International Human Rights Law and UN Mechanisms - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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International Human Rights Law and UN Mechanisms


the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (CCPR) (in force 23 March 1976) ... These are commentaries on the nature of obligations associated with ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: International Human Rights Law and UN Mechanisms

International Human Rights Law and UN Mechanisms
  • By Rajat Khosla

Introduction to International Human Rights
  • Modern international human rights law dates from
    World War II and its aftermath.
  • The United Nations Charter, signed on June 26,
    1945, sought to acknowledge the importance of
    human rights and established it as a matter of
    international concern.

  • Article 1(3) specifically states that one of the
    purposes of the UN is "to achieve international
    cooperation in solving international problems of
    an economic, social, cultural, or humanitarian
    character, and in promoting and encouraging
    respect for human rights and for fundamental
    freedoms for all without distinction as to race,
    sex, language, or religion"

  • Articles 55 and 56 of the Charter set out the
    basic human rights obligations of the UN and its
    member states. 
  • The rights and obligations enumerated in the
    Charter were codified in the Universal
    Declaration of Human Rights. This was the first
    instrument to really articulate the fundamental
    rights and freedoms of all people.

  • Following the Declaration, the UN Commission on
    Human Rights drafted the International Covenant
    on Civil and Political Rights and the
    International Covenant on Economic, Social and
    Cultural Rights. Together, these three documents
    (with the Optional Protocols to the International
    Covenant on Civil and Political Rights) comprise
    the International Bill of Human Rights.
  • Since 1948 a number of further human rights
    instruments have been drafted and adopted by the
    international community the Convention on the
    Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of
    Genocide (1948), the International Convention on
    the Elimination of All Forms of Racial
    Discrimination (1963), the Convention on the
    Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination
    against Women (1970), the Convention against
    Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
    Treatment or Punishment (1984), the Convention on
    the Rights of the Child (1989) and the
    International Convention on the Protection of the
    Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of
    Their Families (1990).
  • In addition many other instruments for the
    protection of human rights exist, these include
    declarations, resolutions, recommendations and

Human Rights Law and Humanitarian Law
  • Humanitarian law is the branch of public
    international law that comprises the rules,
    which, in times of armed conflict, seek to (i)
    protect persons who are not or are no longer
    taking part in the hostilities, (ii) restrict the
    methods and means of warfare employed, and (iii)
    resolve matters of humanitarian concern resulting
    from war.
  • The term "humanitarian" is often used in everyday
    language in a very broad sense, and can be
    confused with the term "human rights.
  • Although both are concerned with the protection
    of the individual, the two bodies of law apply to
    different circumstances and possess slightly
    different objectives.
  • The main distinction between the two bodies of
    law is that humanitarian law applies to
    situations of armed conflict, while human rights
    protect the individual in times of both war and
  • Humanitarian law aims to limit the suffering
    caused by war by regulating the way in which
    military operations are conducted.

Introduction to the UN Human Rights Treaty System
  • The promotion and protection of human rights is
    one of the fundamental aims of the United
  • The setting of legal standards in the field of
    human rights and the establishment of mechanisms
    to monitor those standards has been one the
    primary means of achieving this aim.
  • The U.N. treaty system establishes the legitimacy
    of international interest in the protection of
    human rights.
  • Every UN member state is a party to one or more
    of the seven major human rights treaties.
  • The treaty standards are the benchmark for
    assessment and concern.

  • Since the establishment of the first treaty body,
    the Committee on the Elimination of Racial
    Discrimination (CERD), the system has grown to
    include seven treaty bodies.
  • Over the last decade ratifications in the treaty
    system and acceptance of communication procedures
    have risen exponentially. What began as an
    assertion of a few, is now a global proclamation
    of entitlements of the victims of human rights

  • This participation by states has been voluntary,
    the obligations of the human rights treaties have
    been freely assumed. It is the legal character of
    these rights which places them at the core of the
    international system of human rights protection.
    For these rights generate corresponding legal
    duties upon state actors, to protect against,
    prevent, and remedy human rights violations.

  • As the system has grown, it has confronted
    challenges. These include delays in submission
    and/or consideration of reports, non-reporting,
    and duplication of reporting requirements among
    treaty bodies. Improving the effectiveness of the
    human rights treaty system has been an ongoing
    interest of individual treaty bodies, the meeting
    of chairpersons of human rights treaty bodies,
    the (then) Commission on Human Rights and the
    General Assembly. These issues have also been the
    subject of discussion at the Inter-Committee

The Standards
  • The human rights treaty system encompasses seven
    major treaties
  • the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of
    Racial Discrimination (in force 4 January 1969)
  • the International Covenant on Civil and Political
    Rights (CCPR) (in force 23 March 1976)
  • the International Covenant on Economic, Social
    and Cultural Rights (in force 23 March 1976)
  • the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of
    Discrimination Against Women (in force 3
    September 1981)
  • the Convention Against Torture, and Other Cruel,
    Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (in
    force 26 June 1987)
  • the Convention on the Rights of the Child (in
    force 2 September 1990)
  • the International Convention on the Protection of
    the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of
    Their Families (in force 1 July 2003).

The Treaty Bodies
  • The seven treaties are associated with seven
    treaty bodies which have the task of monitoring
    the implementation of treaty obligations. Six of
    the seven treaty bodies meet primarily in Geneva,
    and are serviced by the Office of the UN High
    Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). These are
  • the Committee on the Elimination of Racial
    Discrimination (CERD)
  • the Human Rights Committee (HRC)
  • the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural
    Rights (CESCR)
  • the Committee Against Torture (CAT)
  • the Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC)
  • the Committee on Migrant Workers (CMW).
  • One treaty body meets in New York and is serviced
    by the UN Division for the Advancement of Women
  • the Committee on the Elimination of
    Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW).
  • The treaty bodies are composed of members who are
    elected by the states parties to each treaty (or
    through the UN Economic and Social Council
    (ECOSOC) in the case of CESCR). In principle,
    treaty members are elected as experts who are to
    perform their functions in an independent

The Functions of the Treaty Bodies
  • Meeting periodically throughout the year, the
    treaty bodies fulfill their monitoring function
    through one or more of three different methods.
  • First, all states parties are required by the
    treaties to produce state reports on the
    compliance of domestic standards and practices
    with treaty rights. These reports are reviewed at
    various intervals by the treaty bodies, normally
    in the presence of state representatives.
    Concluding observations, commenting on the
    adequacy of state compliance with treaty
    obligations, are issued by the treaty bodies
    following the review.
  • Second, in the case of four treaties individuals
    may complain of violations of their rights under
    the treaty (the Civil and Political Covenant, the
    Racial Discrimination Convention, the Convention
    Against Torture, and the Women's Discrimination
    Convention). These complaints are considered by
    the treaty body which expresses a view as to the
    presence or absence of a violation.

  • Third, in the case of CAT and CEDAW, their work
    includes another procedure. This is an inquiry
    procedure which provides for missions to states
    parties in the context of concerns about
    systematic or grave violations of treaty rights.
  • In addition, the treaty bodies contribute to the
    development and understanding of international
    human rights standards through the process of
    writing General Comments or Recommendations.
    These are commentaries on the nature of
    obligations associated with particular treaty
    rights and freedoms.

The National Level
  • The international system has had implications at
    the national level.
  • A multitude of domestic legal systems have been
    affected by the treaties.
  • The treaties form the basis of a significant
    number of the world's bills of rights.
  • There are also numerous instances of legal reform
    prompted by the treaties.
  • Non-governmental organizations and national human
    rights institutions have invoked the treaty
    standards in relation to proposed government
    legislation and policies.
  • Legislative committees have used treaty standards
    as reference points.
  • The treaties have sometimes been incorporated
    into national law, had direct application through
    constitutional provisions to national law, and
    been used to interpret domestic law through
    judicial intervention.

Other UN Monitoring Mechanisms
  • Charter based bodies
  • These derive their establishment from provisions
    contained in the Charter of the United Nations,
    and hold broad human rights mandates, address an
    unlimited audience and take action based on
    majority voting.
  • These include bodies such as the Human Rights
    Council, Special Procedures, the Sub-Commission
    on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights.

  • Special Rapporteurs
  • A UN Special Rapporteur is an independent expert
    appointed to promote and protect human rights.
  • For many years, the UN appointed Special
    Rapporteurs to focus on the classic civil and
    political rights, like freedom of religion and
    the prohibition against torture.
  • Recently the UN has appointed experts to focus on
    economic, social and cultural rights, the first
    being the Special Rapporteur on the right to
    education who was appointed in 1998
  • In 2002, the UN decided to appoint a Special
    Rapporteur on the right to the highest attainable
    standard of health
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