Title: Parliament Malcolmson
1Parliament Malcolmson Myers, Ch. 7
- The Three Elements of Parliament
- Section 17, CA 1867
- There shall be One Parliament for Canada
consisting of the Queen, an Upper House Styled
the Senate, and the House of Commons.
2Parliament Malcolmson Myers, Ch. 7
- The Three Elements of Parliament
- Queen (Crown) Dignified
- Commons (Lower House) Efficient
- Senate (Upper House) Is the role for the
3Parliament Malcolmson Myers, Ch. 7
- The House of Commons
- Controls public purse
- Historical source of Commons power
- House grants supply
- Exercises legislative power
- ... at least formally
- Houses the Cabinet
- Offers or withholds confidence
4Parliament Malcolmson Myers, Ch. 7
- The House of Commons
- The primary purpose of the modern Parliament
(i.e., Commons) is to make Cabinet accountable
for its actions to the public (Malcolmson
Myers, 2005 122). - Perhaps, but House also
- Serves as a countrys chief representative arena
5Parliament Malcolmson Myers, Ch. 7
- Parliament
- Parliament has two meanings
- House of Commons Senate together
- Meeting of those chambers between elections
6Parliament Malcolmson Myers, Ch. 7
- Parliament
- 39 Canadian Parliaments since 1867
- Each session follows a set pattern
- Throne Speech
- Budget
- Prorogation
- Dissolution
7Parliament Malcolmson Myers, Ch. 7
- The Parliamentary Timetable
- Time is highly structured
- Every session has a detailed schedule
- Every day has a set order of business
- Order Paper
8Parliament Malcolmson Myers, Ch. 7
- Parliament
- Different times set aside to do different things
- Private Members Bills
- Motions or Resolutions
- Government Bills
9Parliament Malcolmson Myers, Ch. 7
- The Stages of a Bill
- First Reading Introduction
- Second Reading Principle
- Referral Report Amendments
- Third Reading Final Approval
10Parliament Malcolmson Myers, Ch. 7
- The Stages of a Bill
- Senate exactly the same steps, i.e.,
- First reading
- Second reading
- Third reading
- Royal Assent
- Proclamation
11Parliament Malcolmson Myers, Ch. 7
- The Rules of the House
- Time is at a premium
- Question Period
- Opposition Days
- Divisions Closure (Time Allocation)
12Parliament Malcolmson Myers, Ch. 7
- Membership Officers of Parliament
- Members of Parliament (MPs)
- Government Members
- Ministry (Whips, Parliamentary Secretaries)
- Cabinet (Cabinet Ministers)
- Opposition Members
- Official (or Loyal) Opposition or Minor Parties
- Shadow Cabinet
- Officers
- Speaker of the House
13Parliament Malcolmson Myers, Ch. 7
- Backbenchers Party Discipline
- Are backbenchers trained seals?
- Arenas for representation
- Caucus
- Standing committees
- Private Members Bills
14Parliament Malcolmson Myers, Ch. 7
- Constant Calls to Reform the House of Commons
- Cure the democratic deficit
- Expand committee system
- Responsible Government?
- Relax discipline
- One, two, three-line whips
- Discipline or unity a false choice?
15Parliament Malcolmson Myers, Ch. 7
16Parliament Malcolmson Myers, Ch. 7
- Senate Reform?
- Should Senate be reformed?
- Provincial equality
- Abolition
- Elected senators
- Term limits
17Parliament Malcolmson Myers, Ch. 7
- Senate Reform?
- Abolish Senate, McGuinty suggests
- (Canadian Press 2/03/2006)
- Toronto Canada's Senate should be abolished
because it doesn't adequately represent Ontario,
the province's Premier said Thursday.
18Parliament Malcolmson Myers, Ch. 7
- Senate Reform?
- An elected Senate
- The question, I think, fairly presents itself
whether two elective chambers , both representing
the people and both claiming to have control over
the public finances would act together with the
harmony necessary to the right working of
parliamentary government.
19Parliament Malcolmson Myers, Ch. 7
- Senate Reform?
- An elected Senate
- And there is still another objection to
elective councillors. The expense of election
is so great as to banish from the house all who
are not able to pay very large sums of money for
the possession of a seat. (George Brown)
20Parliament Malcolmson Myers, Ch. 7
- Senate Reform?
- Current Government Proposals
- S-4 An Act to amend the Constitution Act, 1867
(Senate tenure)(Constitution Act, 2006 (Senate
tenure)) - C-43 An Act to provide for consultations with
electors on their preferences for appointments to
the Senate