Title: Towards Appraising Online Stores
1Towards Appraising Online Stores
- Ernest Cachia
- Mark Micallef
- Software Engineering Process Improvement Research
Group - (SEPI)
3Overall Goals
4The First Step
5Initial Targets
- Identify most important quality attributes in
e-commerce systems - Limit Scope to the Online Store variety of
E-Commerce Systems (for the time being) - Success of such systems depends largely on users
accessing a website and buying products or
services - Therefore, users opinions should be given a
large weighting
6Overview of Activities
- Research into existing work
- Discovering how e-commerce systems differ from
generic systems - Designing a questionnaire
- Conduct a survey amongst 350 e-commerce users
- Analysis of results
- Extraction of important e-commerce attributes
(and their importance ranking)
7How do E-Commerce Systems Differ?
8Why was this information required?
- Identifying why e-commerce systems differ was an
important step - Further justifies the need for an e-commerce
metrication framework - Allows us to identify quality attributes based on
these differences - 5 main differences were identified
9How E-Commerce System Differ
- Content Driven (Navigability)
- Exposed to the world (Security)
- Browser-Based (Portability)
- Enormous User Base (Scalability, Multilinguality)
- Frequent Change (Maintainability, Reliability)
10Survey Organisation
11Survey Design
- Designed to rank importance of quality attributes
defined above - Divided into two parts
- Section 1 Collection of demographic information
about users - Section 2 Collection of information about which
attributes are deemed most important by users
12Example Questions from Section 1
- Age Group
- Main use of e-commerce (personal or business)
- Education Level
- Frequency of online shopping
- Products/Services bought online
- OS, Browser, Devices
13Example Questions from Section 2
- Abandoned Transactions
- Reasons for abandoned transactions
- First Impression Factors
- Intentions when visiting an e-commerce site
- Ranking of attributes/features
14Survey Results
15Our Sample Space
- 350 Respondents
- 94 of participants were under 50 years old
- Browser usage, OS usage and Device usage compare
to other surveys carried out
17Operating Systems
19Most Popular Products
20Abandoned Transactions
21Reasons for Abandoned Transactions
22Security and Privacy Issues (1/3)
- Security turned out to be an important factor
- For example, when asked to identify a reason why
they would prefer not to use e-commerce, users
replied as follows
23Security and Privacy Issues (2/3)
- How sure would you have to be about a sites
security capabilities before you buy from it?
24Security and Privacy Issues (3/3)
- When asked to rank the importance of quality
attributes in order of importance, security
received and average scored of 6.24 (out of a
possible 7). - This made it the most important quality attribute
as perceived by users of e-commerce systems - We recommended security as an essential quality
attribute in e-commerce systems
25Portability Issues (1/4)
- Refers to the extent to which a system is
accessible from different operating systems,
browser and devices - Participants ranked portability as the 5th most
important attribute (out of 7) - Case for portability not too strong if one relies
on the results of this survey
26Portability Issues (2/4)
- 98 of respondents use WindowsTM -based OSs
- Almost 93 use Desktop PCs
- 95 use Internet ExplorerTM
- Less than 4 of users who abandoned transactions
did so because of compatibility problems
27Portability Issues (3/4)
- Results seem to indicate that portability is not
important - However one must be careful
- 88.7 of users will not change browsers so as to
be able to view a particular site - A small percentage of customer lost due to lack
portability might still amount to large amounts
of lost revenue - New mobile technologies are likely increase the
importance of portability issues in e-commerce
28Portability (4/4)
- Portability is recommended as a necessary
attribute in e-commerce systems - However, in the current environment,
compatibility with dominant technologies would
seem to ensure a sufficient reach
29Performance and Scalability (1/3)
- Speed is important to users
- 33 of users who abandoned transactions mid-way
through did so because the site was too slow - Only 18.4 would remain unconditionally loyal to
their favorite site if it became slow
30Performance and Scalability (2/3)
- What is the most important first impression
factor you look for in a site?
31Performance and Scalability (3/3)
- Participants ranked performance as the 4th most
important quality attribute - We are recommending Performance as an essential
quality attribute
32Navigability (1/3)
- Why did you abandon transactions mid-way through?
Also more likely to simply find another site
33Navigability (2/3)
- 72 of users know beforehand what they are
looking for when visiting an online store - This indicates that search and navigation
features are important - 30 of participants also chose navigation as
their primary first impression factor
34Navigability (3/3)
- Navigability was ranked as the 3rd most important
attribute by users - We are recommending usability with an emphasis on
navigability as an essential quality attribute in
online stores
35Multi-Lingual Features
- Not being recommended as an essential attribute
- The importance of such features is highly
dependant on the context in which an online store
is operating - 51 of participants claim e-commerce systems
could still be classified as a quality system if
it had no multi-lingual features - Respondents ranked this feature in 6th place (out
of 7)
36Low-Bandwidth Version of Site
- Some e-commerce sites have a text-only or
low-bandwidth version available - Useful for users with slow connections
- 52.5 of participants deem such a feature
unnecessary - Users ranked this attribute as the least
important - Considering increasing popularity of broadband
connections, we are not recommending this as a
necessary attribute
37Ranking of Essential Attributes
- Security
- Reliability
- Navigability
- Performance
- Portability
38Conclusions and Further Work
39Conclusions and Further Work
- These results are an important first step to our
overall goals - Since this research we have explored
- Information Architecture
- Graph Theory
- Security
- Further work will include
- Investigation into each of the above attributes
and how they can be measured - Development of a metrication framework that will
combine metrics for different attributes together - Development of a list of guidelines
- Incorporation of guidelines into framework
40Questions and Discussion