Title: Assessment for Learning
1Assessment for Learning at
Southmoor Community School Mathematics and
Computing College and Bede Sixth Form Academy
2The Aims
- To highlight the key elements of A4L.
- To support the already good practice in place and
expected. The Southmoor Good lesson. - To support the RiP Process by giving CL clear
guidance on the characteristics of A4L and
possible teaching strategies. - To audit curricular areas and focus on a key for
development. - To set out timescales of expected developments of
A4L over the academic year.
3Assessment for Learning
- One must get beyond the stage at which the
pupils give back what they think the teacher
wants, and encourage them to talk freely about
how they see the situation.
1.Objectives and Outcomes
5.Curricular target setting
5Assessment for learning UNIT 5
Curricular target setting
6Formative and summative assessment data
Lesson observation data
Information gathering
Planning documentation
Work samples
Pupil questionnaires and interviews
Teachers professional judgements
Information analysis
- Identification of strengths
- and weaknesses
- Quality of teaching
- Quality of learning
- The subject curriculum
- Resources
- Groups of pupils
- Staff development
- Inset/training
- Consultancy
- Department meetings
- Team teaching
- Peer coaching
- Other
- Curriculum
- Revision of schemes/units
- Curricular targets
- Assessment for learning
- Resource development
- Pupil support
- Other
Actions and success criteria
Ongoing information gathering through monitoring
and evaluation
Measurable improvements in standards of attainment
7Progression in a curricular targetQuantitative
to qualitative (the link to RiPs)
- To be at the forefront of developing own
practice. - to have a commitment to understand that AFL needs
to be differentiated at the curricular and
individual level. - To realise that this is an initiative in culture
change at the most fundamental level. It will
need data policies(space not pace) and other
whole school policy drives supporting this (eg
rewards and behaviour). - The timescale is between 2 to 3 years.
9Assessment for Learning Action Plan(Launch)
- PiG brief re AFL
- key features of AFL
- The AFL Audit
- reminder that this is a feature of the
improvement plan. - A member part of the A4L group
13 September
Curriculum Area complete audit/agree focus for
the department
20 September
Staff meeting (sub groups) To use materials and
develop trial own practice. To establish a way
for sharing good practice across school. To begin
the planning of INSET re whole school A4L.
4 October
10Assessment for Learning Action Plan(Launch)
LDG wide brief in addition to A4L.
11 October
- Members of the A4L sub group to be trialling
ideas in their own classroom. - LDG members to be fully briefed in A4L strategies
and developments. - BY the end of the year an A4L access point will
be available on the website and intranet for
developments. These have worked for us - Next academic year whole school INSET on A4L
bringing together good practice and further
developmental ideas.
12Assessment for Learning Action Plan(development
flow from launch)
- Key Whole school developments
- intranet AFL link these have worked for us.
- internet/VLE link to South group shared learning.
Action research models (NAC/SG)
Teaching and Learning
Curriculum meeting
LDG member
Leadership team review at termly intervals