts Definitions
  • Each object, or element, in OO is an individual
    that has properties.
  • Object is a representation of an application
    domain, as seen by the designer, that includes
  • Methods
  • Instance variables
  • More formally, Object (i, P(i) ) where
  • i individual object
  • P(i) collection of properties of i
  • For an individual object, x, the properties of x,
    P(x), are described with methods, (Mx) and
    instance variables, (IVx) .
  • P(x) M x U IV x where U is the
    logical union, OR, of sets

Design Properties for OO
  • Coupling in OO between two objects X and Y is
    defined as
  • (1) action by Mx on P(y) My U IVy
  • (2) action by My on P(x) Mx U IVx
  • 2. Cohesion is defined in terms of a similarity
    function, S, where
  • S(A, B) P(A) P(B) , is the logical
    intersection, AND, of sets
  • Consider M1 and M2, methods 1 and 2 of the same
  • S(M1, M2) IV1 IV2 where IV1 is the
    set of instance variables accessed by method M1.
  • Cohesion is defined by this similarity function
    based on the belief that different methods of the
    same object performing different operations on
    the same set of instance variables implies that
    the object is cohesive. (The degree of similarity
    is based on the similarity of methods which in
    turn is measured by the number of the common
    instance variables.)

Design Properties for OO (cont.)
  • 3. Complexity of an object may be viewed as
    the cardinality of the objects set of properties
    based on the concept that the larger the set of
    anything, the more complex it is. (properties may
    be anything of interest such as input
  • 4. Scope of properties of an object speaks
    to how far an objects properties influences
    other objects.
  • In OO, the depth of inheritance may be viewed as
    the scope.
  • Depth of Inheritance depth of class in the
    inheritance tree
  • In OO, the number of children of a class may also
    be viewed as an influencing factor.
  • Number of children of a class number of
    immediate descendants of a class
  • 5. Communications among the methods is
    another measure of OO design this is like
  • Response set of a class of objects all
    methods that can be invoked in response to a
    message to an object of the class
  • 6. Combination of objects, X and Y, is
    defined as the logical union of P(X) and P(Y).
    (not clear on the applicability of this in OO)

E. Weyukers 9 Metric Evaluation Criteria
  • Let m be a metric for a program entity then it
    should have the following properties
  • Non-Coarseness given any program X there is
    another program Y where m(X) ! m (Y)
  • Non-Uniqueness there exist program entities
    X and Y such that m (X) m(Y)
  • Permutation is significant there exists
    program entities X and Y such that X is a
    rearrangement of Y and m (x) ! m (Y)
  • Implementation (design detail) is important
    there exists programs X and Y such that they
    produce the same output given the same input and
    m (X) ! m (Y)
  • Monotonicity given program entities X, Y, m
    (X) lt m (X Y) and m (Y) lt m (X Y) where
    is the concatenation of X and Y.
  • Non-equivalence of interaction there are
    program entities of X,Y, and Z such that m (X)
    m (Y) but m (X Z) ! m ( YZ)
  • Interaction increases complexity there are
    program entities X, and Y such that m(X) m(Y)
    lt m (X Y) where the first is addition and
    second is some other operation such as
  • Finiteness given a nonnegative number, c,
    there is only a finite number of program entities
    that satisfies m(X) c.
  • Renaming Principle if Y is a renaming of X,
    the m(X) m(Y)
  • Are not considered by C-K in this article

6 C-K Metrics for OO design
  • Weighted Methods per Class (WMC)
  • WMC SUM( Cj ), where C1, ----, Cn are the
    complexity weights assigned to each of the
    methods M1, ----, Mn in the class.
  • If the weights are all equal to 1, then WMC
    number of methods in the class.
  • (based on the complexity property of larger the
    cardinality of a set of methods the more time and
    effort is needed.)
  • Depth of Inheritance Tree (DIT)
  • DIT length of a node to the root of an
    inheritance tree.
  • In case of multiple inheritance, pick the maximum
  • (based on the scoping property, where the deeper
    scope indicates more influence in depth that is
    harder to understand.)

6 C-K Metrics for OO design
  • Number of Children (NOC)
  • NOC number of immediate sub-classes subordinate
    to the class.
  • (based on the scoping property where the broader
    the scope implies more influence in breadth and
    possibly more complexity.)
  • Coupling Between Objects (CBO)
  • CBO number of classes a class is coupled to,
    where coupled is defined as a method in a class
    calling another class or uses its variables.
  • The notion of coupling allows for both fan-in and
  • (based on the coupling property where less
    coupling is better more coupling prevents re-use
    and is hard to maintain)

6 C-K Metrics for OO design
  • Response for a class (RFC)
  • RFC (number of methods in class) (number of
    remote methods called by the methods in class),
    the operator is the arithmetic sum.
  • A called on method is counted once even if it may
    be called several times.
  • (based on the complexity and communication
    properties where higher cardinality implies more
    difficulty more testing also)
  • Lack of Cohesion in Methods (LCOM)
  • LCOM (Cardinality of P) (Cardinality of Q)
    if cardinality of P is gt cardinality of Q
    otherwise LCOM 0, where
  • For each method Mj, IVj set of instance
    variables used by Mj
  • P (IVj, IVk) where logical intersection of
    IVj and IVk is empty
  • Q (IVj, IVk) where logical intersection of
    IVj and IVk is non-empty
  • (based on the idea that similarity of methods
    gives us cohesion and less similarity shows lack
    of cohesion --- where similarity of methods in a
    class is defined as operating on the same
    instance variable )

Note that degree of 0 is not included in LCOM
that is, no matter by how much the cardinality of
Q is bigger than cardinality of P, it is the same
Meeting OO Boochs Design Theory(Steps)
  • Earlier it is said that the theory behind OO
    design centers around class
  • Identification of classes
  • Defining the meaning of classes
  • Defining the relationships between/among classes
  • Defining the implementation of a class with
    methods and data
  • Do the C-K metrics cover all these design points
    of CLASS ?

C-K Metrics coverage of OO Design Steps
Do you agree with the authors assessment?
Meeting Weyukers Metric Evaluation ?
  • W7 is interaction increases complexity none
    of the metrics satisfy
  • this condition
  • W8-finiteness and W9-renamingapplies to all
    metrics W3-permutation is not applicable

Some Managerial Usage of these metrics
  • Data from 2 commercial projects indicated that
    designers kept inheritance hierarchies shallow
    this indicates that for simplicity, the designers
    gave up some re-use. (Can managers encourage
    people to increase DIT or NOC ?)
  • Another observation indicated that a class had a
    large number (42) of sub-classing. In this case,
    looking at NOC helped find some potential excess
    in sub-classing.
  • Clearly, combinations of metrics may also help
    manage the over-all design.
  • WMC along with NOC and DIT to look at structuring
    of class
  • CBO and RFC to look at excessive interaction and
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