Title: Luncheon and networking discussion series
1Luncheon and networking discussion series on
balancing career and family 2007-2008
Grant Writing for fellows Practical Tips for
Obtaining Independent Funding
Co-hosts Roopali Roy Ph.D. Parul Sharma
Ph.D. Akash Patnaik M.D.
21. Finding Funding Sources
1. NIH 2. AHA, ACS, AACR 3. Smaller more
focused foundations Susan Komen
PanCan Damon Runyon Leukemia
Lymphoma Society 4. DOD 5. Institution
grants 6. Ask peers and mentors 7.
Acknowledgements section of papers
32. Online Resources
- Grants.gov
- http//www.grants.gov/
- GrantsNet
- http//www.grantsnet.org/
- ProposalCentral
- https//proposalcentral.altum.com/
- ScienceCareers
- http//sciencecareers.sciencemag.org/funding/
43. Funding Agency Expectations
1. Eligibility 2. Citizenship 3. Training 4.
Preliminary data requirements 5. Check past
awards granted by agency 6. CRISP (Computer
Retrieval of Information on Scientific
Projects) www.crisp.cit.nih.gov/ 7. Deadlines
54. Preparing Your Grant Proposal
1. Start well ahead of time 2. Follow agency
guidelines 3. Know your own limitations (do not
be overly ambitious) 4. Pay attention to little
details (grammar, spelling, formatting) 5.
Focused organized set of experiments that test
a hypothesis 6. Write for a broader audience
7. Have someone (peers/mentor) read and critic
your proposal (give them plenty of time to
do so) 8. Dont ignore the budget
justification section
65. Submitting Your Grant Proposal
1. Be aware of OSP (office of Sponsored
Programs) requirements 2. Dont wait till the
last minute to submit the grant 3. Request
letters of reference/support well ahead of
time 4. Update and format your resume 5.
Dont give up if youre rejected 6. Learn from
the reviewers comments on your proposal
7If at first you dont succeed Try Try Again