Title: National Association of Community Health Centers Federal Policy Update
1National Association of Community Health
CentersFederal Policy Update
- Presentation to the
- Pennsylvania Forum
- for Primary Health Care
- ___________________________
- Marc Wetherhorn
- National Association of Community Health Centers
- February , 2005
2In the past, apathy was a moral failure. Today
it is a form of moral and political suicide." -
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
3NACHCs 2004 Legislative Priorities
- Improve and preserve Medicaids viability for the
53 million people it covers, while also
preserving its PPS payment system for health
centers - Secure at least a 300 million increase in FY2006
funding, to complete the Presidents First
Initiative and begin his new Initiative to open a
health center in every poor county.
4The Federal Budget Crisis(FY 2006 Budget by
Major Components, in Billions)
The Deficit
The Federal Budget
5Why is Medicaid Under the Gun?
- Both the federal government and the states share
the cost of Medicaid and both are struggling
with record deficits - Medicaid costs 300 billion a year, making it the
largest government health care program larger
than Medicare and will continue growing by
almost 10 annually - The federal budget deficit will exceed 300
billion/year for the next decade, unless spending
is cut or taxes are increased - States are also struggling with chronic and
growing deficits, and Medicaid is now their
largest budget item, surpassing even education
6Why Should We Care About Medicaid?
- It is the largest insurer of low-income
Americans, covering nearly 55 million people
today - Medicaid pays for 1/3 of all births, and covers
more than 1 of every 5 children, most of whom
would otherwise be uninsured - It is the largest single source of revenues for
health centers - Medicaid covers 35 of all health center patients
and provides 35 of all revenues federal CHC
grants only provide 22 - Cuts in Medicaid would force health centers to
significantly cut services and care for the
uninsured - It is also the largest revenue source for public
hospitals, childrens hospitals, nursing homes,
and Pediatricians - Most of these providers would also be forced to
severely reduce care or go out of business
without Medicaid
7Impact of Medicaid Cuts(Average CHC Budget -
6.4 Million)
8What is NACHC Doing About This?
- NACHC has organized a National Advocacy Campaign,
the largest such effort it has ever undertaken - Every health center has received an Advocacy
Action Kit, with information on Medicaid and
health centers, and organizing tools - Were also working closely with PCAs, offering
state-specific Medicaid advocacy training
sessions - NACHC has also organized a nationwide Coalition
of Medicaid Providers to fight for Medicaids
future - The Coalition includes public childrens
hospitals, private and minority physician groups,
nursing homes, the cities and counties, and other
safety net providers - NACHC has established a national 800 number for
calls to Congress (1-866-557-1CHC) and a Campaign
website (www.savethesafetynet.org)
9MedicaidNACHCs Principles for Reform
- NACHC supports financial relief and some
additional flexibility for states, - - BUT -
- Any reform must
- Expand coverage without reducing essential
services (especially acute care services) - Ensure that health centers other safety net
providers are adequately paid so they may
continue to care for both Medicaid and uninsured
populations - Specifically preserve the PPS system and
wrap-around for FQHCs
10What Can You Do to Help?
- Sign up as a Health Center Advocacy Coordinator
or as an Advocate (see the NACHC Action Kit for
details) - By signing up, you will receive regular updates
from NACHC and will be notified when action is
needed - Invite your Member of Congress and State
legislators to visit your health center - Send the message that health centers are part of
the solution and that cutting Medicaid does not
solve the problem in fact, it may create more
problems - Show them how health centers keep costs down by
treating Medicaid patients before they get sick
and need more costly care at hospital emergency
rooms - Plan to attend the NACHC 2005 Policy Issues
Forum in Washington, DC - Learn more about our Campaign and visit your
Senators and Representatives to advocate for
Medicaids future
11- Get Your Board of Directors to Pass a Local
Resolution stressing the importance of Medicaid
and Health Center grant funding to your health
centers ability to care for your patients, and
pledging to fight to preserve these all-important
programs - Establish a Health Center Board Advocacy
Committee to keep up with the proposed changes in
Medicaid or other federal funding proposed by the
White House and Congress, and also by your
Governors office and the state legislature, to
organize a plan of action for responding to those
proposed changes, and to report to the full Board
at each meeting on what is happening - Join the National Association of Community Health
Centers and Your State Regional PCAs - Invite Members of Congress to visit your Health
Center (especially during National Health Center
Week, August 7 13, 2005 begin preparing NOW!)
12Success (and Our Future) WillDepend on Strength
of Advocacy
- Advocacy is not just a clinical or social work
act for individual patients, but a responsibility
of leaders for their communities - Advocacy involves full participation in groups
that support your cause (PCAs and NACHC) - This means organizational membership (dues
support) - Also means active individual participation
(grassroots advocacy with state/federal
13 There are three types of people in the world
The people who make things happen, The people
who watch things happen, And The people who
wonder what's happening