Title: Body Rhythms and Mental States
1Body Rhythms and Mental States
2Outline of Todays Lecture
- Biological Rhythms
- The Rhythms of Sleep
- Dreams
- Consciousness-Altering Drugs
- Hypnosis
3Biological Rhythms
- A periodic, more or less, regular fluctuation in
a biological system may or may not have
psychological implications - Entrainment The synchronization of biological
rhythms with external cues, such as fluctuations
in daylight
4Endogenous Biological Rhythms
- Circadian Rhythms
- Occur about every 24 hours.
- ExampleThe sleep-wake cycle.
- Infradian Rhythms
- Occur less often than once a day.
- Examples include birds migrating, bears
hibernating. - Ultradian Rhythms
- Occur more frequently than once a day, about
every 90min. - Examples include stomach contractions and
hormone levels.
5Circadian Rhythms
- Occur in plants, animals, insects and people.
- To study endogenous circadian rhythms, scientists
isolate volunteers from time cues. - Supraciasmatic nucleus (SCN)
- Located in the hypothalamus, responsible for
circadian rhythms by regulating melatonin, a
hormone secreted by the pineal gland.
Neurotransmitters, hormones (e.g.,
6When Internal Clocks are Out of Sync
- Internal desynchronization
- A state when biological rhythms are not in phase
with one another. - Circadian rhythms are influenced by changes in
routine. Examples include - Airplane flights across time zones.
- Adjusting to new work shifts.
- Also, illness, stress, fatigue, excitement,
drugs, and mealtimes.
7Moods and Long-term Rhythms
- Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
- A controversial disorder in which person
experiences depression during the winter and an
improvement of mood in the spring. - Treatment involves phototherapy or exposure to
fluorescent light. - Evaluating frequency of and treatment for SAD is
8Menstrual Cycles and Mood
- Does the menstrual cycle affect mood?
- People think so. In the 1970s, premenstrual
syndrome (PMS) came to be thought of as an
illness and some popular books have asserted that
most women suffer from PMS
9Menstrual Cycles and Mood
- Physical symptoms are common.
- Cramps, breast tenderness and water retention.
- Emotional symptoms are rare.
- Irritability and depression.
- Fewer than 5 of women have symptoms predictably.
10Research Conclusions about PMS
- No gender differences exist in mood.
- There is no relation between stage of menstrual
cycle and emotional symptoms. - No consistent PMS pattern exists across
menstrual cycles.
11Study Mood Changes in Women and Men
12Why We Sleep
- The exact function of sleep is uncertain but
sleep appears to provide time for - the body to eliminate waste products from
muscles, - repair cells,
- strengthen the immune system, or
- recover abilities lost during the day.
13Sleep Disorders
- Insomnia
- Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep.
- Sleep apnea
- Breathing briefly stops during sleep, causing the
person to choke and gasp and momentarily waken. - Narcolepsy
- A sleep disorder involving sudden and
unpredictable daytime attacks of sleepiness or
lapses into REM sleep. - Staying up late and not allowing oneself enough
sleep - 2/3 of North Americans get fewer than recommended
8 hours
14Realms of Sleep
- Stage 1. Feel self drifting on the edge of
consciousness. - Stage 2. Minor noises wont disturb you.
- Stage 3. Breathing and pulse have slowed down.
- Stage 4. Deep sleep.
- REM. Increased eye movement, loss of muscle tone
and dreaming.
- Do you typically remember your dreams?
- Have you ever been able to control what you dream
about or how your dream unfolds? - Have you ever died in a dream?
- Do you have a recurring dream?
- Have you ever had a dream in which one person
transformed into another? - Have you ever dreamed of doing something
impossible (e.g., flying, playing music even
though you cant) - Do your dreams often contain inconsistencies
(e.g., you know it is your house or your room,
but it doesnt look like it is supposed to)
- 8) Do you ever dream about celebrities?
- Do you incorporate outside noises into your dream
(e.g., an alarm clock, a telephone ring)? - Have you ever dreamed about
- Being naked in public?
- Killing someone?
- Finding money?
- Being attacked or pursued?
- Arriving too late for something important?
- Being locked up?
- War?
- Dreams as Unconscious Wishes
- Dreams as Reflections of Current Concerns
- Dreams as a By-product of Mental Housekeeping
- Dreams as Interpreted Brain Activity
- Dreams Theatre of the Night
20Consciousness-Altering Drugs
- Classifying Drugs
- The Physiology of Drug Effects
- The Psychology of Drug Effects
21Classifying Drugs
- Psychoactive drug
- Substance capable of influencing perception,
mood, cognition, or behaviour. - Types
- Stimulants
- speed up activity in the CNS.
- Depressants
- slow down activity in the CNS.
- Opiates
- relieve pain.
- Psychedelic drugs
- disrupt normal thought processes.
22The Physiology of Drug Effects
- Psychoactive drugs work by acting on brain
neurotransmitters. These drugs can - increase or decrease the release of
neurotransmitters, - prevent reabsorption of excess neurotransmitters
by the cells that have released them, - block the effects of neurotransmitters on
receiving cells, or - bind to receptors that would ordinarily be
triggered by a neurotransmitter or a
23The Physiology of Drug Effects
Tolerance Increased resistance to a drugs
effects accompanying continued use as tolerance
develops, larger doses are required to produce
effects once brought about by smaller
ones Withdrawal symptoms Physical and
psychological symptoms that occur when someone
addicted to a drug stops taking it
24The Psychology of Drug Effects
- Reactions to psychoactive drugs depend on
- Physical factors such as body weight, metabolism,
initial state of emotional arousal and physical
tolerance. - Experience or the number of times a person has
used a drug. - Environmental setting affects the response to a
drug. - Mental set or expectations for drugs effects.
- Defining hypnosis
- The nature of hypnosis
- Theories of hypnosis
26Defining Hypnosis
- A procedure in which the practitioner suggests
changes in the sensations, perceptions, thoughts,
feelings or behaviour of the participant.
27The Nature of Hypnosis
- The hypnotic state is not sleep.
- Hypnotic responsiveness depends more on the
person being hypnotized than on the skill of the
hypnotist. - Hypnotized people cant be forced to do things
against their will. - Feats performed under hypnosis can be performed
by motivated people without hypnosis. - Hypnosis does not increase the accuracy of memory
28The Nature of Hypnosis
- Hypnosis doesnt produce a literal
re-experiencing of long-ago events. - Hypnotic suggestions have been used effectively
for medical and psychological purposes.
29Theories of Hypnosis
- Dissociation theories
- Hypnosis is a split in consciousness in which one
part of the mind operates independently of the
rest of the consciousness, or - During hypnosis, dissociation occurs between an
executive control system in the brain (probably
frontal lobes) and other brain systems involved
in thinking and acting.
30Theories of Hypnosis
- Sociocognitive theories
- Effects of hypnosis result from interaction
between social influence of the hypnotist (socio)
and the abilities, beliefs and expectations of
the subject (cognitive). - Can explain alien abduction and past-life