Title: Project 1 - Finding courses at UC Irvine Extension
1Project 1 - Finding courses at UC Irvine Extension
- Deeksha Malhotra
- Liana Nakamura
- James Rose
2Project 1
- Conducting usability study
- Subjects are asked to sign in at UCI Extension
website - Locate the courses for which they had registered
- Studying navigation issues only (not content)
3Problems Being Addressed
- Ease of use How difficult is it for the user to
find what theyre looking for? - Intuitiveness Can users find their course site
without any outside help? - Navigability How simple or arduous is it to
navigate the UCI Extensions website? - Time spent How long did it take the user to find
their course site?
4(No Transcript)
5Problems Being Addressed
- Can be addressed by looking at
- Simplicity
- Redundancy
- Links clearly indicating their destination
6Methods to be Used
- Usability Experiment
- Users will attempt to navigate from their account
on UCI Extensions to their course site - Users will think aloud, and their actions and
voice will be recorded and timed - Approx. 6 different users
- 10 minutes in length (or until the goal is
completed) - Different demographics (i.e. nontechnical users,
non-native speakers)
7Methods to be Used
- Interviews
- Will follow up the usability experiments with a
short interview - Find out the users impressions of the website
- Examine any problems they encountered, and why
they encountered them - Ask for any recommended changes
- Gather any other feedback they care to provide
8What Weve Done
- Gone through the UCI Extensions website to
examine the issues firsthand - Each conducted a usability experiment on
different users - Interviewed the users to find additional
information about usability issues
- Every person interviewed has been able to find
the courses in the 10 minutes given.
10Insights (continued)
- One major complaint from our interview subjects
is that to get to the Spring courses you must
look at the sidebar. However, it is natural to
search for the courses in the center of the page.
The Spring courses link should be prominently
displayed on the main page.
11Insights (continued)
- The user login is hard to find on the page. It
is located on the upper right hand side of the
page, but it should be located in a more central
- I ran into technical difficulties with the sound
on Camtasia Studio but was able to fix it by
using a different microphone.
13Upcoming Decisions
- Need to develop a plan for creating a mockup
- What changes need to be made?
- My Courses link
- Login
- Delegate tasks
- Final Report
14Updated Schedule
- Were on schedule
- As of today
Task Start Date End Date Time Estimate (in hours) Actual Time (in hours)
Initial Research 4/7/09 4/21/09 3 3
Initial Presentation Preparation 4/17/09 4/21/09 6 3
Initial Presentation 4/21/09
Interviews 4/27/09 5/7/09 3 3
Analyze Findings 5/4/09 5/12/09 15 4
Interim Presentation Preparation 5/8/09 5/12/09 9 3
15Upcoming Schedule
- All tasks will be completed by each group member
Task Start Date End Date Time Estimate (in hours)
Create Mockup 5/13/09 5/21/09 12
Re-test Subjects 5/22/09 5/28/09 3
Analyze Findings 5/28/09 6/2/09 6
Final Presentation Preparation 5/28/09 6/2/09 9
Final Presentation 6/2/09
Final Report Preparation 6/2/09 6/9/09 18
Final Report Finals Week
Milestones are depicted in red Milestones are depicted in red Milestones are depicted in red