Title: Top Mass Measurements at the CDF Experiment
1Top Mass Measurements at the CDF Experiment
- Luca Scodellaro
- Instituto de Fisica de Cantabria
- for the CDF Collaboration
QCD 05 12th International QCD Conference 4-9th
July, Montpellier (France)
- Motivations for measuring the top mass
- Top production at the Tevatron
- Top mass measurements at CDF
- Summary and Perspectives
Measurement Challenges b quark tagging Jet energy
Template Method Matrix Element Method
3Motivations for Measuring Top Mass
- Special Role in SM due to the high mass
- Precise top mass measurement provides
Dominant parameter in radiative corrections
for Electroweak predictions
Consistency tests for the Standard
Model Constraint on unknown parameter (Higgs
boson mass) Sensitivity to physics beyond the
Standard Model
4Top Production at the Tevatron
- Tevatron pp collisions at vs1.96 TeV
- Pair production is the
- dominant mechanism
- BR(t-gtWb) 100
- Observed final states given by W boson decays
Dilepton tt -gt l?l?bb (5) Leptonjets
tt -gt lvqqbb (30) Hadronic tt -gt qqqqbb
lelectron or muon
5Measurement Challenges
- LeptonJets channel
- Neutrino not detected
- Px and Py from transverse energy
conservation - Pz from MwMlv constrain (two solutions)
- Four expected jets in the final states
- Ten possible choices for parton-jet
assignments - Dilepton channel
- Low statistics
- Two neutrinos in final states
under-constrained kinematic system - Jet Energy Measurement
- Largest contribution to top mass uncertainty
6b Quark Tagging
- Tagging the b quark improves parton-jet
assignments - leptonjets 1 tag-gt 6 combinations, 2 tags-gt2
combinations - Requiring a b tagged jet also reduces background
contamination - B hadrons are long lived
- Jet tagging
- efficiency -gt 42
- False tag rate -gt 0.5
7Jet Energy Corrections
- Big effort in understanding jet energy
measurement - 3 jet pT uncertainty
- in top events
- Big improvements
- for plug jets (?gt1)
- with respect to RunI
- due to new detector
- Significant improvement with respect 2004
Central Jets (?lt1)
-- RunII -- RunI -- Winter 2004
8The Template Method
- Reconstruct Mtop per event
- kinematic fit to determine the most probable
jet-parton assignment - Top mass measurement
- best likelihood fit of mass distribution in
data to background and signal templates for
different top mass values
9LeptonJets Jet Energy Scale Fit
- W mass reconstruction used to fit the JES
- Mass templates for top and W as a function of top
mass and JES - Data divided in 0-tag, 1-tag and 2-tags sub
samples - Fit data simultaneously for Mtop and JES
- 20 improvement in uncertainty due to JES
Mtop 173.5 2.7 -2.6 (stat.)2.5(JES)1.7(syst.
) GeV/c2
Most precise single top mass measurement in the
10LeptonJets Additional b Tagging
- Increasing S/B ratio and parton-jet assignment
- by using further b tagging techniques
The Jet Probability algorithm computes the
probability for a set of tracks inside a jet to
come from the primary interaction of the event
Mtop 173.0 2.9 -2.8 (stat.)3.3(syst.) GeV/c2
11Template Method in Dilepton Events
- Two neutrinos in the final states
- additional assumptions to constrain the event
kinematic - Neutrino weighting approach
- Mtop maximizing probability W used to build
templates -
Probability for assumed neutrinos ?
Assumed theoretical value of MW
Missing ET constraints
Integration over parton assignments and
neutrinos ?
Mtop 170.6 7.1 -6.6 (stat.) 4.4 (syst.)
12Matrix Element Method
- Not to look only to a particular parton-jet
assignment - Compute a probability as a function of Mtop
- Sum over all the unknown in the event
- parton-jet assignments and neutrino solutions
- Top mass from maximum likelihood fit
Transfer functions connect parton to jet variables
Matrix element
Parton distribution function
L ?iP(xiMtop)
13Matrix Elements in LeptonJets Events
- Only signal probability considered
- Background effect described
- by a mapping function
- obtained by pseudo-experiments
- for different background fractions
- One inclusive b tag required
- Mapping function at 21 applied
Mtop 173.8 2.7 -2.5 (stat.)3.3(syst.) GeV/c2
14Matrix Elements in Dilepton Events
- Background probabilities included in the
likelihood - P(xi Mtop) psPs(xi Mtop)
- 33 candidate events
- observed in 340 pb-1
- of data
- Top Mass measured
- from the expectation
- value of the posterior
- probability density
Mtop 165.3 6.3 (stat.) 3.6 (syst.) GeV/c2
15Summary and Perspectives
- TevEWWG has produced a new average
- Mtop 174.33.4 GeV/c2
- Currently using most precise single measurement
per decay channel from each experiment - Working ongoing to combine results within each
channel (including CDF results from RunI)
16Summary and Perspectives
- Electroweak fit to Higgs boson mass using latest
Tevatron combination - New central value
- MH9852-36GeV/c2
- New upper limit
- MHlt208GeV/c2 _at_95CL
17Summary and Perspectives
- Fitting the jet energy scale from W decays will
reduce systematic uncertainty with luminosity - Uncertainty on Jet Energy Scale less than 1
GeV achievable - Can reach our RunII goal ?Mtop 2-3GeV/c2
18Backup Slides
19The Tevatron Collider
- Tevatron RunII
- pp at vs1.96 TeV
- Peak luminosity
- L 1.21032
20The CDF Detector
21Electroweak fits
22Comparison with EW Fits