Vietnam - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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All males had to register once they turned 18. Those who were enrolled in college were exempt along with many ... Nixon and Henry Kissinger practice realpolitik ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Vietnam

  • Chapter 29

Antiwar Protests Increase
  • US sends 1.5 million draftees to Vietnam during
    the course of the war
  • All males had to register once they turned 18
  • Those who were enrolled in college were exempt
    along with many in white collar jobs
  • Most of those selected to serve in Vietnam came
    from working class or poor backgrounds
  • African Americans
  • 10 of US population
  • 20 of deaths in Vietnam

Activism on College Campuses
  • Professors and students become critics of the War
  • Pacifism
  • Effect on the economy
  • Personal desire to avoid military service
  • Between 1946 to 1970, college enrollment jumped
    from 2 million to 8 million
  • Students from Upper middle class families embrace
    antiwar feelings
  • Students from working class families were less
    likely to protest

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Protests grow across America
  • Americans grew tired of the lack of war progress
    seen on TV
  • The style of war frustrated American soldiers and
    television viewers
  • credibility gap grows between the Johnson
    administration and what journalist reported.

Tet Offensive is the Turning Point
  • November of 67 General Westmoreland tells LBJ
    that the Vietcong no longer had the strength to
    launch a major offensive
  • Jan 1968 Communists launch the Tet Offensive on
    36 provincial capitals and 5 major cities,
    including the US embassy in Saigon.
  • The plan was to end the war with an all out
    strike on South Vietnam, leading to a civilian

Results of Tet
  • After months of fighting, the uprising never
    came, the Vietcong were pushed back
  • Casualties approx 8,000 US to 45,000 VC
  • Literal victory for US turns into propaganda
    victory for VC
  • Battle shocked Americans back home, showed the
    war was to continue for a long time
  • Westmoreland requests more troops

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Cronkite on Vietnam
  • http//

Johnson does not seek re election
  • http//

Violence Rocks 1968 Presidential Race
  • MLK assassinated on April 4th, 1968
  • Robert Kennedy assassinated on June 5th, 1968
  • Shot by Jordanian immigrant upset with US support
    of Israel

Protesting the Democratic Convention
  • Vietnam protestors are beaten by Chicago police
    during Democratic National Convention in Aug 68
  • Hubert Humphrey chosen over Eugene McCarthy

Nixon Wins Presidency
  • Richard Nixon promises Americans Peace with
  • Wanted out of Vietnam with honorable terms
  • Beat Humphrey by nearly 1 million votes
  • 301 electoral votes to 191

Nixons Exit Strategy
  • When Nixon took office on 1969, he knew that
    ending Vietnam was needed in order to accomplish
    other goals

Problems with Peace Negotiations
  • United States demands
  • North Vietnam demands
  • All communist troops out of South Vietnam
  • All Prisoners of War returned
  • South Vietnam refuses to sign any agreement that
    threatens its security
  • Immediate American withdrawal from Vietnam
  • A coalition government in South Vietnam that
    would include members of the Vietcong

Nixons Vietnamization
  • Nixon refused North Vietnams terms
  • Continued a gradual pull out of US troops,
    letting ARVN troops to assume the burden of the
    fighting with American aid behind the front lines
  • Nixon orders the bombing of the Ho Chi Minh Trail
    in Cambodia
  • Reduce the flow of Vietcong supplies, but widens
    the war

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US troops enter Cambodia
  • In 1970, Nixon becomes impatient with peace talks
    and war stalemate, orders troops to attack VC and
    North Vietnamese bases in Cambodia
  • Nixon also helps the pro American government in
    its fight against the Khmer Rouge (communist

Home Front Anger Grows
  • Kent State and Jackson State
  • May 4th, 1970
  • Students protest over Cambodia
  • National Guard kills
  • 4 at Kent
  • 2 at Jackson

Home Front Anger Grows
  • My Lai Massacre
  • March 16, 1968
  • American Soldiers searched for VC in the Village
    of My Lai
  • Lt. Calley orders the unit to shoot unarmed
    civilians, claimed to be following orders
  • Army attempted a cover up
  • Life Magazine publishes photos in Mar. 1971

Home Front Anger Grows
  • Pentagon Papers
  • 1971, NY Times publishes the Pentagon Papers
  • Contained classified govt history of US
    involvement in Vietnam
  • Daniel Ellsberg leaks the papers to the NY Times
  • Nixon attempted to have blocked
  • Papers reveal the governments refusal to fully
    inform Americans about the war and even lie to

The War Ends
  • Paris Peace Accords signed in Jan 1973
  • Both sides agree to cease-fire
  • POWs would be exchanged
  • North Vietnamese troops would remain in South
  • South Vietnamese non communist govt would remain
    in power pending a political settlement
  • Last Americans leave in April of 75 as Saigon
    falls to the North Vietnamese

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Effects of War
  • 58,000 Americans die
  • 300,000 Americans wounded
  • 2 million Vietnamese die
  • Returning soldiers come home to a mixed reaction
  • War Powers Act of 1973 prohibits Presidential
  • Must notify congress within 48 hours of
    committing American forces

Richard Nixons beliefs
  • Nixon was set to leave his mark on international
  • Opposite of LBJs Great Society
  • Wanted to look to shift American Alliances in
    order to maximize Americas benefit

Nixon changes American Foreign Policy
  • Nixon and Henry Kissinger practice realpolitik
  • US foreign allies would be based on concrete
    national interests, not ideologies
  • China could be a great trading partner, Japan
    started to become an economic rival
  • Concluded that there was no united communist

Nixon Reaches Out to China
  • 1969, Nixon finally recognized the Peoples
    Republic of China
  • Diplomatic relations with China could result in
    American economic gain
  • Good relations with China could drive a wedge
    between USSR and China
  • April 1971, China invites the US table tennis
    team to play the Chinese national team
  • Showed Chinas willingness to talk

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Nixon visits China
  • Feb 72, Nixon and Kissinger visit historical
    sites in China and engages in lengthy discussions
    with Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai
  • Within a year, American tourists visit China and
    businesses set up trade with China

Détente with the Soviets
  • Nixons China visit worries Soviet Union
  • Brezhnev invites Nixon to Moscow
  • Agree to US-Soviet Space mission
  • Sign Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty
  • (SALT I)
  • froze the deployment of ICBMs
  • Limited ABMs

Watergate Ends Nixon
  • Watergate headquarters for the Democratic party
  • 1972, plumbers caught breaking in
  • Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein discover through
    informer (Deep Throat) that culprits had ties to
    Nixons re election committee
  • US vs Nixon orders the White House to give up
    tapes, 12 minute gap discovered
  • Impeachment proceedings started
  • Nixon resigns on Aug 8,1974

  • Betty Friedan
  • Wrote The Feminine Mystique
  • Discussed the discontent women had with their
    lives in 1963
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