Title: MHE3 Research Methods Unit
1MHE3Research Methods Unit
- Lecture 1
- Introduction to Research and Ethics
- Affette McCaw-Binns
2MHE3 Understanding Research
- Biostatistics
- Dr. Marvin Reid TMRI
- Dr. Ian Hambleton
- Dr. Novi Younger
- Epidemiology
- Prof. Rainford Wilks - ERU
- Dr. Marshall Tulloch Reid - ERU
- Dr. Namvar Zohoori - ERU
- Research Methods and Course Coordinator
- Dr. Affette McCaw-Binns Comm H
- Lectures
- Seminar/Laboratory
- Integrate skills from the three disciplines
- Class divided into two groups
- Three labs per group
- Group work
- Develop research proposal
- Use same groups as for other subjects (?)
- Develop capacity to
- Read
- Analyse
- Interpret
- Critique medical literature
- Develop an interest in research
5Course material
- Web site being established to post
- Course outline
- Lecture notes
- Other information as develops
- When this is established, will let you know
- Until then
- Class rep will be given a hard copy of my lecture
notes - Will provide it electronically if Im given a
clean diskette
6Why research skills?
- The best care for patients in the 21st century
requires an ability to use the medical literature
to solve clinical problems - Health professionals should be able to address
clinical dilemmas through - Careful definition of the problem
- Efficient review of the literature
- Brief and efficient screening of articles to find
the most relevant and valid information
7Undergraduate research skills - I
- Develop an understanding of research
- Its uses
- Its similarities and differences from
- biomedical research
- basic research in other disciplines
- Use research as an approach to problem solving by
applying a scientific and logical approach to - Problem solving
- Decision making during health practice
8Undergraduate research skills - II
- Develop the skill to identify useful research
questions focused on priority problems - Understand the research process
- Sampling
- Threats to validity and reliability
- Other basic research issues
9Undergraduate research skills - III
- Familiarity with
- Data collections techniques
- Study types
- Importance of community based, action oriented
approaches and multidisciplinary research - Understand how to
- Be a good research consumer
- Assess research results
- Use them to improve health care
10Types of ResearchPatho-physiological research
- Study of the physiological and pathological
causes of disease at the cellular/molecular level - Basis for development of clinical medicine and
11Types of Research Epidemiological approach
- Study of the development, frequency, distribution
and consequences of disease and other health
related states in human populations - Principles
- Disease does not develop at random
- Not all persons are equally likely to develop a
particular disease - By identifying risk factors for disease
development, one is able to develop ways to
control or prevent its occurrence
12Types of Research Health systems research
- Examines health intervention outcomes from
social, psychological, physical and economic
perspectives - Improve the health of a community by enhancing
the efficiency and effectiveness of the health
system - Supports health system development
- People and actions whose purpose is to improve
13Four main elements of health
- Human biology includes
- genetic inheritance
- process of ageing
- robustness of our body systems
- Environment
- factors external to the person
- individual have little or no control, e.g.
- water supply
- adequacy of sanitation
- Lifestyle
- aggregation of decisions by individuals that
affect their health - individuals have some control, e.g.
- smoking, diet
- Health care
- includes quantity, quality and access to health
14Example, AIDS
- Basic or laboratory scientist
- Microbiologist
- HIV infectious agent
- Immunologist
- describe role of CD4 and T-lymphocyte in
monitoring disease status
- Epidemiologist
- Biology
- contaminated blood/body fluids vector
- Sociology
- circumstances which contribute to HIV
transmission among humans - drug use
- promiscuity
15Types of Studies I
- Descriptive
- Tells us what is happening in regard to a
phenomenon being studied - Does not explain why things happen
- Only describes what is occurring
- Types
- Case reports/series
- Cross sectional studies
16Types of Studies II
- Explanatory
- Attempts to explain a phenomenon by specifying
how or why it has happened - Requires more attention to study design, data
collection methods - Hypothesis formulation is critical
- Types
- Cross-sectional
- Cohort
- Case-control
- Experimental studies
17Types of Studies III
- Evaluative
- Studies that appraise the value of health care
- Reviews
- Are programmes achieving their stated objectives?
- Trials
- Is this the most effective method of care?
- Types
- Programme trials
- Clinical trials
- Audits
18Types of data
- Primary
- Data collected principally for use by the
investigator - Secondary
- Data collected for other purposes and used by
other investigators (e.g. Census)
19Sources of secondary data
- General data
- Census, population estimates (STATIN)
- Vital statistics (RGD)
- Health services data
- Hospital statistics (HMSR)
- Community returns (MCSR)
- Notification of disease (Surveillance unit)
- General practice returns
- Individual records
- Hospital referrals
20Summary I
- Several methods for acquiring, stating and
establishing knowledge - The scientific method applies a set of rules to
produce scientifically valid knowledge - Inherent to scientific approach is scepticism
regarding content of knowledge and underlying
21Summary II Epidemiological research
- Focus consequences of disease / health related
states in human populations - Aims to clarify the contribution of
- Biology
- Environment
- Lifestyle
- Health care
- to human health and health outcomes
22Summary III Health systems research
- Application of research to structure, process and
outcome of health related interventions in
populations or clinical settings - Focus to improve the quality, appropriateness,
effectiveness, including cost-effectiveness of
health service delivery
23ETHICS The rules of the game Selecting the
Research Problem
- Is the study worthwhile?
- What will it accomplish?
- Will it be used by policy makers or significantly
contribute to the process of theory building? - Whom will it serve?
- Participation should be voluntary
- People should not feel coerced
- Are there implicit sanctions?
- Are there hidden expectations?
- Issue generalizability
- Are volunteers different from those who refuse?
25Safety Do no harm
- Physical
- Interventions/Experiments
- Monitoring outcomes/side effects
- Stopping rules
- Psychological
- Participants are sometimes asked to face aspects
of themselves they do not normally consider, e.g.
deviant behaviour - Probing sensitive issues may injure self-esteem
26Informed Consent I
- Participants should
- Base their voluntary participation on a full
understanding of the possible risks involved - Have the purposes of the study explained to them
- Be given a description of how the study will
affect them, including risks associated with the
27Informed Consent II
- Participants should
- Be told that involvement is entirely voluntary
and that they can leave the study at any time - Be given a written information leaflet which
contains - The above information which they can take away
- Identifies the principal investigator/institution
- Sign a statement indicating they are aware of the
risks but choose to participate anyway
28Special Groups
- Mentally incapacitated
- Agencies or carers should be involved to provide
advice regarding appropriate participation - Consent needs to be obtained from the legal
29Special Groups Children
- Informed consent from parents/guardians and the
child if s/he is sufficiently intelligent/ mature
to make this practical - ?ageable to read and understand
- Risks considered in terms of
- therapeutic (potentially benefit to the child)
- non-therapeutic research (no direct benefit to
the child)
- Potential risks
- Physical disturbance
- Discomfort
- Anxiety
- Pain
- Psychological disturbance to the child or the
parents - Serious harm
30Why paediatric research?
- Disease processes differ between adults and
children some diseases have no close analogies
in the adult - Pharmokinetics of many drugs vary with age and
their beneficial or adverse effects are different
in adults and children - Because the antecedents of many adult diseases
have their origins in early life, studies in the
very young may identify strategies for preventing
diseases, eg HTN
31Anonymity and confidentiality
- Anonymity
- Cannot identify a response with a respondent
- No identifying details on questionnaire
- Difficulty keeping track of who has or hasnt
responded or cleaning data if there are errors - Confidentiality
- Researcher can identify a given persons
responses but promises not to do so publicly - Interviewers/data analysts trained in ethical
responsibility - Names replaced with identification numbers which
are kept under secure storage
32Analysis and Reporting
- Technical limitations and failures
- Researchers have an obligation to make any
shortcomings known to their readers - Report negative findings
- Feedback
- Organised method to share findings (individual or
group) with participants or other professionals
interested in the findings - Immediate feedback to subject (Case
report/referral) - Seminars
- Publications
33Ethical Review Boards
- Panel which reviews all research proposals
involving human subjects as a guarantee that
subjects rights and interests will be protected - Faculty of Medical Sciences
- Ministry of Health
- ERB may
- Require revision of the study design
- Refuse to approve a study
- Do we have the
- time
- financial resources to accomplish the stated
goal? - Are subjects available?
- Will subjects cooperate?
- Are facilities/equipment/skills available?
- What are the risks, the benefits?
- Are subjects aware of the potential risks and
benefits? The consequences? - Have participants consented freely?
- Is the study well designed and planned?
- Do we have personal biases?