Title: The Changing Face of Library Assessment
1The Changing Face of Library Assessment
- Lisa Blankenship
- Megan Eberhardt Frank
- Dan Lawrence
- Sarah Naper
- Helen Reed
University of Northern Colorado
Libraries Colorado Association of Libraries
Annual Conference November 12, 2005
2University Assessment Overview
The Changing Face of Library Assessment
- Increased demands for accountability
- Increased demands of university and program
accreditation - The big picture context for Libraries
3University Culture of Assessment
The Changing Face of Library Assessment
- Began in the 1980s
- Position of Coordinator provides oversight
- Financial support
- Programmatic support
- Training opportunities
- Ongoing activities
4Website Highlights Ongoing University Initiatives
The Changing Face of Library Assessment
5University Assessment Framework
The Changing Face of Library Assessment
6Libraries Role in University Assessment
The Changing Face of Library Assessment
- Membership on the Assessment Coordinating Council
- Submit Assessment Plan/profiles
- Prepare assessment reports
- Receive support for conferences training
- Receive support for Libraries initiatives
7History of the Assessment Program at the UNC
The Changing Face of Library Assessment
- Assessment Committee established beginning in
1988 - First survey in 1989
8As a Result
The Changing Face of Library Assessment
- Emphasis on library instruction
- Improved online access
- Development of Information Commons
- Changes in food and drink policy
- Improvements in furniture and other physical
aspects of Michener Library
9The Changing Face of Library Assessment
Survey Methods
- From 1989 to 2002, paper survey instruments
created by Libraries faculty and staff or by UNC
Marketing classes - Changes in 2003
10The Changing Face of Library Assessment
11The Changing Face of Library Assessment
12The Changing Face of Library Assessment
What do you do with LibQUAL results?
- Comment analysis
- Comparison with peer institutions
- Comparison with self over time
13The Changing Face of Library Assessment
What if LibQUAL doesnt answer your questions?
14A Library Symposium
The Changing Face of Library Assessment
- Goal A forum in which the University community
is invited to collaborate in developing viable
strategies and measures for University Libraries
to more effectively meet campus needs - Similar to Library Summits held at Clemson
University of Texas
15The Changing Face of Library Assessment
Palm-Pilot Surveys
- Source StudentVoice
- Benefits
- Library users non-users
- Novel and easy to use
- Anonymous
- Quick calculation of results
16The Changing Face of Library Assessment
Project SAILS
Standardized Assessment of Information Literacy
17The Changing Face of Library Assessment
Collection Assessment Activities
- OCLC Automated Collection Assessment and Analysis
- III circulation by call number
- E-resource statistics
18Secret Weapon Graduate Students
The Changing Face of Library Assessment
- Theses and Dissertations that contain relevant
research - Social Science graduate students can design,
conduct, and analyze qualitative or quantitative
research - Graduate research is low to no cost for the
19UNCs Experience
The Changing Face of Library Assessment
- Two graduate students from the Social Sciences
Clinical Sociology program conducted a
qualitative follow-up to LibQUAL. - Students worked with Library Assessment Committee
to create a study that would meet the assessment
needs of the library and the thesis requirements
of the students.
20Qualitative Follow-up Method Focus Groups
The Changing Face of Library Assessment
- Focus GroupsWhy?
- To collect qualitative data
- To identify new variables
- Limitations
- Possibility of a biased moderator
- Labeling the moderator as an other
- Small sample size
21Conclusions Based in a Theoretical Perspective
The Changing Face of Library Assessment
- Graduate students base their findings within a
theoretical perspective unique to their area of
study. Libraries gain new fresh perspective on
problems and solutions. - Social Science students may use theoretical
perspectives such as Symbolic Interaction and
Organizational Theory.
22Future of Assessment at the University Level
The Changing Face of Library Assessment
- Changes as the big picture changes
- Evolving to meet demands for accountability
- Evolving to meet changing accreditation
23Impact of Accreditation
The Changing Face of Library Assessment
- Higher Learning Commission Accreditation
redefined criteria - HLC expectation of evidence in the self-study
- Lessons learned determine future actions
24Need to Close the Loop
The Changing Face of Library Assessment
- Strengthen ties between outcomes and programmatic
changes - Communicate campus-wide the need to link
assessment results with program enhancement - Budgets will be tied to changes
25and Document It
The Changing Face of Library Assessment
- Accreditation now requires evidence kept over
time - University purchased TracDat, assessment
management software - TracDat will facilitate tracking and managing
assessment activities by programs across the
26Future of Library Assessment
The Changing Face of Library Assessment
- Maintain a strong and active assessment program
- Continue to integrate with University initiatives
27Closing the loop
The Changing Face of Library Assessment
- Library planning process and calendar
- Calendar will facilitate integration of
assessment findings into goal setting for the
following year - Synchronize with University calendar for
Assessment Reports and Program Review
28and Documenting It
The Changing Face of Library Assessment
- Libraries are a full participant in TracDat
- TracDat will provide a framework to support the
Libraries assessment process - TracDat will assure that the Libraries are
represented in the big picture
The Changing Face of Library Assessment