InterAmerican Development Bank Private Sector Department Capital Markets Unit - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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InterAmerican Development Bank Private Sector Department Capital Markets Unit


Illustration: For a project bond, the IDB could provide a partial guarantee for ... Illustration: A bank with a mortgage portfolio may pledge mortgage receivables ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: InterAmerican Development Bank Private Sector Department Capital Markets Unit

Inter-American Development BankPrivate Sector
DepartmentCapital Markets Unit
Using Local Capital Markets Financing
Infrastructure Projects Credit Risk Mitigation,
local currency instruments (September 2003)
  • Private Sector Department
  • Overview of Infrastructure Needs in the Region
  • Development of Local Currency Debt Instruments
  • Financial Guarantees
  • Definition (partial credit guarantees)
  • Options under Consideration
  • Liquidity Facility Guarantee
  • Pricing Approach
  • Transactions in the Region
  • Infrastructure Bond (Rutas del Pacifico, Chile)
  • Mortgage Backed Security (Colpatria, Colombia)
  • Business securitization bond (Developer, Peru)

Private Sector Department (PRI)
  • Responsible for IDBs support of private sector
    operations in LATAM and Caribbean
  • First Mandate (1995) Support Private Investment
    in Infrastructure
  • Eligible infrastructure sectors
  • water / sanitation
  • transportation (roads, railroads, pipelines,
    ports, airports)
  • energy (power generation, transmission,
  • telecommunications
  • Second Mandate (2000) Support development of
    Capital Markets in the Region
  • Eligible capital market transactions
  • project bonds
  • corporate bonds
  • asset backed securities (including mortgage
    backed securities)
  • future flow s securitization
  • Third Mandate (2003) Support reactivation of
    Trade Finance in the Region

IDB (PRI) Financial Instruments Overview
1. Cross - Border Financing Products
  • A-Loans (for IDBs own account) B-Loans (for
    market participants)
  • Up to US75 million or 25 of total project costs
    (in small countries can go as high as 40)
  • Up to 20 years (typically in 10-15 year range)
  • Market-based pricing
  • Private Placement (similar structure as the A/B
    but placement among 144A institutional investors)
  • Political Risk Guarantees
  • sovereign (transfer convertibility) and
    selected non-commercial risks (contract
    frustration) for infrastructure development in
    the Region (up to 50 of project costs or US150
    million). Streamlined approval process (3
  • Could include selected non-commercial risk
    regulatory risks such as breach of contract by
    the grantor of the concession (e.g., San Pedro de
    Macoris, IPP, Republica Dominicana)

IDB (PRI) Financial Instruments Overview
2. Local currency Financing Products
  • IDB Financial Guarantees (partial credit
  • credit enhancements to improve credit risk
    profiles of local issuers to enable them to
    access market financing under better conditions
    (tenor and pricing). Same limitations as the A/B
  • Instruments mechanism that cover or protect
    debt service payments to institutional investors
  • Products can be structured to guarantee an
    specific layer of credit risk,in order to elevate
    the risk profile of the overall transaction and
    thereby attract investors. By guaranteeing an
    intermediate part of the debt (I.e., guaranteeing
    to pay a portion of the obligation after the
    internal cash reserves or sponsor support has
    been exhausted) the local investor maybe more
    willing to put its capital at risk for the
    remaining exposure.
  • The IDB is willing to adapt its financial
    guarantee products to whatever forms make sense
    commercially and developmentally. The risk not
    guaranteed by IDB can be covered by co-insurers
    or taken by the investors.

Local Capital Market Development
  • Objectives
  • Financial des-intermediation is a key component
    of a sustainable economic development strategy.
  • Support of good quality credit rating private
    sector instruments as a way to diversify
    investors portfolio (e.g., pension fund
    development in LATAM increased sovereign risk
    cases of Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil, Colombia)
  • Develop local currency funding instruments that
    could mitigate cross-border risk (FX risk).
    Projects that are typically local currency
    generators Water sanitation, toll roads,
    irrigation, etc. will have a tough time getting
    finance in the US markets (even with the best
    build-in contracting clauses for US tariff based
    there is a degree of tolerance to FX adjustments
    in a particular economy)

Infrastructure Needs LATAM (2005-2010) /1
Source World Bank, Working Paper 3102,
Fay-Yepes, 2003
Note /1 Does not include rehabilitation,
deferred past maintenance and upgrades
Infrastructure Needs LATAM (2005-2010) /1
  • LATAM infrastructure needs are estimated at US
    71 billion per year (it was close to US 60 back
    in 1995). Of this close to 45 is represented by
  • The most demanding sector in the Region will
    appear to be the Telecom Sector (US 32.5 billion
    per year or 46 of the total), with the mobile
    sub-sector alone demanding US 25 billion
    annually. Following Telecom will be Electricity
    (mainly generation) with US 25 billion per year,
    and toll roads with US 7 billion per year.
  • In the golden years of infrastructure finance in
    the Region (1996), total amount of financing
    raised was closed to US 30 billion. This figure
    is probably now in the US 8 to US 10 billion at
    best. These demand figures do not include a stock
    of deferred investments and maintenance. If we
    add the weak foreign capital flows into LATAM
    infrastructure during the last years (and
    immediate future), the outcome is a pressing need
    for new financing options
  • Redesign of the government role (from regulator
    to partner, PPPs)
  • Development of risk mitigation products that can
    addressed the FX risk
  • Development of local currency debt instruments

Development of local currency debt instruments
  • Matching of revenue generation (productive
    assets) and liabilities for private corporations.
  • Mitigation of economic regulation framework under
    volatility scenarios (I.e., US based tariffs in
    utilities public services)
  • Development of local savings capacities (I.e.,
    diversification from investments in government
    related securities).
  • Incorporation of local debt holders as stake
    holders in infrastructure projects (mitigate
    regulatory risk)
  • Introduce market performance benchmarks to
    improve risk return remuneration for local
    savings (domestic investment)

Financial Guarantee Options
Application of Partial Credit Risk Enhancements
Design the optimal partial credit enhancement
for a given project in order to improve its
credit risk profile enough to capture private
capital on adequate terms conditions
  • Mezzanine Guarantee
  • Pool Guarantee
  • Rolling Guarantee
  • Maturity Guarantee
  • Co-Wrap Guarantee with Co-insurance

Financial Guarantees Options
  • Mezzanine Guarantee
  • A credit loss protection enhancement with IDB
    providing a guarantee for a specified mezzanine
    layer of credit risk, thereby elevating the
    overall transaction to investment grade on the
    local currency scale. It is anticipated that
    subsequent to the provision of the mezzanine
    guarantee by the IDB, the issuer could seek, if
    warranted, a full wrap guarantee on the
    transaction from a private financial guarantor.
  • Illustration For a project bond, the IDB could
    provide a partial guarantee for an external
    liquidity reserve, which would pay out after the
    transactions internal credit enhancement (such
    as cash reserves or sponsor recourse) has been
    exhausted, but prior to the local investors
    capital being at risk for the remaining exposure.

Mezzanine Guarantee (energy distribution co.)
Transaction (Receivables Securitization )
Mitigation of the lower credit risk quality and
improving the transaction rating attracts
participation of Monoline Insurers to provide a
wrap on the whole transaction, improving
further the transaction credit rating.
Project Revenues (High Credit Risk Quality
  • Transaction Reserves
  • Over-collateralization
  • Project Debt Service Reserve Acount
  • Liquidity Reserve (sponsors recourse)

Partial Guarantee (a portion of the credit loss
on the transaction, -- debt service)
Layer of Lower Credit Risk Quality
Financial Guarantees Options
  • Pool Guarantee for Asset-Backed or
    Mortgage-Backed Bonds
  • A partial credit enhancement product with IDB
    providing a guarantee for a portion of principal
    and interest sufficient to offset potential
    losses resulting from non-performing assets
    within the underlying collateral pool. The Pool
    Guarantees amount will be calibrated for each
    transaction to improve the projects credit
    rating in a manner sufficient to attract targeted
    local investors.
  • Illustration A bank with a mortgage portfolio
    may pledge mortgage receivables as collateral to
    repay a bond issue. Although the mortgage
    collateral enhances the bonds credit quality,
    the information on the collateral in emerging
    markets may not be adequate (e.g. incomplete
    records of past performance) and as such, the
    collateral may not be sufficient to attract local
    investors to purchase the bond. The IDB could
    further enhance the bond with a partial credit
    guarantee in order for the bond to achieve a
    credit quality sufficient to interest targeted
    local investors.

Pool Guarantee CBO, for Illustrative purposes
Source Rating Agencies Methodology (Case Example)
Financial Guarantees Options
  • Rolling Guarantee
  • A partial credit enhancement product with IDB
    providing a guarantee of a specified number of
    interest and/or principal payments, on a rolling
    forward basis i.e. the guarantee rolls forward
    to the next installment date upon payment by the
    issuer of the current installment -- so that the
    IDB guarantee covers a rising share of remaining
    debt service.
  • Illustration For a project or corporate bond
    issue where investors perceive a potential risk
    associated with a variation in the debt service
    coverage at some point within the overall bond
    tenor, or are uneasy about a period of heavy
    corporate expenditures, the IDB could provide a
    rolling guarantee to smooth out the repayment
    profile and allay investor concerns about
    potential timing/cash flow issues.

Rolling Guarantee Utilities
Outstanding Principal
Debt / Service Coverage Ratio
Rolling Guarantee
Rolling Guarantee Utilities
Outstanding Principal
Debt / Service Coverage Ratio
Liquidity Facility Guarantee
Liquidity Facility Guarantee FX mitigation
Projected Cash-Flows
Real Cash-Flows (after FX adjustment)
Local currency Project Cash-flows expressed in
real US (going exchange rate)
US cash shortfall
US cash shortfall
Liquidity Facility Guarantee FX mitigation
Projected Cash-Flows
Real Cash-Flows (after FX adjustment)
Local currency Project Cash-flows expressed in
real US (going exchange rate)
US cash shortfall to cover DSCRl
US cash shortfall to cover DSCRl
Liquidity Facility Guarantee FX mitigation
Projected Cash-Flows
Real Cash-Flows (after FX adjustment)
Local currency Project Cash-flows expressed in
real US (going exchange rate)
Liquidity Facility covers short fall up to debt
service payment
Liquidity Facility covers short fall up to debt
service payment
Financial Guarantees Options
  • Maturity Guarantee
  • A partial credit enhancement product with IDB
    offering a put option to investors to refinance
    an issue at maturity with the IDB -for the
    purpose of persuading investors to accept longer
  • Illustration In certain emerging markets the
    interest rate environments are such that even for
    private issuers with very strong credit quality,
    tenors longer than three years, for example, are
    just not available. In these markets, the IDB
    could offer issuers a maturity guarantee, to
    attract local investors with an appetite for
    3-year paper into longer maturities, by providing
    them an exit if desired.

Maturity Guarantee (e.g, power projects)
Outstanding Principal
Capital Repayment
Maturity Guarantee
Financial Guarantee Options
  • Co-Wrap Guarantee with Co-insurance
  • A wrap credit enhancement product with IDB
    providing a guarantee for a portion of principal
    and interest and the remaining portion guaranteed
    by one or more private financial guarantors on a
    pari passu basis under a co-guarantee
    arrangement. IDB acts as guarantor of record for
    the transaction.

IDB Guarantor
Financial Guarantee Pricing Approach
  • Pricing F expected losses capital allocation
    cost market factors no-loss underwriting
  • Expected losses F default rates, recovery
    rates, ratings
  • Capital allocation cost F capital accounting
    methodology structuring (i.e., how partial is
    the partial)
  • Market factors valued added (improvement in
    credit rating) and market benchmarks (pricing of
    monoline and other private insurers)

Pricing Benchmarks Rating
Credit Rating b/ guarantee
Guarantee Structure (capital allocation)
Market Pricing
Credit Rating a/ guarantee
Case Santiago-Valparaíso, Financial Guarantee
  • Concession awarded to a consortium led by ACS and
    SACYR Group (Spain) in 1998 in Santiago de Chile,
  • The toll-road concession consists in the
    expansion and refurbishing of 110 km linking
    Santiago-Valparaíso and Viña del Mar
  • Investment program of US 450 million to be
    partly financed through a local currency bond
    issue for the equivalent of US 300 million.
  • IDB provided a credit guarantee to enhance the
    bonds rating to a level acceptable to local
    institutional investors. The IDB is Guarantor of
    Record for up to US75 million with the remaining
    amount provided by private insurers. FSA (USA
    based private insurer) acted as co-guarantor of
    the transaction.
  • The issue before the IDB/FSA credit enhancement
    has been rated Baa2 by Moodys, which is the
    highest investment grade rating ever given to a
    toll road project in Chile. This is also the
    largest infrastructure bond sold primarily to
    Chilean pension funds and insurance companies,
    paying a coupon of 6.02 percent (Unidad de
    Fomento), with a maturity of 23 years.
  • The issue was rated AAA by local rating agencies
    after the IDB/FSA enhancement. It was
    successfully placed in April 9, 2002

Case Grana Montero, Secured Corporate Bond
  • IDeveloper Group is the largest engineering
    services group in Peru with around US200 million
    of total assets and US180 million in revenues.
  • It is mainly dedicated to the business of
    engineering and construction services.
  • It also provides petroleum services (fuel
    terminals, drilling, extraction), information
    systems, engineering and real estate developing
  • Strategic investments in concessions and public
    service companies. It is the operator of the
    first toll road concession in Peru (Arequipa).
  • 70 years of history and excellent work completion
    track record.
  • BBB (triple B) national scale rating as a
    corporate by Fitch and Equilibraim, local rating

Case Grana Montero, Partial Credit Guarantee
  • Bond Profile
  • Amount US50,000,000
  • Term 8 years
  • Grace period 6 months
  • Amortization Semi-annual principal and interest
  • Type of payment Equal coupons (principal
  • mortgage style
  • Coupon amount US4.3 million (with 8.5
    interest rate)
  • Final payment October 2011
  • Shadow rating -AA/AA
  • Guarantee Structure
  • Amount Up to US20 million by IDB and FMO
  • Coverage Callable for the full amount as a
    back-stop facility
  • for reduction of principal under consecutive
    events of default

Case Grana Montero, Bond Structure, Trust
  • Assigned Cashflows
  • Level 1 Segregated assets from
    non-construction subsidiaries
  • IMI S.A. - Information technology, platform
  • IMD S.A. Engineering service
  • IMT. Toll road concession
  • IMP S.A. Petroleum and fuel terminal operation
  • Level 2 Sales from GyM S.A.
  • Pre-funded Debt Service Reserve Account
  • Equal to 2 coupons (one year debt service)

Capital Markets Activities Organization
  • Ellis J Juan
  • Unit Head, Capital Markets Unit (PRI)
  • phone (202) 623-3063
  • email
  • Juan Mario Laserna
  • Investment Officer, Capital Markets Unit (PRI)
  • phone (202) 623-3791
  • Daniela Carrera
  • Investment Officer, Capital Markets Unit (PRI)
  • phone (202) 623-1088
  • Kelle Bevine
  • Investment Officer, Capital Markets Unit (PRI)
  • phone (202) 623-3626
  • email
  • Juan Jose Garcia
  • Investment Officer, Capital Markets Unit (PRI)
  • phone (202) 623-2141

Contact List of Key Staff for Capital Markets
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