Title: The Storm is over
1The Storm is over Are you prepared to put your
life back together? Personally Surviving A
2Family trust they are safe where they
are. Dont put yourself in danger trying to get
to them. Have a family plan who will contact
3- After the disaster event
- Stay Calm get to family meeting place
- Access the situation
- Plan what to do Pre-planned
- Primary concerns
- 1. Shelter to keep safe from after effects
- 2. Water supply
- 3. Food supply
- 4. Emergency Preparedness / Set up camp
- 5. Contact family contact
4Pre-Planning Strategies Prepare for little /
no transporation few / no utilities gas
leaks, fallen wires, flooding chaos /
dangerous terrain outside cache with emergency
supplies Emergency Family Co-operative Family
/ friends in another area / state Family
members will call them at first
opportunity know by heart may have to use
RedCross phone Copy documents to a CD Can they
come and get you / just your children
pets Have a bank account where they can access
funds for you
5Personal information to copy to CD copy of
birth certificates / passport drivers
licenses insurance papers any important
personal papers Family information Copy of
will Copy of mortgage / credit cards / bank
accounts Copy of insurance policies Copy of
family photos rare Tax papers Medical
6Chest freezer will keep food useable for many
weeks Stand up freezer releases cold too
soon Use food in refrigerator first Boil
outside water sources for at least 5 min before
use Toilet / hot water heater useable water
supply Caution no propane heater indoors
uses up oxygen - can cause fire in tents Use
outdoor toilet facilities can be a trash
can If you can go back into your house, No
electricity / gas still use camp equipment for
cooking outside No heat available take
mattresses / bedding / pillows and live in the
smallest room of the house with least outside
exposure to stay warm dry body heat Put
mattresses along walls for insulation
7Additional Information http//www.usfa.dhs.gov/
downloads/pdf/publications/fa-246f.pdf http//us
//www.fema.gov/library http//usgovinfo.about.c
/library http//usgovinfo.about.com/gi/dynamic/o
ffsite.htm?sitehttp//www.fema.gov/library http