Modelling Interactions of Light and Matter - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Modelling Interactions of Light and Matter


( e.g. plastics, printing inks with appreciable scattering and paint ... ( e.g. photographic paper, continuous-tone prints using thermal transfer technologies) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Modelling Interactions of Light and Matter

Modelling Interactions of Light and Matter
  • Complex subtractive mixing
  • Recipe Prediction
  • Dr Huw Owens

Complex Subtractive Mixing
  • Most common and complex type of colour mixing is
    that when colorants scatter and absorb light.
  • This is known as complex-subtractive mixing.
  • For practical purposes, simplified equations,
    which are approximately correct, are used to
    describe complex-subtractive mixing.
  • The most widely used of these equations were
    derived by Kubelka and Munk (1931, 1948, 1954)
  • Colour Recipe Prediction Systems

Kubelka-Munk Law
  • Kubelka-Munk considered a translucent colorant
    layer on top of an opaque background.
  • Within the colorant layer, both absorption and
    scattering occur.
  • Kubelka and Munk made a simplifying assumption
    that the light either travels up or down
    perpendicular to the plane of the sample non
  • This has led to Kubelka-Munk theory being
    referred to as a two-flux theory.

Kubelka-Munk Theory
Transparent film on Opaque Support
Translucent Material
Opaque Material
How does Kubelka-Munk Theory Work?
  • A pair of differential equations are solved.
  • One for each direction of flux.
  • This results in an equation that predicts
    internal reflectance from knowledge of the
    background reflectance, absorption and scattering
    properties of the colorant layer, and the
    thickness of the colorant layer.
  • Samples are prepared on black and white
    backgrounds or on transparent materials (e.g.
    polyester film or glass) or at different
    thicknesses until the colorant layer becomes
  • From these data various mathematical forms of the
    Kubelka-Munk theory can be derived.

Kubelka-Munk Key Assumptions
  • Light within the colorant layer is completely
  • There cannot be a change in refractive index at
    the samples boundaries.
  • As in the Bouguer-Beer law, the measured
    transmittance is transformed to internal
    transmittance using the Fresnel equations.
  • A similar transform is performed in Kubelka-Munk
    theory known as the Saunderson correction.
  • Because the light is assumed to be diffuse K-M
    theory does NOT apply to metallic or pearlescent
    colorants or to colorant layers that change the
    degree of polarisation of the incident light
  • K-M does NOT apply to fluorescent colorants
    though it can be used as a starting point for
    other approaches.

Kubelka-Munk Measurements
  • K-M theory applies to a single wavelength at a
  • Practically, this means measuring samples with a
  • Theoretically the geometry should be diffuse
    illumination and diffuse collection.
  • This means that integrating sphere
    spectrophotometers have the closest geometry to
    this theoretical requirement

Kubelka-Munk Theory What sort of Samples?
  • K-M theory is used to develop mixing laws for
    three types of samples
  • Translucent materials. (e.g. plastics, printing
    inks with appreciable scattering and paint
    samples not at complete hiding (i.e. not opaque))
  • Transparent film on opaque diffusely scattering
    support. (e.g. photographic paper,
    continuous-tone prints using thermal transfer
  • Opaque absorbing and scattering materials. (e.g.
    textiles, paint films and plastics at complete
    hiding and dyed paper)

Kubelka-Munk Theory
  • As an example, we will take opaque absorbing and
    scattering materials.
  • Reflectance is transformed to the ratio of
    absorption (K) to scattering (S), (K/S)? known as
    K over S.
  • This is a linear system so the scalability and
    additivity requirements apply to the individual
    absorption and scattering properties of
    individual colorants.
  • This leads to the expression two constant
    Kubelka-Munk theory.
  • For a colour ramp, the normalised absorption
    spectra would be nearly identical as would be the
    normalised scattering spectra.

Kubelka-Munk Theory
  • For materials where the colorants have negligible
    scattering properties in comparison to those of
    the supporting medium (textiles or paper), only
    the K/S ratio is used to characterise a colorant,
    leading to the expression single-constant
    Kubelka-Munk theory.
  • Two-constant Kubelka-Munk Theory is always used
    for the coloration of paints and plastics whereas
    single-constant Kubelka-Munk theory is most often
    used for textiles or dyed paper.
  • How do you know which one to use?
  • Evaluate the scalability If the normalised K/S
    spectra are nearly identical then two constant is
    probably not required
  • The opposite situation is true. As a consequence
    two-constant theory has been applied to textiles
    where single constant theory was inadequate

K-M Development and Validation (1)
  • To develop and validate a particular form of K-M
    theory for a given coloration system requires the
    same procedure described for simple subtractive
  • Colour ramps are used to validate the scalability
    requirement and colour mixtures are used to
    validate the additivity requirement.
  • For two-constant K-M theory separate coefficients
    for absorption and scattering are required which
    makes the techniques more complicated.
  • Least-squares techniques are most commonly used,
    in which the two coefficients are estimated
    simultaneously using all of the samples forming a
    colour ramp.

K-M Development and Validation (2)
  • The colour ramp provides a knowledge of each
    samples concentration, and a knowledge of the
    scattering and absorption of the substrate plus
    white colorant to make the sample opaque (usually
    titanium oxide).
  • In cases where it is difficult to separate the
    absorption and scattering properties of the
    colorant from the white colorant (such as yellow
    colorants) mixtures with black are produced.
  • If carefully prepared samples are produced with
    known recipes, these can be used to calculate the
    absorption and scattering coefficients for all of
    the colorants simultaneously.

K-M Development and Validation (3)
  • BUT These least-squares techniques require that
    there be a linear relationship between
    concentration and the scalar.
  • The Application of K-M theory rarely includes the
    final step of relating theoretical and effective
    concentrations for each colorant.
  • This may result in recipe prediction errors when
    a colorant is used over a wide range of
  • This may be remedied by using least squares to
    estimate a scalar for each sample forming the
    colour ramp using the estimated absorption and
    scattering coefficients.
  • Any curvature between theoretical and effective
    concentrations is fit appropriately

K-M Saunderson Correction Factor
  • As K-M theory assumes there is no refractive
    index change, measured reflectance is converted
    to internal reflectance using Saunderson
  • Where K1 is the Fresnel equation coefficient for
    collimated light and K2 is the reflection
    coefficient for diffuse light striking the
    surface from inside.

K-M Definitions
  • Theoretical concentration Concentration
    measured by a user such as the concentration of a
    dye in a dye-bath. This is equivalent to the
    user controls of a generic colour model.
  • Effective concentration Concentration
    determined from colorant measurements of the
    coloured material. This is equivalent to the
    scalars of a generic model.

Kubelka-Munk Saunderson Correction Factor
  • Once internal reflectance has been calculated
    using the K-M mixing law, measured reflectance is
    finally calculated
  • For specular excluded or bidirectional
    geometries, the separate K1 term is removed from
    the equation. K1 is usually around 0.04 because
    most coatings and plastics have refracted indices
    of 1.5. K2 usually varies between 0.4 and 0.6
    and can be optimised to improve scalability or
    linearity between theoretical and effective

K-M Predicting Reflectance
  • For opaque materials, K-M found that internal
    reflectance, R?,i, depended on absorption, K?,
    and scattering, S?. Reversing this equation
    gives the well-known relationship between (K/S)?
    and R?,i.
  • Reflectance should be between 0-1. K and S only
    appear as a ratio. The (K/S) ratio of a mixture
    is an additive combination of each colorants
    unit absorptivity, k? and unit scattering s?,
    scaled by effective concentration, c, plus the
    absorption and scattering of the substrate
    (notated by subscript t)

K-M Predicting Reflectance
  • For each component in the mixture, both the
    absorption and scattering properties need to be
  • For materials such as textiles where the
    colorants do not scatter in comparison to the
    substrate, the mixing equation is simplified so
    that we only need too know the ratio of
    absorbance to scattering

Kubelka-Munk Numerical Example (1)
  • Sample W contains white pigment only
  • Sample Y contains 18.5 yellow in white
  • Sample M contains 13.6 magenta in white
  • Sample B, which is brown contains unknown
    percentages of the yellow, magenta and white
  • Find the colorant recipe of the brown sample.

Kubelka-Munk Numerical Example (2)
  • Usually, we would use two-constant Kubelka-Munk
    equations for paint systems.
  • We will make two assumptions
  • Chromatic pigments have relatively small amounts
    of scattering in comparison with the white
  • Saunderson correction is omitted
  • Thus we will use single-constant K-M
  • First we need to select two suitable wavelengths
  • 420nm and 560nm?

Kubelka-Munk Numerical Example (3)
Kubelka-Munk Numerical Example (4)
  • Determine the unit K/S the contribution to
    K/S from unit concentration of each of the
    pigments, denoted by lowercase (k/s)?.
  • This is done by using the mixtures Y and M.
  • For Yellow
  • A similar equation can be written for the M
  • To solve (k/s)?,y at 420nm and 560nm

Kubelka-Munk Numerical Example (5)
  • The assumption made is that the total amount of
    paint is one arbitrary unit.
  • The table of unit value K/S values is as follows
  • The brown sample has unknown amounts of the three
  • If we set the white concentration to cw
    (1-cy-cm) then we only have two unknowns to find

Kubelka-Munk Numerical Example (6)
  • If we rearrange the equation we obtain
  • This leads to the following mixing equations

Kubelka-Munk Numerical Example (7)
  • Solving the equations we obtain cy 0.2197 and
    cm 0.1168.
  • As cw 1 cy -cm the final percentages can be
    calculated by dividing each value by the sum of
    the concentrations.
  • Thus the recipe for the brown sample is 21.9
    yellow, 11.68 magenta and 66.35 white.
  • Mixtures of three coloured pigments in white can
    be treated similarly, but the calculations are
    more complicated.

What is a Recipe?
  • In the coloration industry, the term recipe is
    used to refer to a set of colorants (including
    their concentrations) that when applied correctly
    produce a certain colour.

Often scatter as well as absorbinsoluble in the
mediumused in paints, inks, plastics etc
Little or no scattersoluble in the mediumused
in textiles, paper,wood etc.
Recipe Prediction
  • Recipe prediction, or match prediction, is the
    process of generating a recipe to match a desired
    or target shade.
  • Recipe prediction can be performed by a trained
    colourist but the process can be time consuming
    and inaccurate.
  • When computer software is used to predict the
    recipe then the term computer recipe prediction
    is used.
  • The first commercial computer recipe prediction
    systems were produced in the 1960s. Products are
    now widespread and sophisticated.

Kubelka-Munk Theory
  • Computer recipe prediction systems require a
    mathematical model that can relate the
    concentrations of
  • The Kubelka-Munk theory characterises each
    colorant by absorption and scattering
    coefficients and is the basis for most commercial
    computer recipe prediction systems.

Absorption coefficient KScattering coefficient
- S
Light Absorption
  • Light absorption is greatest for small particle
  • For large agglomerates the pigment at the centre
    never sees any light
  • Light fastness improves with increasing particle

Light Scattering
  • Increases with increasing refractive index ratio
  • Is optimum for particles with a particle diameter
    of approximately 220nm
  • For very small particles blue light is scattered

Kubelka-Munk Theory
  • Characterises each colorant at each wavelength by
    absorption (K) and scattering (S) coefficients.
  • Provides a models for how the colorants behave
    optically when mixed together.
  • Requires a database to compute K and S.
  • Predicts reflectance from recipe information.

Kubelka-Munk Theory
At each ?
(K/S)mix is computed at each ? And then converted
to R(?)
Kubelka-Munk Theory
Smix S1S2
Kmix K1K2
R(?) is computed at each wavelength from Kmix,
Smix and Rg (the reflectance of the substrate)
Select a recipee.g. C1, C2, C3
Predict reflectance
Compute colour coordinates
Compare to the target
Within tolerance?
Modify recipe
  • The number of possible recipes rises rapidly as
    the number of possible colorants is increased.

Example n20, r3
Where n number of dyes in the permitted list
and r number of dyes allowed per recipe
Recipe Correction
  • Commercial CMP systems include a recipe
    correction system.
  • Recipe correction is the process of correcting an
    existing recipe. For a batch process this may
    mean adding colorant (it may not be possible to
    take colorant out).

Advantages of Computer Match Prediction
  • The number of samples that need to be made to
    arrive at a satisfactory match can be reduced.
  • The full range of combinations can be explored
  • The final recipe may be less expensive
  • The final recipe may be less metameric
  • The final recipe may be more light/wash fast
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