Title: Central Statistical Office of Poland
1Central Statistical Office of Poland
- Composite indicators in the business tendency
surveys - Practice of Central Statistical Office of Poland
- and European Commission
- Magdalena Swiecka, Katarzyna Walkowska, Izabella
2Aim of the paper
- Comparison of CSO and European Commission
composite indicators, - Causes of differences in values of composite
indicators, - CSO indicators or EU indicators?
- Simple indicators - balances of replies
- (difference between weighted percentages of
positive and negative replies), - Composite indicators,
- Synthetic indicators.
4 CSO general climate indicator
- general climate indicator
- (present expected
- economic situation of enterprise) / 2
5European Commission composite indicator
- Manufacturing industry
- current order books, level of stocks, forecasted
production, - Construction
- current order books, forecasted employment,
- Retail trade
- past and future situation of the enterprise (or
sale), present level of stocks.
6Seasonal adjustment
- CSO seasonal adjustment of composite indicators
X-11 ARIMA (SAS) / TRAMO/SEATS (Demetra), - European Commission seasonal adjustment of
components of composite indicators Dainties.
7Manufacturing industry
- survey since June 1992,
- section D (without 37) according to NACE,
- size classes 10 and more employed persons,
- sample 3500 units.
8CSO and EC composite indicators
9Order books
10 Confidence indicator and its components
11General climate and its components
12Manufacturing industry - summary
- CSO general climate indicator is on higher level
than EC confidence indicator, - Difference between assessments of order books and
general economic situation of the enterprise, - Influence of level of stocks and future
production less significant.
- survey since July 1993,
- section F division 45 (without 45.5) according to
NACE, - size classes 10 and more employed persons,
- sample 3500 units.
14CSO and EC composite indicators
15 Order books
16 Confidence indicator and its components
17General climate and its components
18Construction - summary
- CSO general climate indicator is on higher level
than EC confidence indicator, - Difference between assessments of order books and
general economic situation of the enterprise, - Prognostic indicator concerning employment.
19Retail trade
- survey since October 1993,
- groups of divisions of section F according to
NACE, - sample 5000 units.
20CSO and EC composite indicators
21Sale / general situation
22 Confidence indicator and its components
23General climate and its components
24Retail trade - summary
- CSO general climate indicator is on lower level
than EC confidence indicator, - Difference caused by level of stocks.
- manufacturing industry
- very pessimistic assessment of order books,
- construction
- pessimistic assessment of order books,
- negative expectations on employment, below
assessments of general situation of the
enterprise, - retail trade
- entrepreneurs limit their stocks,
- improvement of general situation - not
reflected by rise of stocks.
- significant differences in levels of composite
indicators in manufacturing industry and
construction, - CSO composite indicators seem to reflect better
present situation of Polish enterprises, - further works on choice of the best composite
indicators, - EU composite indicators shorter for manufacturing
industry and construction.
27- Thank you for your attention