Title: Measuring Employee Resilience
1Measuring Employee Resilience
- G. Michael McDavid
- Northeast Region, Penn State Cooperative
Extension - North Dakota Spring Conference
- April 1, 2008
2Enabling Objectives
- Understand the growing importance of resilience
for personal and organizational effectiveness - Learn about the research on resilience
- Use an assessment tool to measure your resilience
3When you hear the wordresilience.
- Resilience resile (Fr.) to jump back or recoil
- The ability of the body to recover from or adjust
to misfortune or change - The capability of a strained body to recover its
size and shape after subjected to adversity or
5Research on Organizational Change(Bridges, 1991
Conner, 1992 Dunham, 1984 Russell, 1998, 2003,
- the level of trust in those leading the change
- perceived opportunity or loss from the change
- past history of changes
- how much influence I have over the change
- disagreements over the need to change or the
solutions to solve the problems
6Research on Organizational Change(Bridges, 1991
Conner, 1992 Dunham, 1984 Russell, 1998, 2003,
- and, an additional factor that stands alone as
a force, and one that contributes to most of the
others, is employee resilience
7Research Conclusions(Werner Smith, 2001
Bernard, 1991 Rutter, 1997 Garmezy, 1991)
- Resilience is a mindset, a way of thinking
- Resilience is not a static quantity that you
either have or not - Resilience can be developed and strengthened
- Resilience has a number of facets and dimensions
8Core Dimensions of Resilience
- Self-assurance belief that you can meet any
challenge the ability to find the opportunity
and to succeed despite challenges - Personal Vision clear idea of what they want to
accomplish, to create in their lives - Flexible and Adaptable able to shift gears and
direction when and if necessary - Organized find ways of order and structure that
provides focus and the stability they need
9Core Dimensions of Resilience
- Problem Solver ability to analyze problems,
discover root causes and create lasting solutions - Interpersonal Competence a high level of self
awareness and social awareness and the ability to
manage relationships with themselves and others - Socially Connected the quality of personal and
professional networks - Proactive actively engage change they have a
responsibility to determine their own destiny
10Using the Instrument
- Administering and scoring
- Sharing and discussing
- Identify areas for strengthening resilience
- Personal action planning
11ReferencesQuestions - Clarifications
- Russell, J., Russell, L. (1998). Managing
change. Dubuque, IA Kendall/Hunt. - Russell, J., Russell, L. (2003). Leading change
training. Alexandria, VA ASTD Press. - Russell, J., Russell, L. (2005). An integrative
model for leading change in organizations. In The
2005 Pfeiffer annual Consulting. San Francisco,
CA Pfeiffer. - http//www.russellconsultinginc.com/index.html
12Measuring Employee Resilience(Measuring Your
- G. Michael McDavid
- Northeast Region, Penn State Cooperative Extension