Title: Net Gains in Political Participation:
1- Net Gains in Political Participation
- Secondary Effects of Internet on Community
- A.Kavanaugh, B. J. Kim, M. Perez-Quinones,
- J. Schmitz, P. Isenhour
- Computer Science Department, Virginia Tech
- Blacksburg, VA 24061-0106
2Internet Effects on Civic Participation
- Increased community and civic engagement among
activists - explained by
- Education
- Age
- Extroversion
- mediated by
- Collective efficacy
- Group membership
- Online civic activity
- Activism
Kavanaugh, A., Carroll, J.M., Rosson, M.B.,
Reese, D.D. Zin, T.T. 2005. Participating in
Civil Society The case of networked communities.
Interacting with Computers 17, 9-33.
3Research Questions
- How and why does the passive majority of citizens
use the Internet for political and civic
purposes? - To what extent does the passive majority
attribute any influence on their political
participation to the Internet?
Bimber 1999, 2001 Chadwick 2006 Dutton 1999
Hague Loader, 1999 Norris 2000 Putnam 2000
Shane 2000, among others.
4Levels of Political Participation
- Active
- 10 of total population
- Passive
- 70 of total population
- Apathetic
- 20 of total population
Verba, S., Schlozman, K., Brady, H. (1995)
Voice and Equality Civic Voluntarism in
American Politics, Harvard University Press,
Cambridge, MA.
5Forms of Political Participation
- Vote
- Keep up with news
- Discuss Politics
- Attend public meetings
- Join local groups
- Donate money to political campaigns
- Write to newspaper editor
- Organize collective action
- Work for a political candidate or issue
6Case Study Blacksburg
- Blacksburg, Virginia and Montgomery County
- University town Virginia Tech 26,000 students
- Total town and county population 76,000
- Community computer network BEV
- Mature, stable -- established 1993
- 89 of population online 78 in county
- Secondary effects have emerged
7Household Survey Interviews
- Two phone survey rounds (Spring 05, 06)
- Round 1 (N717, 40 response rate)
- Round 2 (N430, eligible sample 570)
- Correlations, one-way ANOVA, paired t tests
- Focus group interviews (Fall 05)
- Subset of survey respondents
- Stratified on political participation, Net use
- Four sessions, 40 interviewees total
- Analyzed using NVIVO software
8Survey Constructs offline
- Political efficacy, Collective efficacy
- Civic Activity
- Read news, attend meetings, religious service,
volunteer - Political Interest
- Attend political talk or meeting, contact
government - Political Activity
- Work for political campaign, protest about local
issue - Political discussion network
9Political Discussion Network (Cronbach alpha.83,
- Discuss politics with family
- Discuss politics outside family
- Attend public meeting about issue of interest
- Speak up at public meeting about issue
- Express opinion different from others
10Survey Constructs Online
- Civic Activity Online
- Read news online
- look for information on local community and
government sites - Communicate with citizens about issue of interest
- Post factual information for other citizens
- Express opinion in online discussions
- Political Activity
- Work online for political campaign
- Email government, try to influence policy
11Correlations of Internet Use
12Political Participation Quartiles
13Passive-Active and Active CitizensDifferences
- Passive-active citizens are significantly
different from Active citizens on measures of - Civic Activity Offline
- Political Activity Offline
- Political Activity Online
14Civic Political DifferencesPassive-Active and
plt.01 Post Hoc Multiple Comparisons
(Bonferroni) test used on all variables equal
variance are assumed Group superscripts indicate
significant differences between the respective
groups (Bonferroni test)
15Civic Political Differences Passive-active
and Active
16Passive-Active and Active CitizensSimilarities
- Passive-active were similar to active citizens
and are significantly different from
passive-apathetic or apathetic on measures of - Political and collective efficacy
- Local group discussions about politics
- Online civic activity
17Civic Political SimilaritiesPassive-Active
and Active
18Similarities in Internet Effects Passive-Active
and Active
19Passive-Active like Active Citizens
- Passive-active citizens are similar to active
citizens on measures of Internet effects - Internet has helped me become more involved in
local issues that interest me. - Internet has improved my interaction with other
citizens. - Internet has improved my interaction with local
20Focus Group Profiles
21Focus Group Politically Passive Net Users
- I do like reading both sides of the argument on
things that matter to me. The problem is, the
Internet, I mean it reaches the whole world and
so many of the things they are discussing dont
have anything to do with me. And so I dont know
why I have, I need to have an opinion on this or
that. The things that I do have an opinion on
Ive listened to and thought about and um, have
based my decision on listening to both sides. You
do need to listen to both sides. But I dont see
why you have to have an opinion on everything.
22Focus Group Politically Passive Net Users
- I am somewhat active in the community because, I
bike a lot. I commute to work and Im a firm
believer that we should get an infrastructure for
bicyclers biking to work, um, for many reasons
So I am pretty active in like rails to trails
and stuff like that. Bicycle advocacy groups. But
most of that is through mailingslike the postal
23Focus Group Politically Passive Net Users
- Our entire community and neighborhood gets
together and shows up at the forums or contacts
the city manager or whoever the developer is that
is going to do whatever and we are the
proprietors to that large 3.5 acre lotthey keep
on wanting to build up there and we keep on
telling them aint going to happen. So weve got
John who sends out the listserv and they go to
you, you get some sort of information or at least
you get some word to whats going on and we all
show up.
24Focus Group Passive-Active Net Users
- Now how did you find those blogs?
- My wife found them
- I have to be honest with you, I dont know how
to get into any of this stuff. She found them and
she earmarked them or whatever you call it and I
push the button.
25Focus Group Passive-Active Net Users
- Yeah, my daughter wrote a cheat for me to get
into the email and I do read some of the blogs
that I have a very clear map to get to. You know,
push this button now type of thing. We started
getting computers where I work about three years
before I retired. I didnt use them at work and
didnt have them when I was a kid.
- Passive-active citizens are unlike active
citizens on measures of offline political and
civic activity - Passive-active citizens are unlike active
citizens on measures of online politics - Passive-active citizens are similar to active
citizens on measures of online civic activity,
political discussion in local groups, and the
effect of Internet on - Increasing involvement in local issues of
interest - Improving interaction with citizens and local
- There is a glimpse of the secondary effects of
Internet use on the local political and civic
participation of politically passive citizens - Politically passive citizens, like active
citizens, are using the Internet to support and
extend their civic interactions and activities
28- http//java.cs.vt.edu/public/projects/digit
algov - This research is supported by the National
Science Foundation, Digital Government Program - IIS-0492274
- kavan_at_vt.edu