cs437 Software Engineering Syllabus - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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cs437 Software Engineering Syllabus


This class will attempt to open a small yet wide enough aperture into the world ... The nature of this class is eminently practical. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: cs437 Software Engineering Syllabus

cs437 Software EngineeringSyllabus
Administrative Miscellanea cs437 Major
Objectives Nature of the cs437 Class cs437 Major
Topics Grading Student Grading and
Evaluations Nature of the Exams Class Attendance
and Punctuality Class Participation Class
Project Readings
Instructor Jose M. Macias, PhD REQUIREMENT
the students in the class will call me José
Office Hours After class as needed. Other
times are by appointment (818)257-1658 - cell
(818)393-0771-work/JPL.E-mails josemasia
_at_gmail.com or jose.m.macias_at_jpl.nasa.gov
(work) This class has Lecture time (4hrs.) a
Lab time (1.5hrs.).Prerequisites CS 337 and
completion of the GWAR.
Syllabus Administrative Miscellanea (These data
are permanent in time)
Official Schedule at http//www.calstatela.edu/a
Class Days Lec Monday 610pm 10pm Lab
Wednesday 610pm 840pmClass Room ET
MONTH OF APRILLab Part of the Lab sessions
will be conducted by the TA from 610-8pm on
Monday. Lec The Lec sessions and the remaining
of the Lab session will be conducted from 8-10pm
on Monday and from 8-1030pm on Wednesday.
Office ET A3xx, phone (323)343-6690
Syllabus (Contd) Administrative Miscellanea
Syllabus (Contd) Textbooks
Recommended Textbook Software Engineering A
Practitioners Approach, (SEPA), 2005 by
Roger S. Pressman, 6th Edition,
McGraw-Hill. Recommended textbook Software
Engineering by Ian Sommerville, 2007, 8th
Edition, Addison- Wesley. (NOT IN THE BOOK
STORE It was not ordered) For the most
part the material used in this class is taken
from the textbook and from the additional
resources it provides. Some chapters are better
dealt with in Sommervilles book and in that case
I will provide the required material to the
students via email
The aim of this class is to provide a broad
introduction to software engineering methods as
well as "hands-on" experience with software
engineering methodologies. The focus will
include the discussion of practical software
technologies and a set of readings that address
major software engineering experiences. The
"hands-on" experience will come from continuing
the work from cs337, including a brief review of
software requirements and software
specifications. cs437 includes software design
and completion of the SRD, writing the test plan
document and some implementation work. All this
activity is aimed at introducing the student to
the work done for typical large/complex software
projects developed by the industry.
Syllabus (Contd) cs437 Major Objectives
Creating quality software is understood today as
the single most complex task ever attempted by
mankind. To be able to understand and visualize
some of its intricacies and idiosyncrasies is
indeed a daunting task. This class will attempt
to open a small yet wide enough aperture into the
world of developing quality large complex
software systems. The nature of this class is
eminently practical. That is, this class emulates
as much as possible the working environment when
developing a Software Engineering project the
instructor is the project lead and each team of
two members participates by creating and
designing their own project. The idea behind
this class is to provide the student with the
unique opportunity of being a team member of a
Software Engineering team and understanding the
many complex components of such a task.
Syllabus (Contd) Nature of the cs437 class
The following is a list of some of the major
topics discussed in class Requirements Analysis
(Review) Software Design Elements of Software
Architecture Real Time (Embedded) Software
Systems Software VV and Software
Testing Software Development Management Software
Metrics and Risk Analysis Elements of Software
EconomicsThe order in which these topics will
be discussed is not necessarily the one given
Syllabus (Contd) cs437 Major Topics
Midterm 10 (5th week of class) Final 10
(In class exam) Participation 10
Readings 15Project 15 Instructors
Evaluation 5 Students Evaluation 10
Presentation 40 Instructors
Evaluation 20 (8) Instructors Interview
Assessment 30 (12) Partners
Assessment 10 (4) Students
Evaluation 40 (16)Note 1 All exams are
open book/notes including papers and
documentation. You are NOT allowed to use the
Internet/cell phone at any time during
exams.Note 2 All Assignments are to be turned
in by email (no hard copies).
Syllabus (Contd) GRADING
Some of you will ignore the professional nature
of this class and assign the same grade from top
to bottom for anything and everything that has
been presented to you by your fellow students,
regardless of content, quality and evident
effort.Those who do so will have his/her grade
reduced by at least one complete step down from
A to A-, from B to a B-, and so on.The idea
behind this is that you cannot be a valuable
future lead or member of a Software Team if you
are unable to properly and objectively evaluate
peers and colleagues regarding their work.
Syllabus (Contd) Students Grading and
The Midterm exam (10) A take-home exam for you
and ONE of your partners that consists of 3-4
possibly open questions/problems. You both
receive the same grade. The Final exam (10)
A series of in-class questions. Major exam themes
will be announced before the exam. In-class
Participation (10) The instructor evaluates
your in-class participation, plus your required
punctuality and attendance. The Readings
(15) In this class you are required to read at
least 6 classical papers from the Software
Engineering literature. These readings are
evaluated by means of detailed in class quizzes.
The Project (15)There are 2 project
grades. One given by the instructor with a weight
of 5 and another given by the students (average)
with a 10 weight. Presentation (40) The
project presentation has several components The
instructor evaluates the project work (8) and
how appropriately the student dressed up for the
project interview (12), the fellow students
evaluate their peers project (16) and lastly,
(privately, by email, and addressed only to the
instructor) they will assess their partners
contribution to the project, briefly explaining
the WHY of his/her assessment (6).
Syllabus (Contd) Nature of the Exams
Syllabus (Contd) Class Attendance and
  • Class ATTENDANCE is MANDATORY. You may not miss
    a single class without the most credible
    justification to the instructor. This is a must
    and you should seriously consider not taking this
    class if you cannot satisfy this requirement
    (i.e., you are taking another class conflicting
    with this one, or you have work conditions that
    do not allow you to be in class at the scheduled
    times, etc.).
  • PUNCTUALITY I and the TA expect all students
    to be at their working place (fixed throughout
    the quarter) when we arrive to the class room. If
    for some unforeseen reason I or the TA happen to
    not be on time for any class session, please call
    me/him on the cell phone so you can determine the
    immediate reason of such an anomaly.
  • BREAKS After any break students are expected
    to be back in class in a timely manner. Being
    consistently present is part of your class
    attendance record. Your grade will be affected by
    not fulfilling this requirement.

Syllabus (Contd) Class Participation
  • Class participation is such an important
    component of our project progress that if this
    class is not the kind you had in mind, please do
    not enroll. In doing so you will leave space for
    others who are more interested in becoming
    Software Engineers in todays software industry.
  • Class Participation is also an important
    component of your overall grade. Your
    participation in class will be elicited by your
    instructor as part of the class interaction. From
    the very first day of class all students will be
    expected to actively participate.
  • The instructor and TA will create a favorable
    environment for the students participation.

Syllabus (Contd) Class Project
  • The Class Project is the major component of
    your class work. Typically it takes a team of two
    students about 3-4 solid weekends to complete the
    overall project. The grade weight of the project
    is the largest (40) and is made up of several
    components (see earlier slide).
  • But first
  • Due to the nature of this class any late
    projects cannot and will not be accepted.

Syllabus (Contd) Readings
  • 1. Software Engineering cannot be learned without
    reading about other peoples successes/failures.
    To read the classical literature in the software
    engineering field is crucial. Some of the papers
    you will read include classical, well known in
    the Software Engineering field, papers.
  • 2. The Readings (15) are an extremely important
    part of the class. You will be asked to read 6
    classical papers. Besides two PRE-Reading papers.
    Most readings may be made available on-line,
    otherwise the instructor will provide you with a
    hard or soft copy. There are TWO papers that are
    part of cs337 that will be controlled the first
    week of class Mythical Man-Month and No
    Silver Bullet by Brooks. A pdf copy of these
    papers will be available from the TA.
  • 3. All readings will be controlled and graded by
    means of time-limited quizzes with specific
    questions from the paper that are impossible to
    answer without having read the paper in detail
    MORE THAN ONCE. Typically a student must read the
    paper at least a couple of times before being
    able to answer any question. The best hint here
    is get a hard copy of the paper and underline it
    for better reference. The quizzes are
    open-paper but NOT open on-line resources.
  • 4. Do not make the mistake of thinking that you
    can search the questions from the paper in the
    amount of time provided to answer them.

Syllabus (Contd) Papers
  • Possible readings may include
  • Pre-Reading Mythical Man-Month by F. Brooks,
  • Pre-Reading No Silver Bullet by F. Brooks, 1986.
  • Programming in the Large vs Programm. in the
    Small by DeRemer Kron.
  • Software Reuse Facts and Myths, many authors,
  • Software Aging D. Parnas, 1994
  • A View of 20th 21st Century SE by B. Boehm,
  • Integrated Safety Analysis Reqts Specs, Many
    authors, 1997.
  • A View of 20th 21st Century SE by B. Boehm,
  • Other titles to be announced.
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