Title: Accessible Design
1Accessible Design
- Residential or non residential
- Focus on people with disabilities who are
residents, customers, staff - Primarily people with mobility impairments
- Emphasizes functional features
- Associated with full accessibility and code
2Accessible Design
- Entrance
- Circulation
- Bathrooms
- Kitchens
- Controls
- Storage
- Residential only
- Limited accessibility features within home
- Focus on residents and guests, friends,
relatives, neighbors - Focus on people with mobility impairments
- Associated with local ordinances
- Get in and Pee
- Entrance
- Hallway
- Bathroom
- Lack of consumer awareness and demand
- Inadequate industry response
- Homebuilder expertise
- Design expertise
- Finance
- Government involvement
- National Center for Supportive Housing and Home
Modification - Internet Course
- Research
- Technical Assistance
- Information Clearinghouse
- Web Site homemods.org
- State University of New York at Buffalo
- Publications
- Listserve
- Websitehttp//design6.ap.buffalo.edu/idea/
- National Association of Home Builders
- Research Center
- Accessible Products Guide
- Remodeler Designation Project
- Web site nahbrc.org/
- Web site aarp.org/universalhome/
10Demonstration Home, Atlantic City, NJ
11Affordable Universal Design
12Photo and Project Credits
Jon Sanford RERC on Work Place Accommodations Atla
nta, GA Will Johnson Building Company Chapel
Hill, NC Commonwealth Construction Design,
Inc. Chapel Hill, NC National Association of
Home Builders Research Center Upper Marlboro, MD
13Photo and Project Credits
Sunderland Homes Louis Tenenbaum Potomac,
MD John Salmen Universal Designers Rockville,
MD Anne Morris Springfield, VA Center for
Universal Design
14(No Transcript)
15The Center For Universal Design
College of Design North Carolina State
University (919) 515 - 3082 voice and TDD (800)
647 - 6777 information requests Email
cud_at_ncsu.edu.com Web site http//www.design.ncsu