Title: observational data
1The chances of getting wet Louise Nuijens
UCLA - Dept. Atmospheric Oceanic
Sciences GCSS Toulouse - June 2, 2008
2Lots of rain
What regulates the large variability in shallow
precipitation within the undisturbed trades?
- random?
- deeper clouds, more clouds, more rain?
- Austin, 1948 - Stevens and Seifert, 2007
- Variability in meteorology?
- stability
- humidity (deep convection strong relation
column water vapor and precipitation) - Bretherton et al, 2004 - Holloway and
Neelin, 2008 -
- Variability in the aerosol?
- more CCN, less rain? Colon-Robles
et al, 2006 - Hudson and Mishra, 2006 - (more cloud?)
5Data and methods
- Data
- 3300 horizontal radar scans (SPolKa)
- 200 soundings from land (SPNT), ship (RVSJ),
aircraft (C130) - lidar data from C130 circles flown at 4.5 km
- Method
- composites (either 2, 3 or 6) of data
- for periods of little, moderate and widespread
- precipitation, based on six hour mean echo
- fractions of NE radar domain.
- excluding days with heavy precipitation
- using echo fraction as a proxy for rainfall
6Deeper and more clouds more rain
Trivej and Stevens The power law and echo size
distribution', poster Wednesday
7Stronger easterlies, deeper and moister layers,
more rain
8Relations between winds, precipitation and
9But higher winds is more aerosol?
CCN / MD data from Hudson and Mishra, 2007
10Vertical distribution of echo fraction for
flights with low vs high aerosol
11Stronger easterlies, higher humidity?
- Precipitation varies most strongly with
humidity and the strength of the easterlies - Deeper clouds and greater inversion heights at
times of more rain - Between periods of little and moderate precip,
moistening predominantly - forced from bottom shifting to the top
between periods of moderate and - widespread precip
- and suggest that subtle variations in zonal
wind speeds (and surface - evaporation) and subsidence, even within this
meteorological regime, can - regulate humidity, hence precipitation
- Variability in the aerosol likely plays a minor
role - Nuijens, Stevens and Siebesma
- ' The environment of precipitating shallow
convection' (poster Wednesday)