Title: Design Pattern Iterator
1Design Pattern Iterator
- aka Cursor
- a behavioral pattern
- intent
- allow sequential access to elements of an
aggregate without exposing underlying
representation - motivation
- want to be able to access elements of an
aggregate object without exposing internal
structure - want to use several different traversals
- want different traversals pending on same list
2Iterator - ModelGamma et al Design Patterns
elements of reusable object-oriented software,
return new ConcreteIterator(this)
3- use
- access aggregate objects contents without
exposing internal representation - support multiple traversals of aggregate objects
- provide uniform interface for traversing
different structures - model
- consequences
- supports variations in traversal of aggregate
- simplified aggregate interface
- more than one traversal can be pending on an
aggregate - considerations
- internal versus external iterators
- who defines traversal algorithm
- based on Iterator Design Pattern
- Iterator
- public interface IteratorltEgt
- public boolean hasNext()
- public E next()
- public void remove()
- iterator() in Collection
- sequential traversal
- Enumeration
- public interface EnumerationltEgt
- public boolean hasMoreElements()
- public E nextElement()
- functionality of this interface is duplicated by
the Iterator interface - new implementations should consider using
Iterator in preference to Enumeration
5Iterators (cont.)
- ListIterator
- public interface ListIteratorltEgt extends
IteratorltEgt - public void add(E o)
- public boolean hasPrevious()
- public E previous()
- public int nextIndex()
- public int previousIndex()
- public void set(E o)
- listIterator() in List
- forward and backward sequential traversal
6Iterators (cont.)
- iterating through Map views
- views
- key set
- value collection
- entry set (nested interface Map.Entry)
- public static interface Map.EntryltK,Vgt
- public K getKey()
- public V getValue()
- public V setValue(V v)
7Design Pattern - Factory
- a creational pattern
- intent
- To define an interface for creating objects but
let subclasses decide which class to instantiate
and how - motivation
- Display classes for different sorting algorithms
- SortDisplayFactory creates suitable instance
depending on the algorithm actually used
8Factory - Model
9Design pattern - Abstract Factory
- aka Kit
- a creational pattern
- intent
- provide interface for creating families of
related objects without specifying concrete
representation - motivation
- toolkit that supports multiple standards
- e.g. look and feel of widgets
- define WidgetFactory that declares interface for
each kind of widget - concrete subclasses implement widgets for
different look and feel standards - clients call operations in WidgetFactory,
remaining independent of actual look and feel
10Abstract Factory ModelGamma et al Design
Patterns elements of reusable object-oriented
software, p.88
11- use
- system should be independent of how products are
created, composed and represented - family of products designed to be used together
- want to provide library of products and reveal
only interfaces not implementation - model
- consequences
- isolates concrete classes
- easy to exchange product families
- promotes consistency among products
- difficult to support new kinds of products
12Design pattern - Command
- aka Action
- a behavioral pattern
- intent
- To encapsulate an action as an object, so that
actions can be passed as parameters, queued, and
possible undone - Use the Command design pattern
- when actions need to be passed as parameters.
- when actions need to be queued and then executed
later. - when actions can be undone.
13Command - Structure
14Command (cont.)
- use
- parameterize objects by actions to perform
- specify, queue, and execute requests at different
times - support undo
- consequences
- command are first-class objects
- you can assemble commands into a composite
command (design pattern composite) - easy to add new commands
15Design pattern - Observer
- aka Dependents, Publish-and-Subscribe
- a behavioral pattern
- intent
- define dependencies between objects
- when an object changes state, ensure all
dependents are notified and updated - motivation
- need to maintain consistency among cooperating
classes - e.g. MVC GUI model
- multiple views of same data
- multiple windows on same text file
- subject
- observers
a b c
change notification
requests, modifications
17- use
- abstraction has two aspects, one dependent on the
other - change to an object requires changing an unknown
number of others - object needs to notify other objects without
knowing details about them - consequences
- abstract coupling between Subject and Observer
- broadcast communication
- unexpected updates
- considerations
- mapping subjects to observers
- observing more than one subject
- triggering the update
- deleted subjects
- self-consistent state in subject
- how much information to send on update
18Observer - Structure
19Observer - Interaction
20Design Pattern Strategy
- aka Policy
- a behavioral pattern
- intent
- allow different variants of an algorithm
- motivation
- different traversals for sorted aggregates based
on different orderings - it is difficult to add new orderings or vary
existing once when they are an integral part of
the traversal
21Strategy - ModelGamma et al Design Patterns
elements of reusable object-oriented software,
22- use
- many related classes differ only in their
behavior. Strategies provide a way to configure a
class with one of many behaviors. - you need different variants of an algorithm.
- an algorithm uses data that clients shouldnt
know about. - a class defines many behaviors, and these appear
as multiple conditional statements in its
operations. - model
- consequences
- hierarchies of strategies classes define a family
of algorithms or behaviors for contexts to reuse.
- an alternative to subclassing
- eliminates conditional statements
- choice of implementations
- considerations
- clients must be aware of different strategies
- communication overhead between Strategy and
Context - increased number of objects
23Ordering and Sorting
- order (partial order)
- total order versus strictly partial order
- natural order
- by implementing Comparable interface
- imposed order
- by use of Comparator
- Comparable
- compareTo
- parameter a.compareTo(b)
- result
- total order
- consistency with equals
24 - Comparator
- public interface ComparatorltTgt
- public int compare(T o1, T o2)
- public boolean equals(Object obj)
- Strategy Design Pattern
- compare
- parameters c.compare(a,b)
- result
- total order
- consistency with equals
25Design pattern - composite
- Intent
- compose objects into tree structures to represent
part-whole hierarchies. - use the composite pattern when
- you want to represent part-whole hierarchies of
objects - you want clients to be able to ignore the
difference between compositions of objects and
individual objects
26Composite - Structure
Operation() Add(c Component) Remove(c
Component) GetChildren() Collection
forall g in children g.Operation()
- public abstract class TreeltEgt implements
IterableltEgt -
- private E element
- public Tree(E element)
- this.element element
- public E getElement()
- return element
- public abstract boolean contains(E element)
28Example (contd)
- public boolean containsAll(CollectionltEgt
collection) - boolean result true
- for(E element collection)
- result contains(element)
- return result
- public abstract int size()
- public abstract int depth()
- public IteratorltEgt iterator()
- return new DfsTreeIteratorltEgt(this)
29- public class LeafltEgt extends TreeltEgt
- public Leaf(E element)
- super(element)
- public boolean contains(E element)
- return element.equals(getElement())
- public int size()
- return 1
- public int depth()
- return 1
30- public class NodeltEgt extends TreeltEgt
- private TreeltEgt left
- private TreeltEgt right
- public Node(E element, TreeltEgt left, TreeltEgt
right) - super(element)
- this.left left
- this.right right
- public boolean contains(E element)
- return element.equals(getElement())
left.contains(element) right.contains(element)
- public int size()
- return left.size() right.size() 1
31- public int depth()
- return Math.max(left.depth(),right.depth())
1 -
- public TreeltEgt getLeftSubTree()
- return left
- public TreeltEgt getRightSubTree()
- return right
32A tree
public static TreeltIntegergt createTree()
TreeltIntegergt t1 new LeafltIntegergt(8) Treelt
Integergt t2 new LeafltIntegergt(9) TreeltIntegergt
t3 new NodeltIntegergt(6,t1,t2) TreeltIntegergt
t4 new LeafltIntegergt(7) TreeltIntegergt t5
new NodeltIntegergt(3,t3,t4) TreeltIntegergt t6
new LeafltIntegergt(4) TreeltIntegergt t7 new
LeafltIntegergt(5) TreeltIntegergt t8 new
NodeltIntegergt(2,t6,t7) return new
33Iterators for Tree
- public class DfsTreeIteratorltEgt implements
IteratorltEgt - private IteratorltEgt iter
- public DfsTreeIterator(TreeltEgt tree)
- ListltEgt list new ArrayListltEgt()
- toList(tree,list)
- iter list.iterator()
- public E next()
- return iter.next()
34- public boolean hasNext()
- return iter.hasNext()
- public void remove()
- throw new UnsupportedOperationException()
- private void toList(TreeltEgt tree, ListltEgt list)
- list.add(tree.getElement())
- if (tree instanceof Nodelt?gt)
- toList(((NodeltEgt) tree).getLeftSubTree(),li
st) - toList(((NodeltEgt) tree).getRightSubTree(),l
ist) -
35- for(Integer n tree) System.out.print(n " ")
- yields 1 2 4 5 3 6 8 9 7
36- public class BfsTreeIteratorltEgt implements
IteratorltEgt - private IteratorltEgt iter
- public BfsTreeIterator(TreeltEgt tree)
- ListltEgt list new ArrayListltEgt()
- LinkedListltTreeltEgtgt openList new
LinkedListltTreeltEgtgt() - openList.add(tree)
- toList(openList,list)
- iter list.iterator()
- public E next()
- return iter.next()
- public boolean hasNext()
- return iter.hasNext()
37- public void remove()
- throw new UnsupportedOperationException()
- private void toList(LinkedListltTreeltEgtgt
openList, - ListltEgt list)
- while (!openList.isEmpty())
- TreeltEgt tree openList.removeFirst()
- list.add(tree.getElement())
- if (tree instanceof Nodelt?gt)
- openList.addLast(
- ((NodeltEgt) tree).getLeftSubTree())
- openList.addLast(
- ((NodeltEgt) tree).getRightSubTree())
38- for(IteratorltIntegergt it new BfsTreeIteratorltInt
egergt(tree) - it.hasNext() )
- System.out.print(it.next() " ")
- yields 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9