Title: REACH
1REACHing the end? Jean-Claude Lahaut
2REACH A long-distance run
Proposal DG ENV DG ENT APR 2003
Interservice Process Commission
Development of the White Paper 1999 - FEB 2001
White Paper FEB 2001
Internet Consultation MAY-JUL 2003
Proposal DG ENV DG ENT SEP 2003
Opinion Commission
Interservice Process Commission
3Reminder Political objectives of REACH
- Protection of human health and the environment
- Maintenance and enhancement of the
competitiveness of the EU chemical industry - Prevent fragmentation of the internal market
- Increased transparency to consumers
- Integration with international efforts
- Promotion of non-animal testing
- Conformity with EU international obligations
under the WTO - We still support these objectives!
4What is settled in REACH?
- EU Regulation requiring the registration of all
substances m/i by 2018 ( 11 years after start) as
of 1t - Pre-registration within 18 months
- Registration phased, time line based on volume
and risk - Risk assessment to be done by registrant NOT by
competent authority - Burden of proof with industry
5What is settled in REACH?
- Detailed evaluation of some substances will be
required - Authorisation required for uses of those
substances deemed to be of highest concern/risk - Estimated 30,000 substances to be registered
- Strict deadlines for registration not allowed
to market after registration deadline
6What is settled in REACH?
- Companies submitting substance registrations and
risk assessments must know details of uses - Data to be obtained from customers
- If customer not willing to disclose must register
use themselves - Supply not permitted unless use is registered
- Use defined by exposure scenarios, which are an
essential part of the registration - Applies to imported substances as well as those
producedin the EU
7Cefics key objectives/probability of success
- Limit Scope to Substances above 1t
- Exclude Intermediates
- Exclude Polymers
- Limit Initial Data Packages Requirements
- Apply Substance Tailored Testing Requirements
- Apply Targeted Risk Assessment
- Limit Scope to CMRs and POPs
- Avoid Time Limited Authorisations
- Avoid Mandatory Substitution
- Avoid Phasing Out Strategies
- Keep the Integrity of Internal Market
- Central Organisation
85 Key Priorities of Cefic
Registration/pre-registration ? ?
Duty of Care ? ?
Evaluation Role of Agency ? ?
Authorisation ? ?
CBI/Access to Information ? ?
9Social partners ask
- Safe and workable REACH
- Meeting the original objectives of REACH
- Contributing to
- a separate occupational health legislation
- They will propose good practices in social
dialogue - to other industries
10Outcome of ENVI vote on 10 Oct
- The recommendation was adopted with 42 votes in
favour, - 12 against and 6 abstentions
- The vote reflects a very broad majority for the
Sacconi priorities who has seen all his major
points get through (back to first reading
position) - Most amendments tabled by shadow rapporteur
Oomen-Ruijten (and supported by industry) were
rejected - Strong political signal to Council and
Commission - Absolute majority (367 MEPs) in Plenary is
possible - The rapporteur Sacconi has a mandate to negotiate
- Now the Council has to move
11Outcome of ENVI vote on 10 Oct
- Registration Am. 167 (adopted by 37 in favour
and 21 against), additional risk-based
prioritisation substances - in quantities below
100 tonnes - that are toxic to aquatic organisms
and that may cause long-term adverse effects
should be added to the second phase of
registration. - Am. 170 (adopted by 41 in favour and 18
against), manufactures or importers who do not
intend to submit an application for registration
of a substance or a preparation shall notify to
the Agency and Downstream users of their
intention.. - The Duty of Care principle has been adopted with
a large majority -
- Agency The tasks and independency of the Agency
have been strengthened and a series of criteria
are listed for the nomination of the
representatives in the Board. -
- Confidential Business Information Special
provision for information to the general public. - SMEs They ensure that REACH will not put
additional burden for SMEs and European Union
should provide aid and support for SMEs. - Animal testing
- Nanoparticles now also fall under REACH and are
considered as substances of very high concern - 1. Ams. concerning definition and exposure
assessment were rejected by 29 votes against 28 - 2. Ams. concerning information requirements and
authorisation were adopted by 29 against 28
12Outcome of ENVI vote on 10 Oct
- Authorisation and Substitution approved with
large majority 41 -17 - Authorisation will be granted under strict
conditions only, namely if - suitable alternative substances or technologies
do not exist, and measures are in place to
minimise exposure, and - it is demonstrated that the social and economic
advantages outweigh the risks to human health or
the environment which arise from the use of the
substance, and - the risk to human health or the environment from
the use of a substance arising from the intrinsic
properties specified in Annex XIV(a) is
adequately controlled in accordance with Annex I
section 6, and as documented in the applicants
chemical safety report. - .
13Authorisation shall be granted if (Art. 59/old
Art. 57)
- Analysis of alternatives
Application for A.
Risk adequately control
Suitable alternative s/t do not exist
CMRs cat. I or II without threshold limits (Art.
56 a,b,c,f) OTHER PBTs, vPvBs (Art. 56
d,e) Never adequately controlled
Socio-economic advantages
Socio-economic benefits
Risk adequately controlled
Suitable alternative s/t
Time-limited review on case-by-case basis
Time-limit not exceeding 5 years
Ban Substitution without alternative
14Political decision
- Power game between institutions?
- Outstanding issue Authorisation substitution
- Official Council line stick to common position
- Clarification and better definition of adequate
control without fundamentally changing the
Council text - Sacconi prepared to start from Council text, but
needs something more on substitution - What role for the Commission?
- Is Conciliation avoidable?
15EP second reading 2006 - Timetable
Council EP
JUN Common Position adopted Environment Council (27)
OCT 18 COREPER Mandate for FIN Presidency (AUTH/SUBS excluded) 19 1st Trialogue 25 COREPER Mandate for FIN Presidency (AUTH/SUBS) 26 2nd Trialogue 31 COREPER Vote ENVI (10)
NOV 6 3rd Trialogue Vote Plenary (13-16)
DEC Vote Plenary (11-14)
16Are there any major changes to be expected in the
next 4 weeks?
Quotes of the Finnish Presidency before the start
of EP 2nd reading There will be little or no
room for manoeuvre for the Council in these
areas At the end of the process a package
solution (including registration, authorisation
and other elements) has to be found between the
Parliament and the Council. This means that
nothing is agreed until everything is
agreed Reality check 172 amendments have been
adopted in the ENVI Committee, which gives
the EP a strong platform for further
negotiations Authorisation will become the
stumbling block for a workable REACH
17Time is running
Individual registrations
lt 12 months
No. of consortia
Level of preparedness
18 m
3 y
gt 1.000/ CMR...
6 y
11 y
1 - 100
18Creation of ReachCentrum
- ReachCentrum is being established as an
independent service body, which will be part of
consistent service network provided by Cefic,
national associations and Member State
authorities - Clear distinction between regular trade
association offering (covered by regular
membership fee) and tailor-made services to
companies (invoiced separately) - Potential customers include members, companies
throughout the value chain, and non-EU chemical
19A natural logical split
- National Associations
- Front line help desk
- National language
- Link to MSCAs
- Tools and guidance
- Cefic
- Consortia management and registration service
- Provision of standard tools/formats
- Consistency custodian
- Training of other service providers
- Help desk (for smaller MSs, non-EU companies,
affiliated organisations)