Pcard Basics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Pcard Basics


Training for a new card or annual re-certification must be completed via the OOD ... Protect your PCard and PCard number as you would your personal credit card. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Pcard Basics

Procurement Card (PCard) Cardholder Training
Certification 2009 Please note This version is
for review purposes only. Training for a new card
or annual re-certification must be completed via
the OOD Trainsweb site at http//www.trainsweb.ga
tech.edu/?pagelogin so that a record of the
training exists.
Using the PCard at Georgia Tech
Procurement Card (PCard) Cardholder
Training Certification
Using the PCard at Georgia Tech Jan 2009
Welcome to Procurement Card (PCard)Cardholder
Training Certification
  • This tutorial will provide employees with a
    basic understanding of how to use the PCard at
    Georgia Tech.
  • However, it is the responsibility of the
    employee to know and comply with the provisions
    of the PCard Policies Procedures Manual as set
    forth in the GT Business Finance Manual section

Using the PCard
  • The PCard is the Institutes primary tool for
    purchases of non-equipment, business related
    items under 5,000.
  • It is a standard Visa purchasing card that may
    be used by Institute employees for authorized
    business purchases.
  • It is accepted worldwide in person, by phone,
    fax, and on the internet - any vendor that
    accepts Visa will accept the PCard.

Managing the PCard Program
PCard Program Manager PCard Administrator
PCard Program is administered by Business
Each department assigns a PCard Coordinator to
manage the PCard program at the department level.
Department PCard Coordinator
Cards are issued to Georgia Tech in the
individuals name.
PCard Spending Limits
  • The PCard is issued in your name. However,
    Georgia Tech is liable for all purchases made
    with the PCard.
  • Therefore, additional controls have been placed
    on the card. The cardholder is limited by
  • Dollar amount limit per transaction.
  • Dollar amount limit per month.
  • The Institutes maximum limit on PCard purchases
    is 4,999.99 per transaction and 2999.99 for
    inventoried equipment. The standard monthly
    dollar limit is 25,000. There are no further
    Institute cardholder spending limits.

PCard Spending Limits
  • The cardholders Department Head, however, may
    request lower or higher limits based on unit
    needs and procedures. These limits should be
    noted on the approved PCard Request Form.
  • Your PCard will be denied by a vendor if you
    have reached the established monthly limit set
    for your card or if the purchase amount exceeds
    your set transaction limit.

Vendor Restrictions
  • Specific types of businesses, such as
    travel-related vendors or entertainment
    retailers, identified by a Merchant Category Code
    (MCC), are restricted on the card. Your PCard
    will not be accepted by these types of vendors.
  • PCard purchases should not be made at any vendor
    where the cardholder has a financial interest.
  • Cardholders should not accept any gift or
    gratuity when it is offered, or appears to be
    offered, to influence your decision-making
    regarding PCard purchases.

Policy Limitations
  • In addition to limits that are controlled at
    point of sale by the card, Georgia Tech limits
    the use of the PCard through policies and
  • Departments may impose further restrictions on
    card usage in their units through internal
  • Cardholders will be held accountable for
    ensuring that all PCard purchases are in
    accordance with current policies and procedures.

Employee Agreement Form
  • Before being issued a PCard, you must sign an
    agreement form confirming that
  • You have read and understand the terms and
    conditions of PCard Policy
  • You agree to comply with the terms and
    conditions of PCard Policy
  • You understand that improper or fraudulent use
    of the PCard may result in disciplinary action,
    up to and including termination of your

You Are Responsible
Familiarize yourself with Georgia Tech policy and
procedures. PCard Policy can be found at
this site http//www.admin-fin.gatech.edu/busin
Misuse of the PCard will result in having
your PCard privileges revoked, and could result
in termination of employment.
PCard Security
  • Georgia Tech follows the doctrine that the
    responsibility for PCard procurements rests with
    the cardholder.
  • Cardholders are accountable for all transactions
    on their cards.
  • Protect your PCard and PCard number as you would
    your personal credit card.
  • Card-sharing is prohibited do not lend your
    card to anyone.

Lost or Stolen Cards
If your card is lost, stolen, or the account
number is compromised Immediately notify Bank
of America at 1-888-449-2273 Also, notify
your Department PCard Coordinator.
Purchasing Tips
  • Obtain the best value.
  • Cardholder must utilize lowest cost based on
    requirements, quality, and availability to obtain
    the maximum value of each dollar expended.
  • Use Contract Vendors.
  • Goods should be shipped to official Georgia
    Tech business addresses only.
  • No home deliveries.

Purchasing Tips
  • Georgia Tech is tax exempt
  • Inform vendors that the purchase is for official
    State of Georgia purposes and not subject to
    state and local sales tax.
  • If tax is erroneously charged credit must be
    obtained directly from the vendor.
  • Documentation of attempts to obtain credits must
    be maintained with the transaction documentation.
  • Sales tax may not be disputed through the bank.

Purchasing Tips
  • Always get a receipt
  • An accountable document (receipt) must be
    retained as proof of purchase for each
  • The document must contain line item detail,
  • Line item description
  • Line item pricing
  • The accountable documents are used to reconcile
    the cardholders monthly bank statement.

Purchasing Tips
  • Audit reviews indicate increased scrutiny on
    vendors that appear unusual given our mission.
    Therefore, if the business purpose of a purchase
    is not self-evident cardholders should
  • Annotate the accountable documentation to
    clearly show the business purpose.
  • Make certain the purchase is permissible on the
    funding source used.

Authorized PCard uses include
  • Office Supplies
  • Lab/Research Supplies
  • Subscriptions
  • Registrations
  • Printing
  • Office Furniture/Files
  • Non-Inventory Equipment
  • (Items under 3,000.00)
  • Demurrage
  • Items on Contract
  • For example Fisher
  • VWR
  • Air Products
  • Dell

Purchasing Food with the PCard
Effective February 1, 2009, food purchased on the
PCard must be in accordance with the policies set
forth in the GT Business Finance Manual section Purchase of Employee and Non Employee
Food and Group Meals. A completed Food/Group
Meal Authorization Request Form must be
maintained with the transaction documentation for
each food purchase.
PCard may be used for services including
  • Maintenance Repair
  • Consulting Services
  • Phones and Pagers
  • Freelance
  • Photographers
  • Writers
  • Artists
  • Temp Employment Agencies
  • Rentals
  • Utilities
  • Water
  • Electricity
  • Gas

PCard may NOT be used for
  • Personal purchases
  • Employee Travel Entertainment
  • Motor Vehicle Fuel
  • Alcohol or Tobacco products
  • Gift cards, gift certificates, or other cash
    equivalent items
  • Funding the BuzzCard

PCard may NOT be used for
  • Equipment inventory items costing 3,000 or more
  • Cash advances, cash refunds, or store credit
  • Purchases from units of the Institute
  • Total order over 4,999.99
  • Split purchases dividing one purchase into two
    or more to stay within your transaction limit

Record Keeping Duties
  • Create a PCard file to keep accountable
    documentation (receipts) and monthly bank
    statements easily accessible.
  • Bank Statements are sent monthly. The billing
    cycle ends on the 27th of each month.
  • Federal, State,and Internal Auditors may request
    this file for compliance audits at any time.

Reconcile Monthly Statements
  • Compare bank statements with receipts to verify
    your purchases.
  • Are the charges accurate?
  • Have credits been issued/deducted?
  • Is there any unauthorized activity?
  • Note Visas vendor contract requires billing
    upon shipping. If you have ordered but have not
    received the item, make sure it has actually been
    shipped. Otherwise the charge should be disputed.

Reconcile Monthly Statements
  • Reconciled statements must be signed by the
    cardholder and counter signed (verified) by the
    approving official (approver) designated by the
    Department Head.
  • In no instance should the cardholder and
    approver be the same person for signature
  • The completed PCard monthly reconciliation
    packages consisting of the signed bank statements
    and accountable documentation (receipts) must be
    retained under the control of the department
    business office.

Reconcile Monthly Statements
  • Approvers assigned by the departments
  • Review and verify cardholders PCard purchases
  • Ensure appropriateness of purchases to best of
    their knowledge
  • Verify completeness of documentation
  • Provide evidence of the review by signature on
    the bank statement
  • Report on monthly compliance to unit coordinator

View Transactions On Web
  • Online access to your PCard transactions is
    available via Works PCard Manager. The bank posts
    transactions to Works daily.
  • You will receive a welcome email from Works
    with logon instructions when you are issued a
  • Your department PCard Coordinator will provide
    instructions on using the system.

Returning Purchases
  • Inform the vendor the item needs to be returned.
  • Request a PCard credit be issued.
  • Request a return address
  • Request a Return Authorization Number.
  • Request a fax-back confirmation of the credit.
  • Check for the credit on your next monthly bank

Resolving Disputes With Suppliers
  • Attempt to resolve the problem directly with the
    vendor, documenting all communications.
  • If you are unable to resolve the issue with the
    vendor, complete a PCard Dispute form and fax it
    to the bank.
  • Notify your PCard Coordinator of the dispute and
    attach a copy of the dispute form to your monthly
  • Check the next statement to ensure credit is
  • There is a 60 day time limit for disputed items

Card Eligibility
  • PCards may be issued to permanent,
    regular-status employees only.
  • New cardholders must have a criminal and
    consumer credit check on file prior to being
    issued a PCard.
  • Existing cardholders as of July 1, 2008 are
    required to have a criminal check prior to
    issuance of the renewal PCard if one is not on
  • The Institute will ensure results of background
    checks are provided the privacy protections
    required by law.

How Do I Get A PCard?
  • Complete Cardholder Training Certification
  • Complete the PCard Request Form and the PCard
    Agreement Form.
  • Submit the forms to your Department PCard
    Coordinator for approval.
  • PCard Coordinator forwards forms to PCard

Issuing the PCard
The PCard Manager will notify you by e-mail when
your PCard has been approved/issued and is ready
for pick up from Business Services.
  • Your PCard Coordinator establishes your
  • Default Project ID
  • Per Transaction Limit
  • Monthly Purchase Limit

Returning PCards
Any cardholder - Transferring to another
unit - Leaving Georgia Tech MUST return
their PCard to the Dept. PCard Coordinator.
Annual Certification
All cardholders are required to re-certify
annually, during the month of January, by
completing the online Cardholder Training
Certification tutorial.
Georgia Tech Procurement Card Program Annual
RecertificationCharges to Sponsored Accounts
  • OMB Circular A-21 Cost Principles for
    Educational Institutions requires that costs
    applied to sponsored agreements (or projects)
    meet the following standards
  • 1. They must be reasonable
  • 2. They must be allocable to sponsored
    agreements under the principles and methods
  • 3. They must be given consistent treatment
    through the application of those generally
    accepted accounting principles appropriate
    to the circumstances and
  • 4. They must conform to any limitations or
    exclusions set forth (in Circular A-21) or in the
    sponsored agreement as to types or amounts
    of cost items.
  • Although the P-card manual sets forth criteria
    for allowable and unallowable purchases, you must
    also ensure that purchases, including
    redistributions and transfers, are allowable per
    the terms and conditions of OMB Circular A-21 and
    the sponsored award/project. Items which are
    typically allowable purchases per the P-Card
    Manual, but, are typically unallowable for
    sponsored projects include (list not
  • 1. Non-Inventoried Equipment, including PCs and
    Printers (if general or multi-purpose)
  • 2. Office Filing Cabinets and Office Furniture
  • 3. Office Supplies or other General Purpose
  • 4. Postage, including Stamps

Georgia Tech Procurement Card Program Annual
RecertificationCharges to Sponsored Accounts
  • It is the responsibility of PD/PIs, unit heads
    and staff delegated signature authority by unit
    heads (including P-Card holders, Approvers, and
    Coordinators) to ensure that only allowable
    charges are posted as direct expenses to
    sponsored projects.  Unit financial managers are
    in the most knowledgeable position with
    up-to-date information regarding the provisions
    and status of their respective sponsored
    projects.  As such, local managements signature
    approval of a financial transaction indicates
  • 1. Approval for the action requested
  • 2. Goods or services are directly related to
    the project scope
  • 3. Charges are allowable according to the
    approved project budget
  • 4. Charges have been incurred within the
    project time period
  • 5. Charges have been incurred in accordance
    with GIT financial and accounting policies and
  • 6. Charges have been incurred in accordance
    with Terms and Conditions of the sponsored
  • 7. Funds are available in the designated
  • Certification Statement
  • I have read and I understand the special
    requirements governing direct charges to
    sponsored projects and my responsibilities as
    staff delegated signature authority. I will
    ensure that, to the best of my knowledge and
    belief, only allowable direct charges are posted
    to sponsored projects. Documentation to support
    all charges based on the above A-21 requirements
    will be maintained in the local unit/department
    files for audit purposes.

  • I ____________________, hereby acknowledge
    receipt of a Georgia Institute of Technology
    (the Institute) Procurement Card (PCard),
    which is a Visa card issued by Bank of America
    (Card Issuer), that will only be used to acquire
    materials, supplies, and services for the
    Institute. I agree to comply with the following
    terms and conditions relating to my use of the
  • 1. As an authorized cardholder, I agree to
    comply with the terms and conditions of this
    Agreement and with the provisions of the PCard
    Policies Procedures Manual (PCard Policy in the Business Finance Manual). I
    confirm that I have read and understand its terms
    and conditions.
  • 2. I understand that the Institute is liable to
    Card Issuer for all charges I make on the PCard.
  • 3. I agree to use the PCard for authorized
    official business purchases only and agree not to
    charge personal purchases. I authorize the
    Institute to take whatever steps are necessary to
    collect an amount equal to the total of the
    improper purchases, including but not limited to
    declaring such purchases an advance of my wages.
    In such event, I expressly authorize the
    Institute to deduct such cost from my wages to
    the extent allowed by law.
  • 4. I agree to notify the departments PCard
    Coordinator if my Institute address changes.
  • 5. If the PCard is lost or stolen, I will
    immediately notify the Card Issuer at
    1-888-449-2273. I will confirm the telephone
    notification as described in the Manual. I will
    also provide notice to my department Procurement
    Card Coordinator.

  • 6. I understand that improper or fraudulent use
    of the PCard may result in disciplinary action,
    up to and including termination of my employment.
    I further understand that the Institute may
    terminate my right to use the PCard at any time
    for any reason.
  • 7. I agree to surrender the PCard immediately
    upon request, transfer to another department, or
    termination of employment for any reason.
  • 8. I agree, when applicable, to comply with the
    requirements of OMB Circular A-21 Cost
    Principles for Educational Institutions
    regarding costs applied to sponsored projects.
  • Agreed and accepted this ______ day of
    ________________, 200__,
  • ___________________________
  • Employees Signature
    Department Head Name Printed
  • ___________________________ ___________________
  • Department
    Department Head Signature

PCard Forms Questions
PCard Forms are available at http//www.procurem
ent.gatech.edu/pcard_forms.htm Questions?
Email pcard.ask_at_business.gatech.edu
  • I accept, and agree to comply with, the terms and
    and the provisions of the PCard Policies and
    Procedures Manual (PCard policy
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