Week 5 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Week 5


System users often judge a system by its. interface. A poorly designed interface can ... Design for monochrome then add colour. Use colour coding consistently ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Week 5

Object Oriented Programming31465
  • Week 5
  • Principles of GUI Design

Lecture Overview
  • What is the user interface
  • Principles of user interface design
  • Issues of information display
  • User guidance
  • Error Messages
  • Help systems

The User Interface
  • System users often judge a system by its
  • A poorly designed interface can cause a user to
    make catastrophic errors
  • Poor user interface design is the reason why so
    many software systems are never used
  • The focus of this lecture is on graphical user
    interface (GUI) design

User-System Interaction
  • Two problems must be addressed in interactive
    systems design
  • How should information from the user be provided
    to the computer system?
  • How should information from the computer system
    be presented to the user?
  • User interaction and information presentation
    may be integrated through a coherent framework
    such as a user interface metaphor
  • Controls need to be visible, with good mapping
    to their effects and their design should also
    suggest their functionality

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Star Interface (Xerox,1981)
  • Make computer invisible as possible to the user
  • Interface metaphor based on physical office
  • Paper, folders, in and out trays were represented
    as icons on the virtual desktop
  • Draggingmoving
  • But extended metaphor
  • e.g. allowed for rapid searching

Magic Cap 3D desktop
How many different metaphors can you find?
What does this do?
Graphical User Interfaces
  • User interfaces which rely on windows, iconic
    representation of entities, pull-down or pop-up
    menus and pointing devices.
  • Previously called WIMP interfaces - now
    generally referred to as GUIs.
  • The standard form of interface for workstations
    and high-power personal computers.

GUI Advantages
  • They are easy to learn and use.
  • Users without experience can learn to use the
    system quickly.
  • The user may switch quickly from one task to
    another and can interact with several different
  • Information remains visible in its own window
    when attention is switched.
  • Fast, full-screen interaction is possible with
    immediate access to anywhere on the screen

User Interface Design Principles
(From Preece et al. p. 488)
User Interface Design Principles
Ian Sommerville (1995) Software Engineering
User Interface Design Principles
Linda Macaulay (1995) Human-Computer Interaction
for Software Designers.
Principles and Rules
  • Principles
  • allow query in depth
  • design for user growth
  • allow input flexibility
  • adapt to different user levels and styles
  • ensure ease of understanding
  • give appropriate quantity of response
  • Rules
  • provide a RESET command
  • always issue a warning message to the user
    before deleting a file
  • display the quit button in the bottom left-hand
    quarter of the screen
  • A design rule can be obeyed with minimal
    filling out and interpretation by the designer

Useability Attributes
Designing a User Interface - 1
  • 1. Identify what work will be shared between the
    user and the system
  • 2. Specify the flow of interaction between the
    user and the system to do that work
  • identify online events
  • input/output data items
  • create a logical dialogue outline - at least
    one per event
  • check you have got all the data you need
  • create logical dialogue controls ( ie how will
    the event begin and end or branch)
  • validate the diagrams with users
  • 3. Design a consistent set of screens/windows to
    support that interaction

Designing a User Interface - 2
  • 4. Decide what information should be displayed in
    each window/screen
  • 5. Decide how the information should be
  • 6. Decide where each field will appear
  • 7. Decide what highlighting is required
  • 8. Produce a draft design
  • 9. Test the design with users
  • 10. Iterate

Information Display Factors
  • Is the user interested in precise information or
    data relationships?
  • How quickly do information values change? Must
    the change be indicated immediately?
  • Must the user take some action in response to a
  • Is there a direct manipulation interface?
  • Is the information textual or numeric? Are
    relative values important?

Analogue vs. Digital Presentation
  • Digital presentation
  • Compact - takes up little screen space
  • Precise values can be communicated
  • User has to attend to it
  • Analogue presentation
  • Easier to get an 'at a glance' impression of a
  • Possible to show relative values
  • Easier to see exceptional data values

(No Transcript)
Colour Displays
  • Colour adds an extra dimension to an interface
    and can help the user understand complex
    information structures
  • Colour can be used to highlight exceptional
  • Common mistakes in the use of colour in
    interface design include
  • Relying on colour to communicate meaning
  • Over-use of colour in the display

Colour Use Guidelines
  • Don't use too many colours
  • Use colour coding to support use tasks
  • Allow users to control colour coding
  • Design for monochrome then add colour
  • Use colour coding consistently
  • Avoid colour pairings which clash
  • Use colour change to show status change
  • Be aware that colour displays can be of lower

Which is easiest to read and why?
What is the time?
What is the time?
What is the time?
What is the time?
What is the time?
Guidelines on Information Presentation
  • Use upper and lower case
  • Use normal conventions
  • Caption names should be as brief as possible
  • Use only meaningful abbreviations
  • Captions should be positioned in a natural and
    physically consistent relationship to the
    corresponding data fields

Guidelines on Data Entry
  • Explicit entry users should be asked to check
    data before entry
  • Explicit movement between fields users should be
    able to use Tab or some other key to move
    logically and explicitly between fields
  • Explicit delete users should be required to
    confirm any request for deletion
  • Provide undo whenever possible allow users to go
    back to a previous state (ie undo their last

Guidelines on Text Presentation
  • leave about half the total screen/window blank
  • every screen/window should be self-contained
  • there should be an obvious starting point
  • usually upper left - then proceed left to right,
    top to bottom
  • the same information should be displayed
    consistently throughout the application
  • right-justified text with variable spacing is
    harder to read than evenly spaced text with a
    ragged margin
  • optimal spacing between lines is equal or
    slightly greater than the height of the
    characters themselves

User Guidance
  • The user guidance system is integrated with the
    user interface to help users when they need
    information about the system or when they make
    some kind of error
  • User guidance covers
  • System messages, including error messages
  • Documentation provided for users
  • On-line help
  • The help and message system may be integrated

Error Message Design
  • Error message design is critically important.
    Poor error messages can mean that a user
    rejects rather than accepts a system
  • Messages should be polite, concise, consistent
    and constructive
  • The background and experience of users should be
    the determining factor in message design

e.g. Medical Record / Patient Entry
Please type the patient name in the box then
click on OK
, J
Good and Bad Error Responses
Help System Design
  • Help? means help I want information
  • Help! means HELP. I'm in trouble
  • Both of these requirements have to be taken into
    account in help system design
  • Different facilities in the help system may be
  • Should not simply be an on-line manual
  • Screens or windows don't map well onto paper
  • People are not so good at reading text on a
    screen as they are text on paper
  • The dynamic characteristics of the display can
    improve information presentation.

Help system use
  • Multiple entry points should be provided so that
    the user can get into the help system from
    different places.
  • Some indication of where the user is positioned
    in the help system is valuable.
  • Facilities should be provided to allow the user
    to navigate and traverse the help system.

User Interface Evaluation
  • Some evaluation of a user interface design
    should be carried out to assess its suitability
  • Ideally, an interface should be evaluated
    against a useability specification. However, it
    is rare for such specifications to be produced
  • Full scale evaluation is very expensive and
    impractical for most systems
  • But you can start your interface evaluation by
  • 1. Interface design principles
  • 2. Useability attributes
  • 3. User scenarios

Key Points
  • Interface design should be user-centred. An
    interface should be logical and consistent and
    help users recover from errors
  • Menu systems are good for casual or occasional
    system users
  • Graphical displays should be used to present
    trends and approximate values. Digital displays
    when precision is required
  • Colour should be used sparingly and consistently

More Key Points
  • Systems should provide on-line help. This should
    include help, Im in trouble and help, I want
  • Error messages should be positive rather than
  • A range of different types of user documents
    should be provided
  • A user interface should always be evaluated,
    ideally against a useability specification
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