TechSelect 2006 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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TechSelect 2006


Improved Quality. Reduced Size. Backwards Compatibility. API Compatibility (e. ... Batched forwarding may be useful for high performance in peer-to-peer or grid ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: TechSelect 2006

TechSelect 2006
  • Whats New in EAServer 6.0
  • Evan Ireland
  • Director of Engineering
  • Information Technology and Solutions Group
  • Sybase, Inc.

Whats New in EAServer 6.0?
  • J2EE 1.4 Certification
  • New Server Architecture
  • Web Management Console
  • New Command Line Tools
  • New Configuration Features
  • New Monitoring Features
  • New Performance Features
  • New Client Features
  • New Clustering Features
  • New Messaging Features
  • New Security Features

J2EE 1.4 Certification
  • Major Additions
  • JSR 88 J2EE Deployment API.
  • JSR 77 J2EE Management API.
  • JSR 115 Java Authorization Contract for
  • EJB Timer Service.
  • EJB Web Services.

Old Server Architecture (5.X)
libjdispatch (Server Kernel)Request
Dispatcher CORBA Container Jaguar/Management Jagua
r/Monitoring Jaguar C API
DB Connection Manager(C/C, Java)
Message Service(Java)
TDSHandler(Open Server)
TDS / MASPClients(Open Client)
HTTPHandler (C/C)
HTTPClients(XML, WS)
IIOPHandler (C/C)
Transaction Manager(C/C, Java)
Java Clientsfor CORBA, EJB JMS
libjcc CORBA Clients(C, PB)
CORBA Components (with generated or dynamic
EJB 2.0
jagproxy COMClients(VB, ASP)
Jaguar API(Java)
IIOP Clients(CORBA 2.2)
New Server Architecture (6.0)
DB Connection Manager(Java)
Message Service(Java)
TDSClients(Open Client)
6.1 TDSHandler(jTDS)
HTTPClients(XML, WS)
DJC / Web Components
Transaction Manager(Java)
Java Clientsfor CORBA, EJB JMS
DJC / EJBComponents
libjcc CORBA Clients(C, PB)
CORBA Components wrapped as EJBs
EJB 2.1Components
EJB wrappers
6.1? .NETComponents
6.1 .NETClients(C, VB, )
Jaguar C API(libjdispatch)
Jaguar API(Java)
IIOP Clients(CORBA 2.2)
What does DJC stand for?
  • DJC Dynamic Java Components.
  • Patent-pending lightweight component technology.
  • Attribute-based code generation framework.

What does JNICC stand for?
  • The Sybase JNI Compiler (JNICC) is a command line
    tool which can generate
  • C proxies for accessing Java classes and
  • C classes for implementing Java native methods.
  • The tool is Java-centric, and does not in any way
    rely on CORBA IDL.

Why are CORBA componentswrapped as EJBs?
  • Simplifies configuration
  • One set of Ant configuration tasks can be used
    for both EJB and CORBA components
  • Simplifies access from web tier
  • Servlets, JSP and JSF pages can all use ejb-refs
    or ejb-local-refs to access components.
  • PowerBuilder NVOs in EAServer will be treated
    just as they are in third party application
    servers with the new PowerBuilder Application
    Server Plugin.

Advantages of New Architecture
  • Improved Extensibility
  • Easier for Sybase and/or partners to add new
  • Improved Modularity
  • Allows more deployment options (e.g. JMS-only)
  • Improved Monitoring
  • To help with tuning and troubleshooting
  • Improved Performance
  • Improved Quality
  • Reduced Size

Backwards Compatibility
  • API Compatibility (e.g. JagGetUserName)
  • Script Compatibility (e.g. jagant, jagtool)
  • Some administrative tasks will be different from
    EAS 5.X, most configuration tasks should be
  • Issues of API or script incompatibility should be
    considered as bugs, unless they are documented.
  • If we removed something that you were depending
    on, let us know (open a case), and well see what
    we can do.

Web Management Console
  • Web Application with Sybase Central style
    tree-view navigation.
  • http//myhost8000/console

New Command Line Tools
  • configure runs configure target in specified
    Ant script changes property files in
  • recompile runs recompile target in specified
    Ant script regenerates code for lightweight
    component classes.
  • wlogin, wlogout single sign on for remote
    server administrative access.
  • wfs transfers file to or from remote server.
  • wsh runs command on remote server.

New Configuration Features
  • Ant Configuration Scripts
  • Automatic Database Startup
  • Export Configurations
  • Named Class Loaders
  • Repository Branches

Ant Configuration Scripts
  • When a component package (e.g. EJB-JAR) is
    deployed, an Ant configuration script is
    automatically generated.
  • Like a EAServer 5.X jagant script, configuration
    is achieved with simple setProperties tasks. No
    complex XML DTD or schema is required.
  • The generated script can be edited directly, or a
    user-defined script can be included in the
    deployment archive or created after deployment.
  • The generated script calls the user-defined
    script, to merge the default and user-defined
  • Editing and running configuration scripts is
    supported from the web management console.
  • See html/help/en/index.html for configuration

Automatic Database Startup
  • The default Data Source is preconfigured to
    automatically start SQL Anywhere if it is not
    already running.
  • It will create the database file first if no
    database file exists.
  • This behaviour can be configured for other
    databases by using an Ant script.

Export Configurations
  • An export configuration is a named collection
    of classes, files and deployed modules.
  • Build operation allows creation of a JAR or ZIP
    file containing the configuration.
  • Synchronize operation allows synchronization of
    a configuration to one or more servers or
  • New configurations can be defined from scratch or
    by composition of existing configurations.
  • An export configuration can include server
    infrastructure as well as deployed modules, so
    for example a JMS-only server configuration
    could be created.

Named Class Loaders
  • EAServer 5.X has Server, Application, Package and
    Component level class loaders.
  • EAServer 6.0 generalizes this to named class
    loaders, which specify
  • Class path.
  • Optional parent class loader.
  • Names of shared classes or packages which must be
    loaded by the parent first.
  • Names of shared classes or packages which must be
    loaded by the system first.
  • Loading strategy (loader or parent first).
  • (Some of this capability has been ported back to

Repository Branches
  • The setProperties Ant task can be applied at
    server, cluster or global scope, e.g.

ltsetProperties dataSourcedefault
serverBranchabcgt ltproperty
namedatabaseType valueSybase_ASA/gt
ltproperty nameserverName valuedb-host1/gt
ltproperty nameportNumber value2638/gtlt/setPr
opertiesgt ltsetProperties dataSourcedefault
clusterBranchxyzgt ltproperty
namedatabaseType valueSybase_ASE/gt
ltproperty nameserverName valuedb-host2/gt
ltproperty nameportNumber value5000/gtlt/setPr
opertiesgt ltsetProperties dataSourcedefaultgt
lt! global --gt ltproperty namedatabaseType
valueSybase_ASA/gt ltproperty
nameserverName valuelocalhost/gt ltproperty
nameportNumber value2638/gtlt/setPropertiesgt
Scheduled Tasks
  • With console or configure, you can configure
    tasks for execution at server startup, shutdown,
    or according to a schedule (like at or cron).
  • Possible task actions include
  • Check File, Run Application Client, Run Component
    Method, Run Database Command, Run System Command
  • Command output can be optionally sent via email
    or JMS.
  • Tasks have been predefined to check the server
    log for various types of messages. To activate
    them, set servers scheduledTasks property.

New Monitoring Features
  • Browse Name Bindings
  • Client Tracing Options
  • Server Tracing Options
  • Component Tracing
  • Component Profiling
  • Runtime Monitoring
  • Improved Exception Logging
  • Exception Cross Reference
  • Transaction Cross Reference
  • Thread Monitors

Browse Name Bindings
  • In Web Console, under Name Bindings node.
  • Shows all registered name bindings, with their
    binding scope.
  • Indicates which of the registered bindings are
    currently active.
  • Might be helpful if your client is getting
    lookup failures.

Client Tracing Options
  • RMI-IIOP Trace for Java clients
  • Enable by setting Java system property
    djc.rmiTracetrue on command line when starting
    client application.
  • Use djc.logFile system property to determine log
  • Set djc.echoLogtrue to echo log messages to

Server Tracing Options
  • Enabled through Web Console or configuration
  • RMI-IIOP Trace
  • For tracing remote calls from clients and
    intercomponent calls that use stubs (in-memory
  • EJB Trace
  • For tracing the execution of EJB (and CORBA)
  • Web Trace
  • For tracing the execution of Java Server Pages
    and servlets.
  • JMS Trace
  • For tracing and troubleshooting message
    processing when using the Message Service.
  • SQL Trace
  • For tracing SQL Data Source access. Particularly
    useful for EJB entity beans with CMP.

Component Tracing
  • Code for component tracing is generated by
  • See property ejb.enableTracing or
    web.enableTracing in generated Ant configuration
  • At server startup, enable tracing code to be
    active with command line option (or server
  • -traceejb.components.mypackage
  • -traceweb.components.mypackage
  • Or, enable for all packages with command line
  • -ejbTrace
  • -webTrace
  • View trace messages in server log.

Component Profiling
  • Code for component profiling is generated by
  • See property ejb.enableProfiling or
    web.enableProfiling in generated Ant
    configuration script
  • Ensure that statistics are enabled at the server
    level (they are enabled by default).
  • View statistics using Web Console or
    (recommended) access them via a Web Query from
    your spreadsheet.
  • http//myhost8000/wsh/run?commandget-statistics

Runtime Monitoring
  • Replaced by Statistics viewable in the Web
  • The Jaguar CORBA APIs are still supported for
    backwards compatibility.
  • JaguarManagement
  • JaguarMonitoring
  • JMX MBean API is also available.
  • Using your spreadsheet software access the
    statistics is highly recommended.
  • http//myhost8000/wsh/run?commandget-statistics
  • Or, capture 60 second or 60 minute summaries by
    enabling the Dump60SecondStatistics or
    Dump60MinuteStatistics scheduled task. Output
    file location
  • logs/statistics/myserver-YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM.statisti

Improved Exception Logging
  • Logging of application exceptions can be
    enabled/disabled at the server level.
  • Were not logged in EAServer 5.X.
  • Logging of system exceptions can be
    enabled/disabled at the server level.
  • Could not be disabled in EAServer 5.X.
  • Messages appear in the server log file.

Exception Cross Reference
  • Server Property Generate Exception Cross
  • Attempts to filter out repeat exceptions and
    create a log file listing all of the distinct
    exceptions that are present in the server log.
  • Output file location
  • logs/my-server-name.exceptions
  • If your log contains many exceptions, enabling
    this feature may cause performance problems.
  • On the other hand, it may make it easier for you
    to find a needle in a haystack.
  • Give it a try!

Transaction Cross Reference
  • Server Property Generate Transaction Cross
  • For each distinct transaction (business method
    that initiates a transaction), prints information
    about SQL statements and JMS operations that were
    executed in the transaction.
  • Output file location
  • logs/transactions/myserver-YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM.transa

Thread Monitors
  • Full replacement for HTTP and IIOP flow control.
  • Available for web components and EJB components.
  • (And CORBA / PB components, remember that they
    are now wrapped as EJBs).
  • Can limit the number of threads executing under
    each named monitor. Or leave limit unspecified,
    if you just want to see what your threads are
  • Named monitors can be associated with components
    by using Ant configuration scripts.
  • View Active Threads and Waiting Threads in
    Web Console.

Thread Monitors - Continued
  • Thread Monitors are also useful for
  • Avoiding lock (synchronization) contention with
    shared data structures.
  • Reducing resource utilization, e.g. limiting the
    number of threads concurrently accessing a data

New Performance Features
  • Query Batching
  • Object and Query Cache with Parent Versioning
  • Result Caching
  • Transaction Batching

Query Batching (for EJB CMP)
  • Consider the algorithm
  • Runs many queries per transaction, many round
    trips between application server and database.
  • Query Batching creates a prefetch theory for
    each transaction and uses it to create optimized
    stored procedures which avoid multiple round
  • See html/help/en/com.sybase.djc.ant.TransactionPro

double total 0.0 Customer c
ch.findByName(My Customer) for (Order o
c.getOrders()) for (OrderLine ol
o.getOrderLines()) total
ol.getItem().getPrice() ol.getQuantity()
Parent Versioning (for EJB CMP)
  • Same problem, different solution.
  • Enable the use of object or query caching to
    reduce database queries, using parent version
    check to ensure serializability.
  • Seehtml/help/en/com.sybase.djc.ant.PersistentObj
    ect.htmlparentVersion, html/help/en/
  • Best used with Sybase databases ?
  • Sorry but Oracle doesnt support SQL syntax for
    acquiring shared locks, so if you use it for
    read-only transactions you may get forced
    rollbacks as we must use exclusive locks to
    ensure serializability ?

Result Caching (for Stateless Components)
  • Any business method of a session bean (or CORBA
    component) can be enabled for result caching
    using an Ant configuration script, e.g.
  • ltcacheResult cacheTimeout120/gt
  • Table version (updated by database trigger) can
    be used instead of timeout to ensure
    transactional consistency of cached results.
  • ltcacheResult

Transaction Batching
  • Allows transactions from separate threads to be
    merged together to reduce round-trips to database
  • See html/help/en/com.sybase.djc.ant.TransactionPro

New Client Features
  • Automatic Server Startup
  • Dynamic Stub Generation
  • IIOP Data Compression

Automatic Server Startup
  • EJB and JMS clients can use special provider URLs
    to automatically start the application server if
    it isnt already running
  • run-servermy-server-name
  • Run server in-process with the client
  • start-servermy-server-name
  • Start server in separate process
  • This is quite handy for testing!

Dynamic Stub Generation (for Java)
  • Stub generation has two parts
  • generation of remote interfaces
  • for EJB, the developer creates these interfaces
  • for CORBA, the IDL compiler generates these
  • generation of stub classes
  • for EJB, the deployment tool generates these
  • for CORBA, the stub-compiler tool generates these
  • If your client has the interfaces but not the
    stub classes, they will be generated and compiled
    at runtime.
  • Your client must be using a JDK (with javac) to
    compile stubs at runtime.
  • If your client has only a JRE, you must generate
    stub classes in advance (with deployment tool or

IIOP Data Compression
  • For EJB / JMS / CORBA Java clients.
  • Enable using InitialContext or ORB property
  • props.put(dataCompression, true)
  • Or specify in provider URL
  • iiop//myhost2000?dataCompressiontrue
  • Uses GZIP algorithm
  • (from package
  • To use from PowerBuilder clients, use the
    EJBConnection object to connect to EAServer.

New Clustering Features
  • Automatic Failover
  • Request and Response Logging
  • Cluster Partitions

Automatic Failover - Request and Response Logging
  • Automatic failover can result in repeated method
    execution. If business methods are not
    idempotent, this can cause problems with data
  • Any void business method of a session bean can
    be enabled for request logging, to ignore
    duplicate calls during failover.
  • See html/help/en/com.sybase.djc.ant.RequestLogProp
  • Any non-void business method of a session bean
    can be enabled for response logging, to ignore
    duplicate calls during failover.
  • See html/help/en/com.sybase.djc.ant.ResponseLogPro
  • Request logging is slightly more efficient, since
    it doesnt need to log any result data (only a
    request key).
  • Logging uses a database. Log records are
    automatically deleted unless automatic failover
    occurs, in which case the log records must be
    retained to enable duplicate detection.

Cluster Partitions
  • A cluster may include one or more named
  • Each partition identifies
  • Preferred servers
  • Alternate servers
  • Components can be assigned to run in particular
    partitions, e.g.
  • ltclusterPartition nameMyPartition/gt
  • A Java client will communicate with one or more
    of a partitions preferred servers, unless all
    are unavailable, in which case it will try the
    alternate servers. This provides an effective way
    to perform load balancing while not sacrificing
    high availability.
  • libjcc-based clients (C, PB) are currently
    unaware of the distinction between preferred and
    alternate servers.
  • Can be used as a replacement for the EAServer
    5.XHot Standby licensing option.

New Messaging Features
  • New Java Implementation
  • Asynchronous Business Methods
  • In-Order Message Processing
  • Duplicate Message Detection
  • Fast IN Expression Evaluation
  • Message Store And Forward

New JMS Implementation
  • EAServer 5.X Message Service is a CORBA / Java
  • EAServer 6.0 Message Service is a lightweight
    Java component.
  • Faster for both persistent and non-persistent
  • 5 10 times faster for most things!
  • Large cluster scalability has been improved.

Asynchronous Business Methods
  • Were going to be included in 6.0, but the Ant
    configuration tasks were not completed in time
    for GA.
  • Should be in EAServer 6.1.

In-Order Message Processing
  • In-order message processing is supported (when
    requested) even when multiple servers or threads
    are listening on the same queue or topic.
  • Set the processMessagesInOrder message queue
    property in the Web Console (or using an Ant

Duplicate Message Detection
  • A queue or topic can be configured to ignore
    duplicate messages.
  • Duplicate message detection requires a unique key
    which can be taken from one of a messages header
  • Set the ignoreDuplicateMessages message queue or
    topic properties in the Web Console (or using an
    Ant script).

Fast IN Expression Evaluation
  • Optimized evaluation of IN expressions to
    improve performance of ticker-style JMS
    publish/subscribe applications, e.g.
  • Topic Name
  • StockQuote
  • Message Selector
  • symbol in (SY, AB, CD, EF, )
  • Each client could use their own customized
    message selector expression, with many different
    stock symbols.
  • Publishers can still efficiently evaluate the
    selector expressions.

Message Store And Forward
  • Consider the scenario server S1 with queue Q1,
    server S2 with queue Q2, server S3 with queue Q3.
  • Pull forwarding is supported from S2 to S1
  • ltproperty namepullMessagesFrom valueQ2_at_S1/gt
  • Push forwarding is supported from S1 to S3
  • ltproperty namepushMessagesTo valueQ2_at_S3/gt
  • The target server must be defined as a JMS
    Provider using the Web Console or an Ant
    configuration script.
  • Two-phase forwarding protocol guarantees
    exactly-once propagation of messages, without
    using XA / 2PC.
  • Can pull from and push to third-party JMS
  • Must use a Resource Adapter (XA) for exactly-once
  • Batched forwarding may be useful for high
    performance in peer-to-peer or grid-style server

Content Based Routing
  • Header and system properties can be used in
    construction of source or target queue addresses
  • ltproperty namepullMessagesFrom valueMyQueue.
  • ltproperty namepushMessagesTo valueMyQueue.
  • Note for pullMessagesFrom, only system
    properties can be used.

New Security Features
  • IIOP Single Sign On scripts are provided for
    login/logout to EJB and JMS providers
  • ejb-login, ejb-logout
  • jms-login, jms-logout
  • per-machine, per-user secure storage of client
    credentials, (uses DPAPI on Windows), credentials
    are maintained after restart of client computer.
  • Useful for standalone EJB / JMS clients.

New Security Features - Continued
  • Many delegation options for password checking.
  • cts-auth, ftp, http, jaas, jdbc, jndi,
    local-hash, none, os-auth
  • Mapping of client certificates to usernames.
  • Can limit component callers to co-located clients
    using the local role. This prevents remote
    clients accessing sensitive components, but
    allows them to be called by other components in
    the same server.
  • Support for port-based access control.
  • Support for role hierarchies.
  • Multiple security domains.
  • Can use e-mail addresses as usernames.
  • New simplified APIs for custom AuthService and
  • (if you implement them in Java)
  • Support for JACC access control policy (part of
    J2EE 1.4)

What will we be looking at next?(EAServer 6.1
and later)
  • Support for MASP clients(MASP Methods As
    Stored Procedures)
  • Support for .NET clients (to call EJB and
    JMS)including support for .NET Compact Framework
  • Support for .NET components
  • Support for PB.NET clients (to call EJB and JMS)
  • Support for PB.NET components
  • Java Enterprise Edition 5.0
  • Please advise product management of your
    priorities for
  • these and other features.

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