Student services aqip committee

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Student services aqip committee


This exercise created a snapshot of the collective knowledge and consensus of ... 'End late registration while expanding regular registration (some) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Student services aqip committee

Student servicesaqip committee
  • Report to aqip council
  • Recommendations for improvement to registration
  • March 6, 2006

REGISTRATION PROCESS This is a follow-up report
and is submitted as an addendum to the report
submitted in November 2005 with recommendations
to improve the registration process at Northern
New Mexico College. Improving the registration
process is an action project of the Student
Services AQIP Committee. The SSAC decided that
this action project would proceed with two
reports. The first which was submitted in
November was completed with the data that was
available and was accelerated due to the need for
some immediate improvements to be implemented for
the spring semester registration. Recognizing
that there was a limited amount of data available
to the committee for the November report there
was an aggressive effort to collect valid data
during the spring semester registration to
enhance the committees work with this subsequent
report to the AQIP Council. The committees
work this spring was greatly enhanced because of
the type and volume of data that was acquired by
the committee for use with this action project.
During the spring semester there was an expanded
effort to acquire information regarding NNMCs
registration process. There were a series of
surveys that were administered to various groups
during spring pre-registration, regular
registration, and late registration (attached as
addendum). In addition data was gathered to
measure cycle time, staff and faculty utilization
and technology capabilities. The availability of
data gave much more credence to the registration
sub-committees work and lends validity to the
recommendations that the committee is submitting
for consideration. The registration
sub-committee was able to utilize quality
improvement tools to determine the cause and
effect and subsequently to reach consensus on the
solutions that are being submitted as
recommendations. Mr. Thomas Garcia facilitated
the process used by the committee to arrive at
the recommendations submitted at the end of this
report. The process improvement flow chart and
process improvement schedule utilized by the
sub-committee are found on pages 2 and 3. The
report is lengthy and contains a description of
the groups work on each step of the process
improvement flow chart. Diagrams and charts
illustrate the results of each exercise and
support the final recommendations made by the
committee. Because of the reports length it will
be listed on our colleges website to allow
access to anyone interested as soon as the AQIP
Council and our President have had an opportunity
to respond to it.
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Charter Committee Northerns Board of Regents
chartered four AQIP Committees one of which is
the Student Services AQIP Committee. For this
action project the SSAC formed the registration
improvement subcommittee whom was responsible for
the work and recommendations found in this
report. Develop Ground Rules Ground rules for
conduct and work of the committee were identified
and agreed to by all committee members and are
part of the committees record. Data
Mining Data mining occurred over the course of a
full AQIP Committee meeting and continued through
the first meeting of the registration
subcommittee. Data has been mined from various
sources including the following. a.) Data used
to submit the first report included a three page
listing of registration concerns that had
been received by the Office of the
President. In addition, the report included data
solicited from students, staff and
faculty. b.) Student survey (attached)
conducted during pre-registration. c.) Student
survey (attached) conducted during regular arena
registration. d.) Student survey
(attached) conducted during late
registration. e.) Staff and faculty survey
(attached) during regular arena
registration. f.) Survey of registration types
and length of all New Mexico Colleges. g.)
Statistical data compiled by NNMCS Advisement
Data Sharing Occurred during two meetings of the
AQIP and Registration Sub-committee. Metrics The
critical few metrics that the committee
determined should be used from now on to measure
continuous improvement in the registration
process include the following a.) Student
satisfaction with 1. accuracy of
information 2. cycle time 3.
knowledge staff/faculty have of registration
process 4. Staff/faculty experience
with registration process 5.
technology availability b.) Actual cycle
time c.) Number of staff/faculty used for
registration d.) Quality of training for
faculty/staff (measured by perception of the
trainees) e.) Number of students registered.
1. Pre-registration 2. On-line
web based 3. Regular registration
4. Late registration f.)
Technology capabilities g.) Staff/faculty
  • Process Flow Chart
  • A process flow chart illustrating the current
    registration process was developed and it
  • Served as a tool for discussion and improvement
    recommendations. A revised flow chart
  • depicting the registration process was developed
    (attached as Addendum A) and is line with
  • the recommendations for improvement that are
    part of this report.
  • Problem Brainstorming
  • Problem brainstorming entailed each committee
    member identifying up to five problems with
  • the registration process gleaned from all the
    data available to the committee as listed under
  • data mining. Each member utilized a sticky note
    pad to list the problems (separately) on the
  • wall. Directions were provided to insure that
    members identified problems not solutions. A
  • total of forty (40) problems were identified by
    the committee.
  • Problem Affinity
  • The committee affinitized the problems by each
    having several opportunities to sort the
  • individual post it notes into similar (common)
    categories. Each category was then provided a
  • name (title).
  • Late Registration (12 responses)

Late Registration Responses Continued
  • 7) Late registration
  • 8) Students dont know where to start for late
  • 9) Late registration faculty not available
    first week of classes
  • 10) Late registrationchaotic, understaffed,
    student problems
  • 11) Late registration during first
    week of semester
  • 12) Too few advisors to help register
    students during late registration
  • Staffing and Training (11 responses)
  • 1) Insufficient people power few breaks
  • 2) No reward such as break room, lunch
    ticket, etc.
  • 3) Too many staff at some entrances during
    regular registration
  • 4) Regular registration computer knowledge
    of faculty advisors
  • 5) Students dont know that they have to pay
    in full during regular/late
  • registration
  • 6) Regular registration directions from
    people at the door
  • 7) No one to handle call-in requests for
    information (closed classes, etc.)
  • 8) More thorough training for helpers
    (floaters, etc.) at registration
  • 9) Admissions problems with student data

  • Copies of Student Schedules (4 responses)
  • 1) Where do students get copy of schedule (if
    they lost original) sent
  • to Advisement then Admissions whos
  • 2) Printing duplicate schedules for students
  • 3) Copies of schedules
  • 4) Giving out too many class schedules
  • Technical Improvement (4 responses)
  • 1) Lack of on-line registering
  • 2) Student ID station needs improvement
  • 3) Tend to broken down ID equipment
  • 4) Printing schedules a coming problemper
    Mike C. and
  • meaning that BANNER printers are programmed
    to only print one
  • semester. For the upcoming registration,
    students may need
  • Summer, Fall and Spring, 2006
    schedule/bills. How will they get
  • more than one semesters information?

  • Bookstore (3 responses)
  • 1) Bottleneck w/Bookstore
  • 2) No books under F.A. until 1st day of class
  • 3) Opening new sections Bookstore may not
    have enough books not know Need more
  • Advisement (3 responses)
  • 1) Knowledgeable advisors
  • 2) Advisor availability during
  • 3) Advisement
  • Printed Material/Information (3 responses)
  • 1) Better signs to identify the different
  • 2) Regular registration Express Lane was not
    explained as well
  • 3) Printers for billing fast registration
    for one class (i.e. Express
  • Registration stations) were too close
    together confusing for students

Interrelationship Diagraph The committee worked
with each of the problem areas to in an attempt
to determine which were key drivers or outcomes.
This exercise encouraged committee members to
think in multiple directions rather linearly, and
allowed the committee to explore the cause and
effect relationships among all the problems
including the most controversial. Key areas
emerged naturally not allowing for any issues to
be forced by a dominant committee member. The
results are depicted in the following
Problem Prioritization The committee
prioritized the problems that had been identified
by allowing each member to vote for five of the
problem categories that were posted on the wall.
Each committee member received one more vote than
half. Half of eight was four plus one equaled
five (5) votes each. A Pareto Chart depicting
the results is shown below. The committee
then used the numerators in the data to show
priority of the problem areas by plotting that
information in a Pareto Chart
This information was compared to the groups
perception of priority for the problem areas as
derived from last weeks meeting.
Problem Areas Key ALate Registration ETechnic
al Improvement BStaffing FBookstore CTrainin
g GAdvisement DCopies of schedules HPrinte
d Material
Root Cause Analysis This exercise created a
snapshot of the collective knowledge and
consensus of the committee around each of the
problems. The committee was guided to focus on
the content of the problem, not the history of
the problem or differing personal interests of
committee members. It also focused the committee
on causes not symptoms. The committee was asked
to provide input into creating the following
fishbone diagrams by noting their top and second
reason (causes) that contributed to the effect
(problem). The responses allowed the committee
to identify the root cause for each problem. The
fishbone diagrams for each problem are as
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  • Solution Brainstorming
  • The committee was instructed to review the
    fishbone diagrams for each problem area and to
    write possible solutions on post it notes and
    stick them to the wall. Members wrote one
    solution per note and were allowed to write as
    many solutions as they could come up with.
  • Solution Affinity
  • Committee members grouped the solution post it
    notes by their similarity to each other in an
    effort to create major categories for sets of
    solutions. The following is a list of those
    categories and the member commentary associated
    with each (120 total responses)
  • A. Training Conduct training on registration
    process, BANNER, etc. (17 responses)
  • "Have periodic training"
  • "Train registration personnel"
  • "Cross-training"
  • "Train inform registration staff about
    procedures for all registrations"
  • "Mandatory--All advisors must use BANNER to stay
  • "More training before registration"
  • "Increase training"
  • "Match skills with role for registration
  • "Have a training area
  • ""Clarify faculty and staff roles for

  • Distribute training instructions to students for
    printing own schedules,
  • Northern web-site, broadcast,
    hardcopy Admissions, Advisement
  • "More BANNER training
  • "Training should be on-going throughout semester
    at various department
  • meetings"
  • "Registration process discussions should be part
    of each Convocation to
  • provide opportunities for suggestions,
    concerns, ideas, etc."
  • "Knowledge--Regularly scheduled training sessions
    before registration
  • starts on all aspects of Registration."
  • B. Improve Registration Signage (2 responses)
  • "Improve signage
  • "More signs
  • C. Real-time Updates of Class Availability (8
  • "Video on registration process going at
  • "Set a computer screen for student use
  • "Have a screen showing cancelled or closed
  • "Class schedules/cancellations needs to be
    electronically broadcast during registration.

  • D. Celebrate Success (4 responses)
  • "Staff and faculty should be rewarded for
    assisting with registration on Saturdays"
  • "Recognition for a job-well-done"
  • "A break room during Registration"
  • "Staff rewards/praise"
  • E. Bookstore Size (4 responses)
  • "More registers room"
  • "Bookstore too small"
  • "Room for reserve of textbooks"
  • "Increase Bookstore size"
  • F. Bookstore Staff (Increase) (4 responses)
  • "More staff, computers, cash machines at
  • "More cashiers in Bookstore"
  • "Small Bookstore staff should grow proportionally
    to school's enrollment."
  • "Hire and train Bookstore temporary help"

  • G. Bookstore Automation (7 responses)
  • "TI Acquire software that will integrate
    w/Bookstore and Business Office
  • "Bookstore Acquire integrative software
  • "Get Bookstore on-line w/BANNER
  • "Get interface for Bookstore
  • "Bookstore mechanization automate information
    on 1) classes per student 2) Financial Aid
  • "Bookstore Allow for the purchasing of books
    one day earlier
  • "Late Registration Bookstore delays adoptions
    in on time or penalty of some kind.
  • H. ID Equipment Maintenance or Replacement
    Staffing (6 responses)
  • "New ID machine
  • "ID station two new computers and new machine.
  • "Purchase more and/or better ID equipment.
  • "Service or replace ID machine and computer.
  • "ID station should be doubled in equipment and
  • "More ID stations.
  • I. On-line Registration (10 responses)
  • "Expedite on-line registration

  • "On-line registration ability"
  • "On-line registration"
  • "Self-service on-line registration and printing
  • "TI Expedite self-service on-line registration"
  • "On-line registration"
  • "On-line self-service registration for late
    starting short courses"
  • J. Increase Staffing (3 responses)
  • "Make it a part of every staff/faculty contract
    that they work registration."
  • "Inadequate Staffing Delete late (send
    exceptions to Provost)"
  • "Enforce faculty participation"
  • K. Reprinting of Schedules (14 responses)
  • "Limit number of printed schedules for students"
  • ".50 to 1.00 for new schedule"
  • "Keep printer available for first week of
  • "Copies of schedule Establish PC links with
    printers at different locations."
  • "Schedules Designate one office and assign
    staff to be responsible for making schedules
  • "Charge for lost or replacement of schedules"

  • "Students should be charged 1.00 for additional
    copies of schedule"
  • "Have computer and some staff available for
    printing duplicate schedules."
  • "Open computer to access extra(s)/replace lost
    class schedules"
  • "Printed Materials Schedules up-to-date
    available at kiosks"
  • "Technical Improvements Develop capacity to
    allow students to print their own schedules"
  • "Self-service print on-line enabled"
  • "Able to print class schedules during
  • "Don't print so many printed schedules in
    beginning (they have old data by registration)
  • L. Printed Materials (8 responses)
  • "Printed Material print more catalogs."
  • "Produce enough catalogs and have available
  • "Printed Material have all printed material
    on-line and available."
  • "Have routes for registrations printed."
  • "More communication"
  • "Registration process handbook"
  • "Announcements in local media re starting
    processes early (admission, financial aid, etc.)"
  • "Financial Aid handbook"

  • M. Eliminate Late Registration (17 responses)
  • "Get rid of late registration completely"
  • "Eliminate late registration"
  • "Do away with late registration except for case
    by case"
  • "End late registration while expanding regular
    registration (some)"
  • "Late registration Eliminate"
  • "Eliminate Late Registration (only w/Dean's
  • "Late/Cancellations requiring an add handle adds
    at department Chairperson level"
  • "Late Registration Up late fee to 25.00 (or
  • "Late Registration Change Late Registration
    days to end before classes start"
  • "Advisement Late Registration--Turn over to
  • "Limit Late to two days for full-semester
  • "Limit Late Registration to 'special'
    circumstances be exception"
  • "Charge more for Late Registration"
  • "Penalties for Late Registration"
  • "Late Registration continues, but with increased
  • "Shorter Late Registration"
  • "Make Late Registration on-line only with a
    monetary penalty to be used for student activity"

  • N. Advisement Recommendations (5 responses)
  • "Advisement--Make it everyone's responsibility to
    work Registration pre- and late"
  • "Advisement--Lack of knowledge schedule
    mandatory training between Convocation and open
  • "Advisement training and policies need to be
    developed and scheduled consistently."
  • "Schedule students for advisement appointments"
  • "Advisement Designate one office and assign
    staff to produce transcripts"
  • O. Complete BANNER Conversion (History) (2
  • "Complete history conversion"
  • "Qualified staff to move student histories into
    BANNER so current unofficial transcripts
  • Miscellaneous
  • P. Pre-Registration (1 response)
  • Q. ID Stickers Available at Registration (taken
    care of ) (1 response)
  • R. Transcripts Available (1 response)
  • S. Upgrade Hardware for All Staff and Advisors
    for BANNER (1 response)

  • T. Keep On Doing What We're Doing (5 responses)
  • "Prior Planning to identify printed materials and
    where needed signage, current schedule info.
  • "Use survey data and trending to identify needs
    recognize which problems solved, etc."
  • "Planning based on surveys, data and review each
    semester--identify staffing, training needs."
  • "Inadequate staffing advance planning prior to
    Pre-Registration based on each semester and
    trending 's, qualifications, assignments."
  • "Investigate problem as a means to improve
    process 1st day of class Bookstore--separate
    AQIP sub-committee

Interrelationship Diagraph The committee used
the six highest ranked categories and completed
an Interrelationship Diagraph to determine the
key drivers which will help determine the heart
of effective solutions.
Solution Prioritization Committee members had an
opportunity to vote for 8 solutions but could
only vote for each one once. There were several
high scoring solutions and some that received
either only one vote or no votes at all. There
were a total of fourteen (15) solutions that
received a score. The Pareto chart that follows
depicts the committees choices based from highest
frequency to lowest.
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  • Recommendations are based on the data that the
    committee has mined and were
  • arrived at by utilizing the quality improvement
    tools identified in the Process
  • Improvement Flow Chart illustrated on page 2.
    These recommendations are in
  • addition to the recommendations submitted in a
    report to this council in November
  • 2005. All recommendations previously submitted
    were supported and approved for
  • implementation by the Office of the President
    and by our Board of Regents.
  • Student satisfaction surveys reflect a marked
    improvement in the registration
  • process this spring compared to previous
    semesters. Improvement can be
  • attributed to implementation of recommendations
    from our November report.
  • Recommendations
  • Expedite On-Line Registration - The
    Interrelationship Diagraph demonstrates that by
    having on-line registration it would correct or
    eliminate eight (8) of the solutions listed in
    the Pareto Chart. The committee strongly
    recommends that on-line registration be available
    as soon as possible but no later than for fall
  • Eliminate Late registration Eliminating late
    registration would have positive impact on five
    (5) other solution recommendations.

  • Pros and Cons associated with eliminating late
  • Pros
  • Students will not be starting classes late.
  • Faculty arent distracted and can start classes
    on first day scheduled.
  • Processes in Business Office, Advisement Center,
    ID Station, Admissions Office, Financial Aid will
    not be prolonged and offices can more efficiently
    provide required services on schedule.
  • Eliminate disservice to those students that do
    register on time
  • Risk of classes being closed to students is
  • Students can be allowed to late register if they
    can document extenuating circumstances. Dean
    approval and a higher late registration fee are
    recommended as criteria to discourage anyone
    without extenuating circumstances to wait until
    late registration.
  • Bookstore services would improve because all
    other offices could focus on problem issues thus
    avoiding bottleneck situations in front of the
  • Cons
  • a. Run the risk of losing FTEs
  • b. Extended opportunities to register are
  • The committee suggests that loss in FTEs could
    be mitigated by
  • a. Encouraging on-line registration
  • b. Encouraging pre-registration.

Spring 2006 Registration Statistics

Modified Late Registration Schedule The
committee discussed the possibility that
eliminating late registration in its entirety
could be too radical of a change considering that
recommendation number one is still not completed.
Although we are recommending that on-line
registration be available as soon as possible the
reality is that it is still not there. In
addition, not all our services are being provided
at the desired levels although our expectations
are that they will soon. (bookstore, records,
admissions etc) In light of existing
conditions, if it is too risky to eliminate late
registration in its entirety we recommend the
following possibilities 1. Schedule Late
Registration for one day only and insure that
sufficient manpower and technological support
are available. 2. Schedule Late
Registration before the first day of classes
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  • Northern New Mexico College
  • Spring 2006
  • Student Pre-Registration Survey
  • Have you ever pre-registered for classes before
    this semester? Yes 75
  • Did you make an appointment with an advisor? Yes
  • If you DID NOT make an appointment with an
    advisor, why?

4. How long do you estimate your
pre-registration process, beginning to end, took
you? Average 1 hour 6 minutes 5. Please
indicate your level of satisfaction for the
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6. Do you plan to pre-register in the
future? Yes 94 No 6 (please explain)
Graduating this semester (2) 7. Please provide
any additional comments that will assist us to
continue to make improvements to our
pre-registration process, Banner
improvements Cashier Services needs to be a
little friendlier
Northern New Mexico College conducted this survey
in order to identify opportunities for
improvement and to determine whether changes
improved the student registration process. This
survey was administered at the end of the
registration process (Student ID station) January
7, 10, 11, 2006. There were a total of 267
responses. 1. Please indicate your student
registration status (Select only ONE)
How long do you estimate your registration
process, beginning to end, took you? 1 hour 15
minutes (AVERAGE) 10 minutes (Minimum) 6 hours
2. Levels of Satisfaction
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4. Please provide any additional comments that
will assist us to continue to make
improvements to our registration process
Strengths 1. Everybody was very helpful 2.
Excellent 3. Financial Aid was the most
helpful. 4. Good 5. Great job! 6. I was
much pleased with the entire process. The ladies
who helped me out were really friendly and
helpful- the process was pretty quick. 7.
Perfectly painless process registering _at_ NNMC
today. Gracias! 8. Pre-registered - Thank you!
9. Registration was very
organized and efficient this year. Much
improved! 10. Staff is on the
ball! 11. Thanks 12.
The process was quicker this semester than the
last time I registered. 13. This
is a great college! 14. Your staff
is excellent and friendly. I decided to finish my
degree here because I feel like I belong
here. Thanks Northern. 15.
Everyone friendly.
Mixed 16. The "people involvement" was fine.
The process was held up by technical
problems i.e. computer registration-to print
out. This is why the express lane was
unavailable. 17. The people/staff were great.
The new system used by advisors was not very
good. I had to wait a long time and keep going
back to admissions. 18. There was some
miscommunication between staff members that lead
to confusion. Overall- everyone on
staff was extremely helpful! 19. Staff was
helpful- however when they were needed many were
too busy with personal discussions that
could of waited. I spent more time waiting for
their discussion to end than what my
simple question took to ask. 20. I'd like to
recommend testing all locations of the advisor
tables. Apparently the CS advisors were
in a "dead spot" and there was no network
activity for a while. I sat for about
40 minutes waiting for the issue to be resolved.
I finally asked if one of the other
advisors could enter me into the system before
going to the cashiers. (Not sure when the
problem was resolved) Besides this
problem the rest of the process went ok.
Opportunities for Improvement 21. Admission
slow- too many return trips. 22. (1) Advisors
not clearly marked or understood where they were.
(2) What was the express
lane for? 23. The registration system is
backward -need to go back and forth between
numerous stations. Faculty advisor not
aware of what the next step in the registration
process was? Express Lane computer locked
up. Long line for student ID 24. I found the
admission process very dissatisfactory due to
their discrimination towards home school
students- inefficiency and poor service. 25. I
have one class - CS 170- ends _at_ 545 and another
class- Math 162- starts _at_ 545 computer
would not take Mr. Costello had to override.
Maybe IT dept. should let you register
both classes. Just a suggestion 26. I was not
happy with the people in the admissions office
because for my information they are not
very well trained or friendly to people. Please
look into this matter had a problem
finding me in the computer 27. Less the 25 min
not including pre-registration which was by all
accounts a nightmare! The registration
with HS for the nursing was one of the most
confusing and frustrating of my
experiences here. I know ideally they would like
to meet with each student before hand
but- with ended up happening was fierce caddy
competition for a few slots- leaving some
completely out and annoyed with what they were
left with. Also- because of the changes to
the whole semester- I was dropped from all of my
classes for failure to pay on time. Last
semester I was able to pay on the day classes
started and so went into this semester
assuming the same would be the case. I was called
today with the information that I was no
longer enrolled. Maybe it was my fault for not
checking all the dates but- I know several of us
who fell into the same problem. 28.
More class options during the day - Math and
Science dept. 29. Need electronic/online
registration 30. Need more than what they had
(help) 31. Need to offer on-line
registration 32. No direction on web class
procedures- still not sure how it works? 33.
Student services were slow 34. Work on the tech
5. Overall Registration Experience (question 4)
by registration status (question 1)
Northern New Mexico College conducted this survey
of late registering students to identify
opportunities for improvement and to determine
whether current changes have improved the student
registration process. Seventeen students were
given the opportunity to respond. 8. Please
indicate your primary reason for utilizing our
late registration (Select only ONE)
  • How long do you estimate your late-registration
    process, beginning to end, took you?
  • 2 hours 8 minutes (AVERAGE)
  • 25 minutes (MINIMUM)
  • 8 hours (MAXIMUM)
  • Were you able to register for the courses you

11. If no, why not (select ONE)?
12. Please indicate your level of satisfaction
for the following
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  • Additional comments about late-registration
  • a) I have never encountered any problems
    using the late-registration process.
  • b) I think it was not that bad.
  • c) Keep ID section open as late as
    registration is open.
  • d) Registration staff is very negative,
    start by telling you what you can't do
  • instead of "listening" to your
    questions. I'm Anglo, feeling very discriminated
  • against. How does any student ever
    get a degree here? Q. 1. Gave up on
  • registration day

Registration Tracking Results Students
Tracked 18 Continuing Students 4 New
Students 16 Re-Admit Students 38 Students
Total Dates of Tracking 24 on Saturday, January
7, 2006 6 on Wednesday, January 11, 2006 8
on Thursday, January 12, 2006
Results (Red indicates large delays in process)
  • Delays / Concerns with Students during
  • Student didn't realize the tuition fee so much
  • Financial Hold
  • Frustrated with problems and student had to leave
    (Students ID number was under another students
    name. Updated student in system. Social Security
    number was placed incorrectly.)
  • Pottery class cancelled talked to Continuing
  • Problems Hold on registration because student
    owes money - 1 class to register for
  • Self timed by student registering for one (1)
    course audit (Math)
  • Time holding on Fill at classes on Pink form
    9050-1010 Finding out about APR (arrange
    time/instructor) Tuition is paying by Training?
    Research in ABQ. See Lydia on this 1029.
  • Trouble w/system (shut down in express lane)
    class closed needed to register for another
    class. Needed to check on residency and ask for
    senior citizen discount. Concern of student cost
    to high - residents/senior discount
  • Trouble w/system (shut down in express lane)
    class closed needed to register for another
    class. Needed to check on residency and ask for
    senior citizen discount. Concern of student cost
    to high - residents/senior discount

Northern New Mexico College is conducting this
survey of staff and faculty, participating in
Spring 2006 registration, in order to identify
opportunities for improvement and to determine
whether current changes have improved the
student registration process. Your input will
help NNMC continuously improve its services to
students and the work environment of its staff
and faculty. Thank you. 14. Please indicate
your student registration role (Select only ONE)
15. How long do you estimate your element of the
registration process took students 19 minutes
(AVERAGE) 1 minute (Minimum) 3 hours
(Maximum) 16. Please indicate your level of
satisfaction of the following

17. In your observations, please rate the
following stations
18. Overall, what grade would you give the NNMC
Spring 2006 Registration?
  • 19. In your opinion, what was the greatest
    improvement in the registration process?
  • Training
  • of trained individuals.
  • Everyone (northern employees knew what their
    roles were). Training before hand was
  • helpful.
  • Giving direction to students entering building
    and directing them to appropriate counters
  • The workers were very helpful to those of us who
    hadn't worked registration before

  • Technology
  • Banner use by faculty and A team
  • Computer for faculty to register students.
  • Faculty with computers
  • Eliminating the paperwork (Having student fill
    out the class schedule and then going to have
    it entered into the system)
  • I think it is much better now that the students
    can register for all their classes at one table
  • The computers help advisors tremendously.
  • Multiple computers/advisors registration
  • Having instructors register the students.
  • Laptop availability for advisors
  • Adding more computers
  • One station data input
  • Providing real time registration access at
    advisement tables
  • Advisors able to add and drop classes in their
    area of teaching
  • Students not having to get approvals for each
    class from each dept. and having to stand in
    multiple lines

  • Staffing
  • Enough help
  • Every single employees participation!
  • Floaters (4)
  • More staff helping
  • More staff/faculty participation than ever before
  • Team work helpfulness of everyone involved-
    culture of support
  • The amount of people helping with registration
    resulted in happier students extending
    compliments this was a first.
  • The number of people who were available to help
  • The number of faculty present.
  • Express Lanes
  • Express line (5)
  • Check payment only line
  • Express advising
  • The express lanes for students taking one class.

  • Planning/ Organizing
  • Awareness of workers attentiveness/ Planning
  • Planning
  • Thought/planning that went into process
  • Identifying staff and faculty.
  • Advisors area
  • This process was really great!!
  • cache time - Great
  • Flow control
  • Flow of traffic - (students)
  • More efficient - organized
  • Short lines! Ease of registration over all.
  • Smoother flow of people and less crowding in
    advisement sections (moving to cafeteria)
  • Speed of registration because of organizing
  • Speed to the process
  • The process went much faster.
  • The set up and flow of students - This set-up
    provided better and quicker service for the
    registering students.
  • More options for students to register.
  • All elements appear to have become smoother.

  • In your opinion, what element of the registration
    process is still in most need
  • of improvement?
  • BANNER Issues
  • BANNER quirks - when you DD a class- and then if
    you try to go back and add - BANNER will not let
    you enter.
  • BANNER student history and need easier access to
    class closures.
  • A way that overrides to classes can only be done
    in that specific department instead of ANY
  • Banner problems
  • Admission Services
  • Admissions (4)
  • Transcript history
  • Transfer students enrolling for first time at
    Northern registration needed to tell them to
    bring transcripts with them. If official
    transcripts were here - told in vault will have
    to come back to get copy
  • Advisement
  • My total (self-timed) time to register was 17
    min. Not bad- should have been half of that
    during advising/course entry.
  • I dont think all faculty advisors should be able
    to override a closed course. I didn't override
    closed courses but I did hear that it can be
  • May be able to cut computers to one in each

  • Training
  • Faculty advisors had more training. Were not
    trained to enter "Audit" took 12 minutes- 3
    advisors- to enter 1 course for audit
  • Faculty needs "more" training on how to use
    banner program and how to overcome SIMPLE
    problems and NOT panic so much.
  • Helpers/floaters more specific training before
    the Christmas break - there was some
    misinformation in the beginning.
  • Training
  • Training advisors on BANNER
  • Training for advisors
  • Training on advisement for new faculty and staff
  • I think we just need to participate in the
    process to learn all the possible errors and
    glitches in the system.
  • Better training for those new to the registration
  • Faculty unfamiliar with banner.
  • Information table personnel need more training
  • Train Admissions
  • The question form handed out at mock registration
    orientation should have had the answers listed as

  • Better Communication
  • Major issues a) Classes course updates b)
    pre-reg. info
  • Check points at North and South stations need to
    be strict on access to registration for new and
    continuing students
  • Giving individuals detail information. I would
    like to see every student know what their
    responsibility is.
  • Information desk clarification - many assumed
    June's desk was starting point.
  • Information on who does what in the registration
  • The process was a little confusing for students.
    Too many directions.
  • More advertising for Saturday registration
  • People need to know where to go
  • Showing/indicating where the advisors are located
  • Signs for faculty need to be placed in their area
    and in a visible place (not on table side).
  • Info desk should be centralized in rotunda area
    with BIG signs.
  • Some stations are still misdirecting students to
    wrong station.
  • Tighter squeeze on access points by the public
    and those who are registering to reduce
    "sneak-bys"- etc.
  • Restrictions on access points
  • "Big Signage at information tables stating that
    "All" those registering "must" stop here
  • Under or Over Staffing
  • Floaters ("cycle" people)

  • Making Students More Responsible
  • It would help a lot if students are more aware of
    what classes they need- and what times they can
    take classes
  • On-line registration. (2)
  • As quickly as possible students need to be
    registering on their own. A dreadful amount of
    downtime for faculty compelled to be here for 5
    to 9 hours _at_ each registration day.
  • Rewards
  • System for Breaks (2)
  • Break room with refreshments.
  • Free lunch.
  • Give new students college pens or pencil.
  • Since we have to be here for 8 hours- could we
    get softer chairs?
  • Student ID Services
  • The ID station could use new equipment computers
    to run photo machine. (2)
  • T-shirts/Badges
  • I am trying to get used to using a tee shirt. I
    dont know if I like the informal dress when this
    is a university.
  • T-shirts and badges unnecessary.
  • Different color of T-Shirts

  • 20. PLEASE provide any additional comments or
    suggestions you may have.
  • Entertainment
  • As a part time instructor in the Arts (music) we
    were into allowed to play our music to advertise
    for our classes. Part time faculty in the fine
    arts department is about 80 of the arts. And we
    have not benefits. Its hard to get students to
    register for a guitar class or a violin or dance
    class without some sort of advertisement of our
  • Missed music and dance during registration
    perhaps some entertainment in the rotunda. It is
    important for advertising those classes.
  • The music at the arts department is missing and
    missed! The music instructors should be allowed
    to provide a sample of their abilities to promote
    their classes.
  • Late Registration
  • Discourage LATE registration. We dont need it.
  • Late registration can be accomplished by having
    students go to faculty classroom/office
  • Late registration should be abolished completely.
  • Overall
  • I believe the college is finally committed to
    making changes to better serve students "hooray".
  • I believe the process can be streamlined for
    after further evaluation. Thanks for asking.
  • I think this semesters registration brought a
    vast improvement from the past. There is always
    room for improvement. Communication between our
    community in my opinion is the foundation for
    improvement. Knowledge in what every department
    does to make the system run is very important.
  • It was a lot better than when I registered 2
    years ago. Few more kinks to work out but- it's
    getting better.

  • Courses
  • More classes that close early should be added
    like Pilates 129- Biology 110 and SCFM 110
  • More PD classes open this semester worked great.
    Would like to see the class and lab rolled into
    one rather than having to schedule two classes.
    Students don't like that.
  • Other
  • Because of pre- registration and on- line
    registration- power students registered "in
    person" vs. prior years. The automation appears
    to help but lower registration may be the real
    reason lines are shorter than usual.
  • Lights for front entrance to Administration
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