- What can WPS Portal do for you?
2Working Together for Different Purposes
3I need a place to store important documents that
is searchable.
4I can search or filter to find important
5I already have my documents organized in folders
6I can drag and drop the files and folders right
from My Documents!
7Documents to Share
- School Newsletters
- Program Documentation
- Documents to Publish to the Web
- Meeting Agendas and Notes
8I need a shared calendar. Actually, I think I
need 5 of them
9 Have as many as you want and share them with
whoever you like!
10Calendars for Collaboration
- District Events
- Building Events
- Equipment Checkout
- Room Reservations
- Schedules
11We need a shared, but closed meeting place for
the team.
12 So many ways to share, the possibilities are
13Flexible Workspaces
- Child Study Teams
- Committee Work
- Grade Level Spaces
- Department Spaces
- Book Studies
14Some of us want input and control.
15 Now these are options I can live with.
- Read
- Write
- Edit
- Delete
- Submit for Approval
Now the work can move forward!
16Permission Scaffoling
- Portals
- Spaces
- Libraries
- Documents
17We heard you could make surveys in the Portal.
18 So many options, and so easy to use!
19Data to Collect
- Feedback
- Preferences
- Ideas
- Ratings
- Numbers
- Dates
20So what else can this Portal do for me?
21 This is expansive!
- Announcements
- Links
- Events
- Interactive Spreadsheets
- Picture Galleries
- RSS Feeds
- Discussion Boards
- Contacts
23Im going to need some help with this.
24- STSs can help.
- Instructional Technology can help.
- The Help Desk (MIS) can help.
- Marketing and Communications can help.
- I feel so empowered!