Physics 2211a Kulp Class 35: How do planets orbit the sun - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Physics 2211a Kulp Class 35: How do planets orbit the sun


Determine the escape velocity from a massive body. ... The square of the planet's period T is proportional to the cube of the orbit's ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Physics 2211a Kulp Class 35: How do planets orbit the sun

Physics 2211a (Kulp)Class 35 How do planets
orbit the sun?
  • W. D. Kulp
  • william.kulp at
  • Office W501b
  • Office Hours MF 11-12 AM, Tu 9-10 AM, by appt.

Where are we?
  • Last class (universal gravity)
  • Today Class 35
  • Use conservation of energy to analyze
    gravitational problems.
  • Determine the escape velocity from a massive
  • Apply Keplers Laws to analyze the orbit of an
    object or calculate a change of orbits.
  • Determine the height of a geosynchronous orbit.

Stars struck
  • Two neutron stars are separated by a distance of
    1010 m. They each have a mass of 1030 kg and a
    radius of 105 m. They are initially at rest with
    respect to each other. How fast are they moving
    just before they collide?

  • Can we approach this with Newtons Law of
  • Is there a better way to solve this problem?
  • What is the final geometry of the collision?

Gravitational Potential Energy
  • We could approach the colliding neutron star
    problem by calculating the work done by the
    gravitational force.
  • However, there are two bodies moving!
  • Note that the force depends only on the position
    of the bodies gravity is a conservative force.
  • This becomes larger as the objects get closer

Stars struck
  • Two neutron stars are separated by a distance of
    1010 m. They each have a mass of 1030 kg and a
    radius of 105 m. They are initially at rest with
    respect to each other. How fast are they moving
    just before they collide?

  • The initial gravitational potential energy is

Stars struck
  • Two neutron stars are separated by a distance of
    1010 m. They each have a mass of 1030 kg and a
    radius of 105 m. They are initially at rest with
    respect to each other. How fast are they moving
    just before they collide?
  • The final energy just before the collision and
    speed are

1.8 x 107 m/s
Escape velocity
  • What is the escape speed from the sun for an
    object in Earths orbit (orbital radius R), but
    far from Earth?

42.1 km/s
  • Note that we set the final energies to zero, and
    this does not consider Earths gravitational
    potential, or its orbital speed.

Keplers Third Law
  • The square of the planets period T is
    proportional to the cube of the orbits
    semimajor-axis length.

Keplers Third Law
  • The square of the planets period T is
    proportional to the cube of the orbits
    semimajor-axis length.
  • This result shows that the period is independent
    of the mass.

Keplers Second Law
  • A line between the sun and a planet sweeps out
    equal areas during equal intervals of time.
  • This is an empirical observation dating from
  • If we look more closely, we find a new kind of
    conservation law angular momentum is conserved.

Keplers Second Law
  • A line between the sun and a planet sweeps out
    equal areas during equal intervals of time.
  • The only force present is a radial force,
    perpendicular by definition, thus there is no
    tangential acceleration. In this case, L is a
    constant - angular momentum is conserved.

Orbit forming
  • How much work must be done to boost a 1000 kg
    satellite from low Earth orbit (h 300 km) to a
    geosynchronous orbit?

Orbital Energetics
  • An object in orbit is a bound system (the total
    mechanical energy is negative). If we consider
    an object of mass m in a circular orbit of radius
  • This is not a requirement.
  • (but specifies a circular orbit)

Geosynchronous orbit
  • An orbit with a period equal to one day. The
    orbital motion is synchronous with the planet,
    and appears motionless over the planets surface.
  • rgeo 35,900 km

Orbit forming
  • How much work must be done to boost a 1000 kg
    satellite from low Earth orbit (h 300 km) to a
    geosynchronous orbit?
  • ?E W 2.52 x 1010 J

Whats next?
  • Wednesday, 11/15 Class 36 What is the motion of
    a spring?
  • Determine the amplitude, period, phase, and
    frequency of an object in oscillatory motion.
  • Calculate acceleration, velocity, and
    displacement for an object executing SHM, and
    determine where these quantities are maximum,
    minimum, or zero.
  • Calculate the kinetic and potential energies of
    an oscillating system as functions of time.
  • Analyze an oscillating system using conservation
    of energy.
  • To-do list
  • Homework 33 before class on Wednesday
  • Read assignment (14.1 - 14.3)

Its whats inside that counts
  • Consider a spherical shell of matter. What is
    the force on a mass placed inside the shell?
  • By symmetry, the forces cancel out at every
  • The net force is zero.

Its whats inside that counts
  • Consider a sphere of density ?. What is the
    acceleration on a mass placed outside the sphere?
  • We need the mass of the sphere,

  • Which of the following depends on the inertial
    mass of an object (as opposed to its
    gravitational mass)?
  • The time the object takes to fall from a certain
  • The weight of the object as measured on a
    bathroom-type spring scale.
  • The acceleration given to the object by a the
    release of a compressed spring.
  • The weight of the object on an ordinary balance.

  • Two satellites, A and B, of the the same mass are
    going around Earth in concentric orbits. The
    distance of satellite B from Earths center is
    twice that of satellite A. What is the ratio of
    the centripetal force acting on B to that acting
    on A?
  • 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

  • What is the direction of the net gravitational
    force on a mass m placed in the center of the
    four masses arranged in a square pictured below?
  • 1. 2. 3. 4.

300 kg
500 kg
directed along a straight line connecting the
100 kg
500 kg
Planet Shuffle
Consider the planet Jupiter compared with Earth
  • If the earth could be moved to the distance of
    Jupiter and placed in a circular orbit around the
    sun, its orbital period would be
  • 1 year
  • between 1 and 11.9 years
  • 11.9 years
  • more than 11.9 years
  • it is impossible for a planet of Earths mass to
    orbit at the distance of Jupiter

Look out below!
  • A rock, initially at rest with respect to Earth
    and located an infinite distance away is released
    and accelerates toward Earth. An observation
    platform 3 Earth-radii above the surface is built
    to observe the rock as it plummets to the ground.
    Neglecting friction, the rocks speed when it
    hits the ground is
  • twice
  • three times
  • four times
  • six times
  • eight times
  • nine times
  • sixteen times
  • its speed at the observation platform.
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