Title: Becoming a Powerhouse of Retention
1(No Transcript)
2Becoming a Powerhouse of Retention
- Understanding and Designing a Program to ensure
the success of your club and its members
3 Up to 42 of people who join a health club cease
regular usage within the first 30 days why?
- Not in the habit of attending regularly
- Unrealistic expectations
- Information overload
- Lack of knowledge and belief
- Clubs find out too late who is at risk
- Time
- Lack of results and feedback
4What if you changed your perception?
5Image Problem
7Obesity in America
8(No Transcript)
10Dawning of a New Way
11Year One Membership Cycle
12Why do they cancel?
- Discouraged
- Lack of Support/Motivation
- Staff/ Facility issues
- Family Pressures
- Cost without Value
- Guilt or Embarrassment
- Overwhelmed
13Understanding the Member
- G-O-A-L-S
- Guidance
- Options
- Accountability
- Lifestyle
- Success
SCORE SYSTEM Scale of 1-10
Note all important information
14Success Thru Involvement
- Visits ( 2 per week)
- Getting Started Program
- Group Fitness Introduction
- Ambassador Program
- Early Exit Program
- Pick other activities/Programs
- Supply as many choices as possible
- They do 15 of them
- Personal Training
- Small Group sessions/one-on-one
- PT Evaluations ( oil Change Theory)
15Members Rewards
E Experience V- Value E- Education R- Results
17How do we Make it Happen?
18Flow Chart of Program
- Prospect gtJoin gtInduction(F1, F2, F3, F4)gt
Graduation gt Advanced Evaluation gt PT gt
Members4ever Tracking
19System Overview
- Forever 1- Rapport
- Goals/Needs
- Benchmarks
- Rapport/Relationship
- Group Fitness Appt
- Brief Medical Review
- Try a Class Cards
- Success Plan
- Secure agreement
- Forever 3- Review
- Advance/Modify/
- Review Success Plan
- Track the Commitment
- Track the Success Plan
- Invite to new options
- Forever 4- Results
- Benchmark Review
- Commitment Celebration
- Invite to Party
- Forever Celebration
- Set up Advanced Eval
- Explain oil Change
- Forever 2- Healthy Eating
- Sustainable Habits
- Review Food Diary
- Make them commit
- Small Steps
- Healthy Eating Spectrum
20Setting up the Big Three
- 3
- Reception
- Membership Representatives
- Fitness Coaches
21Appoint Your Champion
- Mission Success thru Involvement
- Oversees the System
- Holds all accountable
- Motivator/Cheerleader
- Detailed Oriented
- Bonuses
- Usage by
- System Completion
22Starting Right
- Reception Team
- Build a Member4ever attitude Day one
- Understand the Phases of the system
- Understand the Thoughts/Fears of the New Member
- Understand the Danger Period (Red Zone)
23Membership Representatives
- Relationships 7 Rs
- Retention
- Rewards
- Results
- Referrals
- Revenue
- Revelations
24Fitness Coaches
- Key to the Success of Member4ever
- Hire for Personality (Good in Everyone)
- Build Friendships
- Tracking Usage
- Successful Involvement in Club
- Consistent Contact
- Accountability
- Communication Skills
25The On going Relationship
- Personal Training/Programming
- Enjoyment/Achievement
- Varied, Challenging, FUN!
- Personal Attention
- 1 on 1 or Group
- Value Builder for Long Term
26Dividing the Phases
- Phase One
- First 30 days of membership
- Phase Two
- 31-90 days of membership
- Phase Three- Forever
- Every 90 days for life
27Tracking Attendance
- Usage at Your Club
- Attendance in Programming
- Incentive Program (Phase 1 2)
- Drawings, Small Gifts( Club logo)
- Lifetime Groups
- Week of Joining ( 0108)
- Monitor every 3 months after 12 month
28Tools For Engagement
- Every month invite to a new offer
- Offer Paid and Free Programming
- Contact is Key
- Personalized Message
- Assessment Days
- Maintenance check
- Give them a Reason to Stay
Its Not Just about Weight Loss
- Hire Friendly People
- Learn their REAL Desires/Wants/Needs
- Make Friends-- SMILE
- Ensure Involvement
- Track Usage
- Contact System
- Have a HELP System
- Hear, Educate, Lead, Positively Encourage
30Contact for Life
- Train your full staff to
- H ear the issue
- E ducate them to improve/correct
- L ead them to the answer
- P ositively Encourage their success
- Continually monitor the member
- Determining their Score
- Tracking improvement
- Setting up Programs
- Reviewing the Program
- Giving Positive Feedback
- Never being out of Touch
32For additional information, please contact me
at tom_at_fitnessclubconsultants.com 717-490-8063
Thank you for your time and attention GOOD LUCK