Title: Qualitative Research
1Qualitative Research
- CSC 426 Values and Computer Technology
- Presented by Brent Shiver
2What is Qualitative Research?
- In depth understanding of and reasons that govern
human behavior - Focuses on phenomena that occur in natural
settings or real world - Studying those phenomena in all their complexity
- The researcher is an instrument
3Qualitative Research Recognition
- Began to gain recognition in the 1970s
- Social Sciences Anthropology, Sociology,
History, Political science, Medicine, Psychology,
Education - Many researchers believe that all inquiry starts
out in qualitative form - Can help define what is important What needs to
be studied
4Comparing to Quantitative Research
- Qualitative research investigates the why and
how, while quantitative research covers what,
where, and when - Qualitative research is largely exploratory
whereas quantitative research is conclusive - Qualitative studies do not allow researcher to
identify cause-effect relationships.
Quantitative research is needed for this.
5Characteristics of Qualitative Research
- Requires considerable preparation and planning
- Researcher must be trained in
- Observation techniques
- Interview strategies
- Data collection methods that are needed
- Can be challenging task
- Not the approach if looking for quick results and
easy answers
6Purposes Served
- Description
- Interpretation
- Verification
- Evaluation
7Common Qualitative Research Designs
- Case study
- Ethnography
- Phenomenological study
- Grounded theory study
- Content analysis
8Case Study
- Particular individual, program, or event is
studied in depth for a defined period of time - Useful for learning more about little known or
poorly understood situation - We cant guarantee that findings are
generalizable to other situations - Multiple or collective case study
9Case StudyData Collection and Analysis
- Observations, interviews, documents, past
records, audiovisual materials - Categorization and interpretation of data in
terms of common themes - Synthesis into an overall portrait of the case(s)
- Researcher studies an entire group in depth
- Everyday behaviors cultural norms
- Natural setting for period of time
- Useful for gaining understanding of the
complexities of a particular culture - Requires considerable patience and tolerance
11EthnographyData Collection and Analysis
- Participant observation, structured or
unstructured interviews with informants,
artifact/document collection - Identification of significant phenomena and
underlying structures and beliefs - Organization of data into logical whole
chronology (e.g., typical day)
12Phenomenological Study
- Attempt to understand peoples perceptions,
perspectives, and understandings of a particular
situation - What is it like to experience
- People caring for dying relative
- Living in abusive relationship
- Home-schooling a child
- Can make some generalizations of what something
is like
13Phenomenological StudyData Collection and
- In-depth and unstructured interviews, sampling
- Search for meaning units that reflect various
aspects of the experience - Integration of the meaning units into a typical
14Grounded Theory Study
- Begin with the data and use them to develop a
theory - Prescribed set of procedures for analyzing data
and constructing a theoretical model - Especially helpful when current theories about a
phenomenon are not sufficient or nonexistent - Focuses on a process related to particular topic
with goal of developing a theory
15Grounded Theory StudyData Collection and Analysis
- Interviews, any relevant data sources
- Prescribed and systematic method of coding the
data into categories and identifying
interrelationships - Continual interweaving of data collection and
analysis - Construction of theory from categories and
16Content Analysis
- Detailed and systematic examination of material
contents to identify patterns, themes, or biases - Performed on forms of human communication
- Greatest amount of planning
- Not necessarily stand-alone design
17Content AnalysisData Collection and Analysis
- Identification and possible sampling of material,
coding of material in terms of predetermined and
precisely defined characteristics - Label frequency of each characteristic
- Descriptive or inferential statistical analyses
as needed to answer research question
18Collecting Data in Qualitative Research
- Researchers often use multiple forms of data in
any single study - Potential sources are only limited to
researchers open-mindedness and creativity - Data collection takes a great deal of time
- Take notes or memos
- Process of selecting
- Looking at everything is rare
- Researcher might be choosy
- Choose a sample that can be presumed to represent
a population or body of objects - Theoretical sampling
- Discriminant sampling
- Unstructured and free-flowing
- Researcher can take advantage of unforeseen data
sources as they surface - Challenges
- What to look for
- Biases
- Recording
- Can yield a great deal of information
- Researcher asks questions
- Must rely on interviewees memories
- Open-ended or semi-structured
- Focus group
22Organizing and Analyzing Data from Qualitative
- Usually no single right way to analyze data
- Complex and time-consuming process
- Qualitative inquiry is fundamentally interpretive
- Data analysis spiral
- Researchers biases and values