Title: Displaying Results of Land Suitability Models
1Displaying Results of Land Suitability Models
- Options for Communicating Areas of Competing High
2This set of 9 mapsrepresents areasof high and
lowvalues between one non-developedsuitability
and onedeveloped suitability. In this case,
natural low values1 through 5 Natural high
6-9(with highest 8 and 9) Industrial low
1-5Industrial high 6-9
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11This map representsareas with highnatural area
values, then high farmvalues, then high forest
values then low value inall three. This
represents priority to naturalareas, then
farm, then forest
12This map representsareas with highnatural area
values, then high values for working
lands(either farm or forest)
13This map representsareas with highindustrial
values, then highcommercial values, then high
residential values then low value inall three.
14This map representsareas with highindustrial
or commercial values, then high residential
15High-Low Comparison This map of MooreCounty
representsareas that have (1) high suitability
for both development and non-development
(blue) (2) high suitabilityfor development and
low suitability for non-development
(orange)(3) high ratingsfor non-developmentand
low for development (green) (4) low for
bothcategories (gray). Development
andnon-development ratingsare each the maximum
of 3 types.