Title: Key findings from 3 years of Household Surveys:
1Key findings from 3 years of Household
Nigel Berkeley Yasmeen Akhtar Coventry
2The Household Survey and the Narrowing the Gap
- Linked to Coventry Community Plan (two years
delivery). Household survey is used to track a
number of indicators over time (where official
stats unavailable). - Survey also now linked in with the Citys Local
Area Agreement (LAA) - (On a number of indicators) now have three years
household survey data to examine emerging trends
(2003 2005)
3The Household Survey and the Narrowing the Gap
- Measuring residents views on quality of life in
their own neighbourhoods and the city as a whole - (perceptions, attitudes and experiences)
- Equalities and communities
- Housing
- Environment
- Health (including physical exercise, sport and
cultural activities) - Community Safety
- Learning Training
- Jobs
- Transport
4The key questions
- To what extent are the outcomes of Coventry
Community Plan being realised - Are things getting better across the City and
especially in priority neighbourhoods? - Difference between priority neighbourhoods
the rest of the city is the gap narrowing?
5The sample (2005)
- 1172 residents across the city interviewed in
December 2005 (BMG Research) - 43 of interviews (505) completed in priority
neighbourhoods - Sample representative by age, gender, ethnicity
and geography
8Key findings relating to physical exercise, sport
and cultural activities
9Government PSA Target
- increase the take-up of cultural and sporting
opportunities by adults and young people aged 16
and above by - increasing the number who participate in active
sports at least 12 times a year by 3, and - increasing the number who engage in at least 30
minutes of moderate intensity level sport, at
least three times a week by 3.
10- Increasing the number who participate in arts
activity at least twice a year by 2, and
increasing the number who attend arts events at
least twice a year by 3. - Increasing the number accessing museums and
galleries collections by 2. - Increasing the number visiting designated
Historic Environment sites by 3.
- Findings for 2005 provide a baseline to track
change over time, but also reveal interesting
differences in participation (access) rates,
especially between - Priority neighbourhoods and the rest of the city
- White ethnic groups and BME ethnic groups
- But alsobetween age groups and gender
12More residents surveyed take part in active
sport at least monthly
Baseline gap of 8 established
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16More residents surveyed take part in moderate
intensity physical activity at least three times
per week
Moderate intensity physical activity
recreational walking Baseline position no gap
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19More residents surveyed attend arts events at
least twice a year
Baseline gap of 17.5 established (arts event
opera, ballet, theatre, dance, comedy, music,
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22More residents surveyed participate in arts
activity at least twice a year
Baseline gap of 10.3 established (arts
activity writing/composing, performing plays,
photography, painting, designing, arts crafts,
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25More residents surveyed access museums and
Baseline gap of 7.5 established
26More residents surveyed access museums and
Baseline gap of 7.3 established
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29More residents surveyed visit designated
historic environment sites
Baseline gap of 9.6 established
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32Live sporting events
Baseline gap of 12.5 established
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