The Individualized Approach to Menopause Management - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Individualized Approach to Menopause Management


No contraindications; normal mammogram. stop smoking ... No contraindication; normal PE and mammogram ... Sad affect and weep easily; normal mammogram ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Individualized Approach to Menopause Management

The Individualized Approach to Menopause
  • JCEM 1999 Vol. 84, No. 6 1900-1904

Case 1 I cant stand this bleeding any more!
  • Solving bleeding problems

  • 54-yr-old women
  • last menses at age 49 having some hot flashes
    and sleep disturbance
  • smoking 1-pack-per-day for 35 yrs
  • BMD 1.9 SD
  • request HRT to prevent osteoporosis
  • High 160 cm BW 76.3 KgW mild obesity

Treatment and Course
  • No contraindications normal mammogram
  • stop smoking
  • 0.625 mg conjugated equine estrogens with 2.5 mg
    medroxyprogesterone acetate daily
  • One month later
  • cause bleeding light but nearly continuous
  • verify she hasnt missed any pill
  • reassure common and short-lived
  • Three months of treatment
  • bleeding is less often, but still bothersome
  • increase progestin to 5 mg daily

  • Six months of treatment
  • still complaining of the bleeding
  • ultrasound thin endometrial stripe, 3.2 mm
  • lower estrogen dose to 0.3 mg daily
  • Three months later
  • bleed for only a few days per month, but still
  • discuss cyclic hormonal treatment, other drugs
    -- such as raloxifene and alendronate

1. Set realistic expectations from the start
  • The vast majority of patients who have a uterus
    will bleed when they begin taking continuous
    combined hormone replacement.
  • 60 will experience some amount of bleeding even
    after 6 months of treatment

2. Avoid situations where continuous combined HRT
is likely to fail
  • More likely to have breakthrough bleeding
  • overweight, recently postmenopausal, history of
    menorrhagia (esp. due to submucous fibroids)
  • Thin women without submucous fibroids who are
    several years beyond the menopause --- best
    candidates for continuous HRT

3. Try increasing the progestin dose
  • Progestins oppose the proliferative effects of
    estrogen on the endometrium.
  • 60 will bleed after 6 months of 2.5 mg
    medroxyprogesterone daily
  • 47 will bleed when given 5 mg daily
  • side effect bloating, fluid retention, breast
    tenderness and mood swings

4. Rule out structural abnormalities of the
uterus the role of biopsy, ultrasound,
  • First, try to improve the bleeding by adjusting
    the dose of hormones.
  • If it fails, look for the etiology of this
  • transvaginal ultrasound thickened endometrium ?
    5 mm ? biopsy if inconclusive ? hysteroscopy to
    identify endometrial polyps and submucous
  • Bleeding that occurs years after achieving
    amenorrhea is particularly worrisome ? biopsy

5. Try lowering the estrogen dose
  • Until recently, 0.625 mg conjugated estrogen
    daily was considered to be the minimum effective
    dose of estrogen
  • A recent study that a lower dose, 0.3 mg daily,
    may be effective in preventing osteoporosis.
  • Some patients may experience a return of hot
    flashes when the estrogen dose is lowered.

6. Switch to a cyclic regimen
  • is preferable to erratic bleeding

7. Reassess the need for HRT, and perhaps switch
to a nonestrogen treatment
  • Selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) or

Case 2 I dont want to get severe osteoporosis
like my mom did, but Im scared that estrogen
will give me breast cancer.
  • Responding to the fear of breast cancer

  • 56-yr-old women
  • last menses at age 53
  • FH mother with hip fracture at age 69 and died
    2 months (unclear reason), her mother lose 7.5 cm
    several yrs before hip FxHer paternal aunt died
    of breast cancer
  • Her BMD hip and spine, T-score of 1.6

Treatment and Course
  • No contraindication normal PE and mammogram
  • reassure the benefits exceed risk
  • prescribe continuous HRT
  • One year later
  • BMD T-score of 1.9
  • never fill her prescription
  • consider raloxifene and alendronate

1. Acknowledge that fear of breast cancer is a
major barrier of HRT use and is a common reason
for discontinuation
  • Most of patients are unaware that cardiovascular
    disease is the leading cause of death of
    postmenopausal women in industrialized countries
  • 4 due to breast cancer
  • less than 45 due to cardiovascular disease
  • 1995 Gallup survey
  • 40 of women identified breast cancer as the
    leading cause of death 19 identify heart

2. Understand that the risk of breast cancer is
probably increased to a small degree with
long-term (i.e.more than 5-10 yr) postmenopausal
estrogen use
  • No significant evidence indicating that duration
    less than 5 yr will increase the risk of breast
  • For duration of greater than 5-10 yr, most but
    not all studies probably on the order of 2
    excess risk per year of estrogen treatment

3. Most women who develop breast cancer do not
have a family history
  • Over 80 of women diagnosed with breast cancer
    do not have a family history

4. Consider alternatives to estrogen treatment
that could satisfy the patients needs
  • Raloxifene increases bone density without
    stimulating the endometrium
  • lower the risk of breast cancer by more than 50
    ( in placebo-controlled clinical trial )
  • Raloxifene may also be cardioprotective
  • lower LDL-C, fibrinogen and lipoprotein(a),
    without increasing TG

Case 3 The estrogen makes me feel so much
better but I HATE my progestin!
  • Alternatives to the standard progestin

  • W.E. is a 49-yr-old woman whose last menses were
    7 months ago. She describes herself as not a
    pill-taker and had planned to breeze though the
    menopause using relaxation techniques and
    exercise. Her hot flashes began 3 yr ago and,
    much to her surprise, were more severe than she
    expected. In fact, they have not gotten any
    better over these past 3 yr. At this point she is
    desperate for a good nights sleep. She requests
    estrogen treatment.

Treatment and Course
  • No contraindication normal PE and mammogram
  • prescribe 0.625 mg of conjugated equine estrogens
    daily, with 5 mg medroxyprogesterone acetate on
    days 1 to 14
  • One month later
  • she feels like a new person less hot flashes
    improved sleep quality

  • Four months later
  • she reports that she feels wonderful when she
    takes just the estrogen, but has mood swings,
    depression, and breast tenderness when she adds
    on the progestin
  • her monthly withdrawal bleeding is light and is
    appropriately timed on days 11 to 14
  • take medroxyprogesterone every other month

  • Two months later
  • report her withdrawal bleeding was quite heavy
    after taking medroxyprogesterone mood swings
    were intolerable
  • try megestrol acetate 40 mg, micronized
    progesterone 100 mg, and norethindrone acetate
    0.70 mg as alternative progestins
  • basically the same as medroxyprogesterone
  • vaginal progesterone -- she declines as it sounds
    messy and stop estrogen
  • resume estrogen without progestins because hot
    flashes recur with a vengeance

  • Risk of endometrial cancer
  • lower estrogen to 0.3 mg daily and perform annual
    endometrial biopsy
  • she is comfortable with this plan
  • 4 years latter, she discontinues her estrogen and
    no symptoms thereafter

1. Try lowering the dose or the frequency of the
  • In the past
  • Provera 10 mg for cyclic treatment and 5 mg for
    continuous treatment
  • Half of doses have been found to protect the
    endometrium equally well and are more typically
    used today
  • If patients have problems with the lower doses
    --- try taking progestin every other or even
    every third month
  • may not be well protected against endometrial
    cancer and need F/U by annual ultrasound or by

2. Switch to another progestin altogether, such
as megestrol acetate 40 mg daily, micronized
progesterone 100 mg daily, norethindrone acetate
0.7 mg daily, or 4 vaginal progesterone gel
every other day
  • Many women will have far few side-effects with a
    different progestin
  • idiosyncratic --- it cannot be predicted
  • vaginal gel --- lower systemic effects

3. Use unopposed estrogen, especially at a lower
dose and monitor carefully
  • Absolute risk approximately 2-4 women per
    thousand per year
  • lower the estrogen dose to the lowest level, that
    may minimize risk

4. Reassess the need for HRT, and perhaps switch
to a nonestrogen treatment
  • Against osteoporosis SERM, bisphosphonate
  • Cardioprotection diet, exercise, statin
  • urogenital atrophy intravaginal estrogen cream
    or estradiol-impregnated silicone vaginal ring

Case 4 Even since the menopause, I just dont
feel the same even when I take estrogen
  • An approach to atypical symptoms

  • 47-yr-old women seeks a second opinion regarding
    hormone management
  • PH total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral
    salpingoophorectomy 2 yr ago (chronic pelvic
  • does not like herself cry easily poor sleep
    no clear-cut hot flashes body weight gain 6.8
  • has seen 3 other gynecologists
  • have prescribed several different estrogens with
    any improvement in her sense of well-being
  • reject depression
  • perfectly fine before hysterectomy

Treatment and Course
  • Sad affect and weep easily normal mammogram
  • prescribe 100 ug transdermal estradiol twice
  • 6 weeks later
  • no difference
  • prescribe 0.625 mg conjugated estrogen with 2.5
    mg methyltestosterone daily
  • 2 months later
  • would like to take a higher dose of these
  • prescribe 1.25 mg conjugated estrogen with 5 mg
    methyltestosterone daily

  • One month later
  • feeling 50 improved
  • Two months later
  • backslid totally and feels even worse
  • a trial of a SSRI fluoxetine 20 mg daily for 4
  • one moth later --- significant improvement

1. Not all women experience menopause in the same
way --- even unusual symptoms can be caused by
estrogen withdrawal
  • Try to reserve judgement
  • If a symptom interferes with a patients quality
    of life --- giving a diagnostic test of
  • resolve with 1-2 months of estrogen treatment ---
    presumably related to the menopause

2. Not all symptoms experienced by women in their
50s are due to estrogen withdrawal
  • Before prescribing hormones for an impaired sense
    of well-being, it is worthwhile to inquire about
    other issues that may be troubling the patient

3. Prescribe a diagnostic test of unopposed
estrogen for 1-2 months
  • A transdermal estrogen patch can act like an
    artificial ovary --- this one mimics the
    premenopausal state the most avoid peaks and
  • oral estrogen
  • largely convert to estrone, a weaker estrogen, by
    intestinal mucosa ? high concentration in liver ?
    pharmacological effect on hepatic metabolism

4. Consider a diagnostic test of a low dose of
testosterone for 2 months
  • Serum testosterone levels are reduced by
  • testosterone supplement lower
    sex-hormone-binding globulin level --- increase
    free estrogen and testosterone
  • measurement of testosterone levels is usually not
  • lack sensitivity not significantly detect
    methyltestosterone individual variation in
    response to a given level
  • best followed by clinical response rather than T

5. Make only on change at a time in your medical
management so that you know what change to blame
or to give credit
6. Add a progestin only after you have
established that the estrogen is effective in
symptom relief
  • Many women report impaired sense of well-being
    with progestins
  • identify if estrogen and /or androgen improves a
    patients sense of well-being before adding
  • little risk in prescribing unopposed estrogen for
    less than 1 yr

7. Consider depression and a trial of selective
serotonin-reuptake inhibitor (SSRI)
  • Many women with chronic pelvic pain are not cured
    by hysterectomy, as the pain stems from
    depression, not from intrinsic pelvic pathology.
  • Explain low serotonin levels in their brain

Case 5 My doctor insists that I cant be
having hot flashes because Im still having
periods. He did a blood test that showed that I
cant be menopausal
  • Responding to the perimenopausal patient

  • J.K. is a 48-yr-old women who presents with
    night sweats for the past 6 months ---
    typically will be awakened 3-4 times each night,
    feeling a hot sensation that originates in her
    chest and rises to her face
  • After a few minutes, she experiences a drenching
    sweat that requires her to change her nightgown.
  • She is thoroughly exhausted
  • regular menses every 25-29 days on occasion may
    be delayed by an additional few days
  • she is sexually active and uses the diaphragm
  • she is a nonsmoker
  • Internist found her to be in good health TSH 2
    mIU/L FSH 8 mIU/mL

Treatment and Course
  • No contraindications to oral contraceptive
    normal PE and mammogram
  • prescribe a low-dose oral contraceptive
    containing 20 ug ethinyl estradiol
  • 3 months later
  • hot flashes are gone, improved sleep
  • light withdrawal bleeding during placebo week
  • no longer need to use diaphragm
  • annual F/U for 4 yrs
  • switch to continuous HRT
  • 3 months later
  • persistent breakthrough bleeding
  • switch to cyclic HRT timed and light bleeding

1. The most severe and frequent hot flashes occur
2-3 yr before the final menses
  • Hot flashes are not caused by low estrogen levels
    per se, but by the acute withdrawal of estrogen.
  • During the perimenopause, estrogen levels can
    decline suddenly, severely, and repetitively

2. The diagnosis of the perimenopause can usually
be made from the patients history it rarely
requires measurement of follicule-stimulating
  • Measuring the FSH level of a perimenopausal women
    is like taking a photograph of the speedometer of
    car it reflects reality at that moment but
    rapidly becomes obsolete information
  • A classic history like this patients is enough
    to make a diagnosis

3. Low-dose oral contraceptives offer nonsmokers
many benefits
  • Estrogen component relieve hot flash
  • progestin component provide regular and light
    withdrawal bleeding as well as contraceptive

4. Know the contraindications of oral
  • Smoker
  • pregnant
  • have a history of thromboembolic or liver disease
  • have breast and endometrial cancer
  • abnormal bleeding warrants evaluation before
    starting treatment

5. For perimenopausal women who cannot or will
not take oral contraceptives, supplemental
estrogen can provide relief
  • Very often, 0.3 mg conjugated estrogen daily will
    provide relief
  • concomitant progestin is usually not required if
    the patient has regular menses
  • However, when she becomes oligoovulatory, she
    will need to add a progestin --- this can cause
    irregular bleeding

6. Switch from oral contraceptives to
conventional cyclic HRT when you think the
patient has become menopausal
  • The incidence of irregular bleeding in newly
    postmenopausal women given continuous HRT is high
  • Bleeding would be less of problem with cyclic
  • Finding appropriately-timed bleeding on cyclic
    HRT usually indicated that the patient has become
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